#2 2008-02-14 15:13:25

They're not our allies, they are a vendor.



#3 2008-02-14 16:29:19

Emmeran wrote:

They're not our allies, they are a vendor.

More like a benefactor.



#4 2008-02-14 18:54:54

phreddy wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

They're not our allies, they are a vendor.

More like a benefactor.

Benefactor does not quite capture the intimate nuances of the past 20 year relationship. I think the term you want is Patron of our highest office holders.



#5 2008-02-15 11:21:14

Benefactor does not quite capture the intimate nuances of the past 20 year relationship. I think the term you want is Patron of our highest office holders.

Agreed.  It appears this is becoming an American tradition.  The Bushes have the Saudis, the Clintons have the Chinese army, and I would bet money that Barack Obama has a nice little hidden stream of money coming from Islamists.  It is so much cheaper to buy a president than to wage war against America's armed forces.



#6 2008-02-15 12:35:36

phreddy wrote:

Benefactor does not quite capture the intimate nuances of the past 20 year relationship. I think the term you want is Patron of our highest office holders.

Agreed.  It appears this is becoming an American tradition.  The Bushes have the Saudis, the Clintons have the Chinese army, and I would bet money that Barack Obama has a nice little hidden stream of money coming from Islamists.  It is so much cheaper to buy a president than to wage war against America's armed forces.

I'm curious; what's the Clinton-Chinese connection?



#7 2008-02-15 12:51:08




#8 2008-02-15 13:40:07

phreddy wrote:

Benefactor does not quite capture the intimate nuances of the past 20 year relationship. I think the term you want is Patron of our highest office holders.

Agreed.  It appears this is becoming an American tradition.  The Bushes have the Saudis, the Clintons have the Chinese army, and I would bet money that Barack Obama has a nice little hidden stream of money coming from Islamists.  It is so much cheaper to buy a president than to wage war against America's armed forces.

Hey the Suadis are equal oppertunity givers. The Saudis gave both Clinton and Bush Sr 10 million to build their libraries.

But it was the teflon President himself, Reagan who ushered in the giving and taking. He had the Japanese and he didn't pussyfoot around around with subtleties like presidential libraries.  His first paycheck coming just a few months out of office was 21 million or so from Sony. I think he made 1 speaking trip to Japan before he had to be hidden from public view.



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