#1 2008-02-20 18:44:19
Let's also stipulate that Hillary Clinton should not be forgot—not until the last spark of energy is wrung from her battle-chassis will she concede, and perhaps not then. Still in her playbook—the triple-whammy cry, where she and Bill and Chelsea all cut loose. Don't rule it out.
#2 2008-02-20 22:55:10
That's gold. It's like she's a trasnformer or a battle bot.
And no, she will never give up. It'll be a screeching howling scorched earth policy of monstrous proportions and when she's finally out of juice and can't kill anymore we'll witness a suicidal nuclear detonation. She will fuck everyone up who happens to be near her, friend or foe.
#3 2008-02-20 23:06:44
BTW, if you haven't seen the movie, you really should. It's a low-key black comedy, which has the distinction of being the last good thing Matthew Broderick has done.
#4 2008-02-21 01:52:03
I so wish I could be in the room to watch the DNC chair explain that the superdelegates aren't gonna vote for her because she's just not electable.
I'd pay a lot to see that scene.