#2 2008-05-26 16:49:33
Same old shit, Dhal.
It means another lesbian couple who won't let us watch.
#3 2008-05-26 16:55:33
When I read that, something seemed to have shifted a little out of phase [so to speak].
Fabric of reality and the like....
#4 2008-05-26 16:58:00
What choad said, plus the Bushes are at an end of their dynasty. They're rich, beeyatch, and having mined their power for all it's worth, are pretty much already above the law, the political process, and as soon as the GW & Jeb are out of office -- if not sooner -- they will be able to stop pretending to care what anyone, including their conservative fanbase, thinks.
Also, this was just the women talking about other women and marriage- no one is going to listen or care.