#1 2007-10-20 00:04:27

really... this is a great album Radiohead = Rainbows.... Fuck yeah!



#2 2007-10-20 00:32:36

This critique should go into the music thread, love.



#3 2007-10-20 07:14:13

It's just a pity that we have ONE non-specific music thread, and repeating pic topics that have no theme, category, or challenge. "Let's have a picture thread?" Oh, yay. What are we, twelve? I will confess tho, I thought Dusty was going to start pontificating about Kermit's "Rainbow Connection." I already knew Radiohead was the shit (at least 80% of the time).

PS: This is still me attempting to surmount my Not-Evil-Enough grade. Nyeah, nyeah.



#4 2007-10-20 13:49:18

pALEPHx wrote:

It's just a pity that we have ONE non-specific music thread, and repeating pic topics that have no theme, category, or challenge. "Let's have a picture thread?" Oh, yay. What are we, twelve? I will confess tho, I thought Dusty was going to start pontificating about Kermit's "Rainbow Connection." I already knew Radiohead was the shit (at least 80% of the time).

PS: This is still me attempting to surmount my Not-Evil-Enough grade. Nyeah, nyeah.

You obviously are not paying close enough to the pic threads.  Each one encapsulated inside the general thread that I have done have themes.



#5 2007-10-20 15:15:08

Dmtdust wrote:

Each one encapsulated inside the general thread that I have done have themes.

Hey, I caught that.  You started with furries fornicating.  Then you moved on to furries ingesting chemicals . . .  I believe that you were on furries eating water-melon last I checked.



#6 2007-10-20 15:27:02

Here's my vote for keeping things eclectic, no matter HOW MANY times Dhal slides back to headbanging heavy metal; diversity good, incest bad.

There are gems I'd otherwise miss.



#7 2007-10-20 16:15:30

Decadence wrote:

You started with furries fornicating. Then you moved on to furries ingesting chemicals... I believe that you were on furries eating watermelon last I checked.

I, too, was able to divine this fantastic occult of superior insight and rarefied titillation...but I was literally speaking about the bloody thread titles. I've avoided every "Picture Thread" that's cropped up, certainly not because he's authored them, but because there's no telling one from the other in the main index. Just "here's one, now here's another because the first one's gotten too long." Inevitably, we'll have a third and fourth one, cleverly named "Picture Thread." Sorry, but tho I realize I'm nitpicking, I do occasionally like some ingredients on the box.

Y'all already know I love photoshoppin' up somethin' foul for everyone to enjoy, but I'm not jumping in on the sixth page of Mystery Meat #437. If there's no differentiation between "Find Something Eyebleach-Worthy on teh Intarwebz" and "Please Now to Be Imitating Photoshop Phriday," then we can't all play along with Dusty's fun game.



#8 2007-10-20 16:22:02

choad wrote:

Here's my vote for keeping things eclectic, no matter HOW MANY times Dhal slides back to headbanging heavy metal; diversity good, incest bad.

Yeah, that's easy for you to say.  You haven't seen my Sister-Momma.



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