#2 2017-07-24 18:43:15

Makes you wonder if the gun was his.  In Dallas they're actually talking about not allowing the PD to shoot people in the back, what with our "western heritage" where that action is considered particularly heinous.  I know a lot of these small towns have Cops that couldn't run down a suspect if they were in a wheelchair, so I doubt it will become a National thing.



#3 2017-07-24 20:17:22

Yeah, see I'm from Nebraska.  Shooting someone in the back isn't approved of.  Everything after that fact must be questioned very hard.



#4 2017-07-25 08:02:46

The real problem here is that both the dead guy and the Police Department have a badly checkered history.  The department was shut down in 1997 for corruption.



#5 2017-07-25 09:42:27

Emmeran wrote:

Shot in the back

A replica handgun was found at the scene, according to Mr. Early’s office. Spencer police initially referred to the weapon as a pellet pistol.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. But from the story it sounded like this guy's clock was ticking and it was going to happen sooner or later.



#6 2017-07-26 20:27:14

Anyone using uMatrix?

The http://www.telegram.com obscures the page if it detects an ad blocker, not only that they are pushing out enough ads and tracking to make Wired.com look like amateurs.

I guess that's what we get for not buying the paper.



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