#2 2018-12-13 11:26:42
It's all that good Xtian buggering that got them in the end.
#3 2018-12-20 17:04:35
Another great organization felled by clueless "leadership". Just like the NRA, when the focus went from mission to money, it's days were numbered.
#4 2018-12-20 17:08:43
The downside is that this was a good thing overall to have in our world. The serious question is how to protect good non-profits from the criminals who love to infest them.
#5 2018-12-20 21:37:29
Emmeran wrote:
The downside is that this was a good thing overall to have in our world. The serious question is how to protect good non-profits from the criminals who love to infest them.
In a way, I suppose, but fuck them. Until January 2014, they prohibited all "known or avowed homosexuals" but apparently not ones in the closet. Since at least 1985, the BSA has interpreted the Scout Oath and Law as being incompatible with agnosticism and atheism. So, two tragedies; 1. That there was never a secular Boy and Girl Scouts and 2. They went from attracting the best religious people as leaders to attracting the worst.
#6 2018-12-20 22:18:13
I'll not argue that.
#7 2018-12-21 06:39:51
I was a cub, boy, and sea scout, last trumpet in the firehouse marching band and too many other close order drills... ball room dancing, door to door flogging candy, wreathes and magazine subscriptions. I was a choir and altar boy. All of it obligatory.
Pitchered here on the right, odd jobs kept me in lunch money bussing tables, dishwashing, mopping floors, shoveling snow, mowing and raking, lifetimes before loathsome leafblowers or leash laws. I pushed a broom in an Electrolux factory, and shovelled shit after the one elephant, one ring remant of the Clyde Beauty Circus. Why?
Because Disipline Begets Love!
Scout Master's kid always became Eagle Scout, ever notice? Fuck the BSA. It's a resume stuffer bought with pawn shop merit badges.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
Last edited by choad (2018-12-21 06:44:58)