#1 2008-04-16 15:43:09
Last edited by Emmeran (2008-04-16 15:44:50)
#2 2008-04-16 17:39:09
Why are you surprised? You expect coolness from a douche bag like Steve Balmer?
#3 2008-04-16 19:04:00
Good point. One of the (few) nice things about Billy Gates was that he understood that he was a dweeb.
#4 2008-04-16 19:10:45
They are even reaching out to gay consumers... Thought I saw two guys dancing in the audience. If they think I'll buy it because of that, they're fucking crazy. First, they need to come up with a better product for my dollar. Nevermind the stupid fucking Boss parody...
Last edited by Lurker (2008-04-16 19:12:05)
#5 2008-04-16 20:22:10
Come on Lurkette, think of MSWindows the way you think of the NFL - overbloated, uncompetitive and boring. But at the end of the day it's what the American consumer has chosen.
I hate to say it but MS and the NFL have nailed it . . . deliver what they'll pay for, leave altruistic hypocricies for the Europeans.
#6 2008-04-16 22:12:02
What's this "NFL" you speak of?
#8 2008-04-17 11:05:32
Is that Balmer playing the sax? I knew he couldn't be kept out of a video like that. What an attention whore.
Tojo, you gotta get the rhythm down if you really want it to stick in your mind through the day:
Speed Stick! Speed Stick! Speed Stick! Speed Stick!
#9 2008-04-17 11:16:05
Wow, Ill bet they spent like 0.0003% of their annual advertising budget on that gem. I couldn't take out a 1 line advertisement in the local Shoppers Guide for that much of my budget.
#10 2008-04-20 00:42:26
Emmeran wrote:
Come on Lurkette, think of MSWindows the way you think of the NFL - overbloated, uncompetitive and boring. But at the end of the day it's what the American consumer has chosen.
I hate to say it but MS and the NFL have nailed it . . . deliver what they'll pay for, leave altruistic hypocricies for the Europeans.
If the Hillary camp REALLY wants to brand Obama as elitist, they should try to find out if he uses a Mac.
#11 2008-04-20 03:05:45
sigmoid freud wrote:
Emmeran wrote:
Come on Lurkette, think of MSWindows the way you think of the NFL - overbloated, uncompetitive and boring. But at the end of the day it's what the American consumer has chosen.
I hate to say it but MS and the NFL have nailed it . . . deliver what they'll pay for, leave altruistic hypocricies for the Europeans.If the Hillary camp REALLY wants to brand Obama as elitist, they should try to find out if he uses a Mac.
If Hillary wants to brand Obama as an elitist she should stop making millions and millions of dollars.
Personally I'd keep the millions and just try a different angle.