#1 2008-02-10 19:40:51

OK, Tojo. You were right about me, as well. I hadn't done much comparison shopping between Hillary and Barak and I've begun doing so. After Edwards dropped out, I figured I'd just go with whomever won the nomination.

I've only looked at a few issues so far (economy, health care, and open government) and while I see very few differences between their economic and health care proposals, Obama does seem to demonstrate stronger proposals for promoting open government.

Not to argue, but to give me a few points to look for specifically, tell me why you like Obama more than Hillary. Anyone else should feel free to jump in, too, of course - even Dirckman. Hi Dirckie!



#2 2008-02-10 19:49:43

Obama sez he will hire "people", I want to know who those people are.  I can't trust him with his lack of experience....Hillary has been playing the DC game for a long time, and granted, there are pros and cons to that.  At this point I feel more confident, or rather, less un-easy she will be able to get more done.  Not that any of these assholes have ever done anything to make my life better.



#3 2008-02-11 04:18:01

Didn't see this.  You wanna know the worst part?  Most of the reasons I want to go with Obama for don't have to do with the letter of his policy.  I could live with Hillary Clinton's stance on most of the issues.  The only reason I reacted so strongly is because I hear people over and over using memes in the place of facts.  "He doesn't have enough experience," for example, doesn't really distinguish him much from Hillary Clinton when you look at their records.  "He has no plan," has no basis in any objective data points.  The biggest reason why I've leaned Obama from the beginning is because Hillary brings too much baggage along with her and I think it outweighs the marginal extra experience. 

If this last Congress has shown us anything, it's that short of one party taking over a 2/3rds majority, bad blood can and will stop shit from getting done.  There have been more fillibusters and cloture votes in this Congress than ever in history, and it's killing any chance of reversing the course of the last 8 years.  Hillary Clinton, especially while First Lady, made a lot of enemies in the Republican Party.  She has become more than a legislator.  She's an icon of winner-take-all politics.  This view has spilled over into the public's view of her as well, and I think there will be a substantial number of people who may be swayed to vote for the other guy just to vote against her. 

If you really want to get shit done, don't vote Hillary Clinton.



#4 2008-02-11 05:16:45

A significant group in the cynical ruling class has apparently decided we need a token for president in order to shut the negroes up.  This is the only possible reason for pushing the candidacy of this negro. No White with a similar amount of experience would be taken seriously as a potential occupant of the White House.  While I don’t think our corporate masters have made their final decision on who the job of Head Towel Boy (Head Towel Person?) will go to, it has become less certain that Hillary will be given the job.



#5 2008-02-12 09:42:41

After Edwards dropped out, I figured I'd just go with whomever won the nomination.

That right there, friends, is why the politics in this country is so fucked up.



#6 2008-02-12 10:14:56

GooberMcNutly wrote:

After Edwards dropped out, I figured I'd just go with whomever won the nomination.

That right there, friends, is why the politics in this country is so fucked up.

Yeah.  To think anyone would actually want to vote for Edwards...



#7 2008-02-12 11:39:36

tojo2000 wrote:

If this last Congress has shown us anything, it's that short of one party taking over a 2/3rds majority, bad blood can and will stop shit from getting done.  There have been more fillibusters and cloture votes in this Congress than ever in history, and it's killing any chance of reversing the course of the last 8 years.  ....

If you really want to get shit done, don't vote Hillary Clinton.

I thought that the bad  blood had become the business of our government. And it sure seems all parties are getting much done in this area at least.

I don't think this generation's industry of partisanship cares who is running as long as they can keep the rubes clamoring for more of the snake oil side show they are shilling. Who cares what it costs to feed the elephants if they can keep you dazzled by the antics on the midway.

Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2008-02-12 11:52:39)



#8 2008-02-12 14:25:55

GooberMcNutly wrote:

After Edwards dropped out, I figured I'd just go with whomever won the nomination.

That right there, friends, is why the politics in this country is so fucked up.

Yeah, you're right, but even before Edwards dropped out - and I donated money to his campaign - I knew I'd be voting for whomever the Dems ultimately nominated. Voting Republican isn't an option, and the past seven years have pretty much demonstrated that a two-party system is no better than a one-party system. And the two-party system isn't going to change because our governmental electoral structure are designed for that. While I've flirted with third parties - going so far as to join the Green Party - on a national basis third parties just aren't going to make any real difference (on a local basis, it's another story completely).

But that's why I started this thread, to find out why my fellow High Street residents are voting as they are and to help me look at the campaigns a little more critically.



#9 2008-02-12 20:54:37

Obama takes Virginia.  Fnord considers looking for Jadetree and asking him if he'll sponsor him as an immigrant.



#10 2008-02-12 21:11:48

It's looking like Obama vs. McCain, isn't it?

If McCain hadn't done all that pillow-biting and followed the party line over the Iraq debacle, I'd actually have a difficult choice to make come November.  Yeah, you could see him gritting his teeth at times, but he still did it, and I lost my respect for him.

Before he did that shit, McCain was the only Republican I'd ever considered voting for.



#11 2008-02-13 01:11:45

Hi Taint!!  Dirckman will jump in!!!  I don't think there is a single candidate worth a shit from either party!!!  At least not one that represents me and my beliefs in any way shape or form....  Dirckman felt all giddy and excited when he found out that Ron Paul was a Libertarian, but was quickly dissapointed when he found out that Ron was a quirky old coot who couldn't get his head out of his ass....  Dirckman has simplified all candidates from both parties into two broad groups both of which he despises....  The Republicans are a bunch of worthless, out of touch, fucking Evangelicals and the Democrats are a bunch of socialist, pinko, commie, red pussies!!!  Dirckman just wants a candidate who is socially liberal (may sound a little odd after this weeks comments) and fiscally conservative....  It's really complicated for me now because the one group of people I dislike the most are the Evangelicals, however, I do love a good war for the entertainment value and the Democrats fail to deliver in that aspect...  Dirckman's voting rights have been taken away from him due to some mistakes made in his wild youth, but even if he could vote, he wouldn't for philosophical reasons....  I think I'll just sit back and hope for the worst and watch while yet another great Western civilization falls due to dumbassery....  Who gives a shit anyways...  Life is all about booze, pussy and good food....



#12 2008-02-13 02:35:29

Hi Dirckman!!!! Hope you get some booze, pussy, and good food!



#13 2008-02-13 03:30:09

Taint wrote:

Obama takes Virginia.  Fnord considers looking for Jadetree and asking him if he'll sponsor him as an immigrant.

Note to Self:  Write and/or call overseas friends and relatives.  Send birthday crap to them and their kids.

I have relatives and friends in the UK, France, Switzerland, Italy, Canada and a few other places. I think I could find someone to take me in if it came to that.  I’m actually more freaked out by the asshole that’s currently defiling the White House.  I semi-seriously discussed possible refugee status with relatives when the Supreme Court first installed him as Decider In Chief.



#14 2008-02-13 05:54:40

That would be rich if Fnord left his own private Idaho to become one of the immigrant multitudes from former colonies that now makeup the diversity of greater Londonistan or Parabia.

According to the map, Italy seems a bit out of Fnord's comfort zone.


Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2008-02-13 05:56:02)



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