#51 2008-02-07 21:58:20

Emmeran wrote:

Lurker wrote:

maybe he should move into that sublet on the side of McCain' face.

You made me smile (more of a sardonic grin actually) . . .  Lurkee could we actually have philosophies in common?

Yes, Emmy, and it scares the bejeebus outta me....

All kidding aside, except for the kidz'n'gunz thing.  I actually agree with alot of what I've seen you post.  Not fond of the military stuff, but I do see your point.  Maybe we could share some recipes and I could teach you how to knit...;0)
Fuck! I just used an emoticon....



#52 2008-02-07 22:35:32

Lurker wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

Lurker wrote:

maybe he should move into that sublet on the side of McCain' face.

You made me smile (more of a sardonic grin actually) . . .  Lurkee could we actually have philosophies in common?

Yes, Emmy, and it scares the bejeebus outta me....

All kidding aside, except for the kidz'n'gunz thing.  I actually agree with alot of what I've seen you post.  Not fond of the military stuff, but I do see your point.  Maybe we could share some recipes and I could teach you how to knit...;0)
Fuck! I just used an emoticon....

Welcome to the Moderate side of life my friend, and it shouldn't surprise you to know that I once knew how to knit.

Now you get to register as "Decline to state" and I get to thank dubya for opening my eyes.

Fuck yea I want to share some recipes - especially for grilled veggies (*YUM*)

and for the record I chose CWAD
(after all if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck - it's legally a duck)



#53 2008-02-07 22:48:41

HAH!  I forgot about that, I was at work when I saw it, or part of it, my computer there doesn't always let me see some pics in their entirety.  BTW,  I had a crush on an FTM for years before someone pointed out the truth.  I still thought he was hot. Just not to sure of that whole penile construction thing...

Never been fond of grilled veggies, maybe 'cause they were always burned...I do have a really good pasta recipe that calls for spices like cinnamon, cloves, allspice, chili and cayene.  It's from an aunt that is from Eastern Europe. 

I can just see Choad wincing...this has become a knitting/recipe forum....

I need to look up the recipe,  I'll send it via the message board.



#54 2008-02-07 23:53:45

We're at recipes. 

Cruel is dead.



#55 2008-02-08 06:01:52

whosasailorthen wrote:

We're at recipes. 

Cruel is dead.

It's still cruel if your recipe includes blowing your load on the veggies.



#56 2008-02-08 06:51:33

taffy wrote:

It's still cruel if your recipe includes blowing your load on the veggies.

Tell me about it, the wheelchairs are impossible to eat....



#57 2008-02-08 07:35:59

Lurker wrote:

Roger_That wrote:

Is that Chris "Corky" Burke???

No, it's one of Romney's telemarketers....guess he hasn't heard Romney's wife said FUCK NO, YOU ARE NOT LOSING ANYMORE MONEY....
Still, his excuse that he would rather not be a part of the "surrender to terrorism" is so fucking lame.  He's just trying to find a niche in McCain's ass...maybe he should move into that sublet on the side of McCain's face....to have those two in office would be an exact repeat of the last 8 years...just reversed, age-wise, that is.

Romney's run will not cost him a dime contrary to some reports of his spending 35 million.  He loaned his money to himself to campaign. Even after suspending his run he can still fundraise for years to come. Should he get onto the ticket the GOP will pay him back in full. And if he can't fundraise enough he gets to write off the loss against his future income since  it was a loan not a donation. We all might be paying for his campaign via uncollected taxes on Romney's income gross.



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