#1 2014-01-02 12:09:23

and I know RT is extremely biased but I just want to point out "12 Year War".

It's like the fucking middle ages all over again...



#2 2014-01-02 14:22:17

More comment gold:

Well they wouldn't want all those trained soldiers here at home when the revolution against our own criminal corrupt government starts.



#3 2014-01-02 14:32:23

Oh and if you really want to get a headache, start digging in to history to see how this can all be traced back to the British.



#4 2014-01-04 13:29:26

Found one of Kathy's aliases:

Ericka Buechner 31.12.2013 21:11

Regular Americans want peace & prosperity for our planet with clean, affordable energy that we don't have to plunder from others in order to feed our most ravenous breed of useless eaters. All of that means an end to fascist debt slavery via the petro dollar, the unconstitutional federal reserve banking white-collar mafia & its good little minions. All of that said, let's bring home our troops and forgive them for "just following orders". No post-Vietnam-War-style Welcome Home.



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