#1 2014-04-07 13:09:38

Maybe he will lay low and try to dodge the mob's vengeance.  But keeping his mug out of the limelight may be worse than death for Al.



#2 2014-04-07 16:36:25

What a wicked web we weave...



#3 2014-04-08 16:18:12

The total asshole deserves a good whack..........he fucked his own kind, whites, and now Wop's................get Tawana in here to get it straight



#4 2014-04-08 16:53:11

Somebody showed exceptional brilliance in this case. Choose a total asshole and set him up as a leader of the kneegrows. Said kneegrow leader is despised by Whites, even most liberals, and is held in contempt by the majority of kneegrows. Now blackmail him into spying on the Cosa Nostra and leak this information, destroying any shred of credibility he may have, and setting him up to be terminated by somebody other than a government agency.



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