#1 2021-08-23 14:27:46

The Hare's Tale: Ancient...!
Wherein, the blog reappears...
On The Menu:
The Links
Itchycoo Park
Ancient Poesy
The Golden Arm
Red Balloon
After Thoughts




#2 2021-08-26 16:00:29

I for one am eagerly looking forward to the release of this issue. I have not been considering enough the alchemical in human creativity. And just how it describes aspects our psychological makeup. For underneath our robes lies the firmament of what we are made up of; the matter, the elements of stardust and what binds us and then reforms based on the spin of atoms. All that matter, and what really matters in being here bound to this moment, are what lie within the folds of our robes.



#3 2021-08-26 20:21:32

Finishing up the Coda, and sourcing a couple more poems, and we are there for the collating then publishing.



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