#2 2008-08-25 20:20:31
That was good.
Carry on....
#3 2008-08-25 20:56:59
It’s male genital mutilation, whether it’s done in a hospital, by a Jewish weenie-slicing specialist, or by a jungle witch doctor using a shard of glass.
#4 2008-08-25 21:00:11
fnord wrote:
It’s male genital mutilation, whether it’s done in a hospital, by a Jewish weenie-slicing specialist, or by a jungle witch doctor using a shard of glass.
Same Page. Absolutely.
#5 2008-08-25 21:17:50
God Damned neo-Victorian circumcisionists. I want my fucking foreskin back!
#6 2008-08-25 21:22:11
jesusluvspegging wrote:
God Damned neo-Victorian circumcisionists. I want my fucking foreskin back!
I second that. I wish i had not been circumcised.
I am just glad that female circumcision is not done in this country.
Now, if we could get the people here to stop being Puritanical & Victorian ...
#7 2008-08-25 22:17:08
Now Christians can know the dangers of an unclean mohel.
But now, with the election over, the city's Health Department, while not banning the procedure, is angering those Hasidic leaders just the same by pushing a public health campaign against the rite, in which the practitioner, or mohel, sucks the blood from the circumcision wound to clean it. The department took the action after linking the rite to additional cases of herpes in infants, one of whom suffered brain damage as a result.
#8 2008-08-25 23:15:49
Now don't make a mountain out of a mohel. Most are pretty clean. But I prefer to use the clamp:
#9 2008-08-26 01:23:39
I am quite resigned to my holy covenant/ritual mutilation. I experience no loss of sexual function or sensitivity, as far as I'm concerned. As the experience is entirely subjective (despite studies indicating what should the case), men in either camp can't really speak for the other. American hospitals have made the procedure more "optional" than it used to be (which is to say, they're not dunning gentiles into getting it for health or aesthetic reasons). However, most parents--read: fathers--remain prone to sticking with what's familiar; i.e., if they're circumcised, then the male children are likely to be as well. Mohels/moyls do not perform the bris on non-Jewish boys, and I am personally unfamiliar with any blood-sucking action. That would have been an unseemly addition to my own rite, performed April 9, 1971.
On the bright side, I now have a wallet that turns into a briefcase if you rub it.
#10 2008-08-26 04:15:19
I’ve noticed among male gentiles, when their partners give birth to sons, they either don’t give it much thought, or they are dead set against it. Women are the ones who push for a surgical assault on a male child's genitalia. I have yet to meet a gentile man with a “rah rah rah slice slice slice” attitude on the subject.
#11 2008-08-26 07:54:27
Maybe I'm just use to what I know but I wouldn't want my kids to have todgers that look like tube worms. The older I get, the more I think I shouldn't have had it done. Who knows.
#12 2008-08-26 11:54:29
ptah13 wrote:
Maybe I'm just use to what I know but I wouldn't want my kids to have todgers that look like tube worms. The older I get, the more I think I shouldn't have had it done. Who knows.
Well this should make your day then. No need to wonder anymore. They make synthetic replacements. Maybe Sofa even sells them on her dildo site.
#13 2008-08-26 12:46:48
You want a foreskin so badly? Do it [to] yourself. In the meanwhile, they've got whole forums and even a "Mothers Against" site. I find the latter most irksome. All these years I've spent discouraging men from controlling women's bodies, I find there's a coven of bitches who want to exercise some opinion regarding a part of the male anatomy that has nothing to do with them whatsoever. I bet their husbands put them up to it. It was either that or another Oprah book club. Fail.
#14 2008-08-26 12:54:36
My parents had the good sense to leave my foreskin attached. Unfortunately, they allowed the doctors to burn an innocuous birthmark off my leg with radium pellets. Now, that'll leave a nasty scar.
#15 2008-08-26 15:01:15
Pros: sexual duration increased due to loss sensitivity, less likely to catch VD (hotly debated)
Cons: penis size/squishiness diminished, no place to hide your gum in a sandstorm
pALEPHx wrote:
a "Mothers Against" site. I find the latter most irksome.
I ran into these assholes who were tabling at an antiwar protest. I had to ask them if intact foreskins would stop the war. They did give me cool “no circumcision” stickers that I put on paper cutters and pencil sharpeners at work.
#16 2008-08-26 23:31:52
phoQ wrote:
They did give me cool “no circumcision” stickers that I put on paper cutters and pencil sharpeners at work.
Don't forget the pinking shears.
#17 2008-08-27 10:25:55
As a man who has had the Ginsu treatment, I don't get the "loss of sexual feeling" argument. My willie seems more sensitive than I can usually handle and I don't see how keeping it locked in a warm moist dark cave most of it's natural life is going to help that.
Besides, if I want to keep a collection of lint, that is what Dog invented belly buttons for.
#18 2008-08-27 10:47:12
GooberMcNutly wrote:
Besides, if I want to keep a collection of lint, that is what Dog invented belly buttons for.
The cleanliness argument for circumcision is so much bullshit. An uncircumcised cock would be no more difficult to keep clean than your standard-issue vagina. Don't give me any crap about how girls are naturally more inclined to cleanliness than guys, either, 'cause I've encountered some foul snatches in my day.
#19 2008-08-27 10:59:38
As a female, I am in favor of non circumsized.
However, now that I am dating jewish, I guess that's not an option this time around.
Oh well.
#20 2008-08-27 11:06:54
Roger_That wrote:
As a female, I am in favor of non circumsized.
However, now that I am dating jewish, I guess that's not an option this time around.
Oh well.
#21 2008-08-27 11:12:11
GooberMcNutly wrote:
As a man who has had the Ginsu treatment, I don't get the "loss of sexual feeling" argument. My willie seems more sensitive than I can usually handle and I don't see how keeping it locked in a warm moist dark cave most of it's natural life is going to help that.
That is because, anatomically, you are a fucking idiot.
Callaoused skin is less sensitive than supple skin. The foreskin keeps the glans soft and highly sensitive like the clitoral hood does for the ladies. Removing the foreskin allows the glans to keratinize, or the skin becomes thicker and tougher. This is due to repeated rubbing on the inside of the clothes.
#22 2008-08-27 11:41:05
Well, I guess I have a 50/50 chance with jewish boy, considering he was born overseas...
Though he does seem to be somewhat practicing, so I can't imagine he isn't.
Guess I'll find out soon enough.
#23 2008-08-27 13:40:10
Scotty wrote:
There are also "Jews for Jesus." I wouldn't listen to them either.
#24 2008-08-27 13:45:53
pALEPHx wrote:
Scotty wrote:
There are also "Jews for Jesus." I wouldn't listen to them either.
I know one of them as well. It's weird to me.
#26 2008-08-27 23:55:55
ptah13 wrote:
Paugh. With concatenated religions like the ones currently ruling the mad, mad world, the Jews are not going to hopscotch over all of Christianity to get at a faith that thinks even less of them (in practice, if not in theory). Usually, when you're finding a "Jews for anything" type group, it's one rabbi and the half-hearted subset of his congregation. The exception being the aforementioned ...for Jesus group, which is wildly deluded and mildly self-loathing. I was, however, always curious to know if Muslims circumcised, ritually or otherwise. I've seen some photographic "evidence" to suggest either case to be true.
Last edited by pALEPHx (2008-08-27 23:56:26)
#27 2008-08-28 04:33:31
pALEPHx wrote:
when you're finding a "Jews for anything" type group, it's one rabbi and the half-hearted subset of his congregation.
What about Jews for Nazi Porn?
pALEPHx wrote:
I was, however, always curious to know if Muslims circumcised, ritually or otherwise.
The Hindus, with their tiny intact foreskins stinking of curry, love to make fun of the Muslims for their cut penises. However, it’s not in the Qur’an. Sheeny, raghead, or crossback, everybody snips in the arid Middle East. No one wants sand in their prepuce.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#28 2008-08-28 17:02:49
phoQ wrote:
What about Jews for Nazi Porn?
That's a Rule 34 corollary, not a religious movement. Plenty of smut exists to highlight power plays between dominant and submissive characters. That some Jews would choose to utilize Nazis as sexual archetypes of cruelty and sadism hardly takes any imagination. These are, of course, idealized Nazis--more perfected than their own Perfect Race fantasy ever got--or else the Bitch of Buchenwald would have her own stickied thread here on HS. Besides, what straight Jewish guy have you ever known not to have a semi-secret shiksa fetish?
phoQ wrote:
No one wants sand in their prepuce.
Fair enough.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs