#1 2017-11-23 20:33:27


~ click ~

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#2 2017-11-25 13:05:31

Those kids should be thankful she's not married to Walter White anymore.



#3 2017-11-25 18:15:47

she said they've recorded around 80 cases of ding dong ditching at their home

Yet "didn't want to waste the deputies' time". I guess chasing the kids through other people's back yards with a jeep is a much better solution. I'm against getting the po-po involved in a simple neighborhood dispute, but after all that and no response from their parents, I think I would.



#4 2017-11-25 18:48:47

I think the primary problem is a complete lack of imagination is his response. He had the time; why didn't he plan something?

I like the idea of an instant on, 100 gallon a minute lawn sprinkler system, with a switch near the door. Good for all manner of pests, especially once the cold sets in.



#5 2017-11-26 09:49:32

A bucket filled with the cheapest perfume available at the dollar store, triggered by the door bell. Or a door mat made out of flypaper, laid out after dark.



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