#1 2007-10-20 00:47:33

http://www.wallettest.com/Lost_Wallet_T … _Page.html

A quick summery of who was dishonest and kept the wallets:

White Females – 5%
White Males – 35%
Black Females – 36%
Black Males – 56%

Given that females are more empathetic than males and therefore more likely to care about the hardships losing a wallet can cause, the results show that black females are more self centered and callous than white males.  The self-centeredness and low empathy of blacks as a group has enormous implications and explains the very sorry state of black families, the chaos in black communities, and the exploitive nature of black leadership around the world.



#2 2007-10-20 00:52:40

Note: It was not the intention of this experiment to make any particular group look bad, reinforce stereotypes nor to further a hidden agenda of any kind. The actions of a few members in a group should not, of course, be used to judge the whole group.



#3 2007-10-20 01:07:56

sofaking wrote:

Note: It was not the intention of this experiment to make any particular group look bad, reinforce stereotypes nor to further a hidden agenda of any kind. The actions of a few members in a group should not, of course, be used to judge the whole group.

Implied in that statement:  We are covering our butts by making this politically correct disclaimer; the results make black people look bad.



#4 2007-10-20 02:37:23

I didn't really pay much attention. What part of town? I would have returned the wallet less the cash finders fee... If it were the little amount they listed I would have given it up. Now at any given time in my life if that $2 and change would have meant food or none I would have taken it. I've had my wallet stolen before. I've also returned $900 in cash to a person who lost their wallet before. But at the time? I was well off.... When I was living in a van... I would have gotten an apartment so my kids were taken care of. I personally think it is biased. They didn't clearly define the needs or problems of the individual. The monetary amount was retarded so that makes alot of sense to me. I mean fuck.... At least take the time to give someone back the fucking $2 in cash and a fucking $50 gift card... unless you are on really hard times....

eh I'm talking to much....

Business meeting plus beer and drinking ever since does that...

I hate niggers but I don't mind black people... I love the black guys that I'm good friends with that can take a good nigger joke...

Here's a good story back when I worked for Microsoft.. There was a good friend of mine.. yeah he was black..

We had a cook out. BBQ steaks Hamburgers etc....
Plus alot of watermellon

I came back inside and he had one plate of all the other food....

One full plate of watermellon...

I said

"Nigga?? where's your damn fried chicken... you better be raisen hell up in this place!"

He started laughing his ass off..

Said " Maybe I sould... If anyone one but you said that I'd beat their ass."

I said

"you're the one with the water mellon"

He agreed yeah niggers love watermellon and if they'd fried chicken he'd have been all over it.

OMG take the alcohol away!

Oh and P.S.

I think you got fucked over by a nigger bitch and you loved that p00n so bad and she went back to some big black cock.... either that or some white chick you were with left you for a big nigger dick... fess up!

Last edited by Dreadw0lf (2007-10-20 04:03:46)



#5 2007-10-20 08:02:44

One of the links from their own FAQ pages was Google Your Race ("Blankety-Blanks Are Known For..."), and other fatuous assertions. One thing they fail to disclose is that this 'experiment' has been done dozens of times since the 1950s and 60s, when it was fodder for Allen Funt and his ilk.

If you think black people steal, then put it outside and all-white trailer park in Tennessee.

If you think old people are more honest, then put it outside a pharmacy in a retirement community.

If you think any age, race, or socioeconomic status won't act in their own self-interest even if they suspect someone's watching, then put the damn thing outside a bar at 3am.

Our own sense of moral probity is utter crap. It could be argued that if we didn't regularly profit from the stupidity of others, we wouldn't even exist as a species. Witness all the fat, lazy, self-absorbed examples around us. Cynicism or pragmatism? You be the judge.



#6 2007-10-20 10:27:01

Fnord: the study was not scientific for various reasons.  There was no control group.  He moved the location of the wallet, etc.

As Palephx pointed out, for the results to be valid you need consistency in the placement.  For example, if you dropped the wallet in the parking lot of the Wal-Mart closest to me, about 90% of the people would be white trash, poor blacks and poor hispanics.   That would be much different than the results if you dropped a wallet in front of the Louis Vuitton store on north Michigan avenue. 

While it may be statistically considered a random sample, the way the data was gathered skewed the results so that they have no meaning whatsoever.



#7 2007-10-20 10:36:26

from discussions on the bell curve to the wallet study - how far we have fallen


Last edited by Emmeran (2007-10-20 10:36:48)



#8 2007-10-20 15:21:19

Emmeran wrote:

from discussions on the bell curve to the wallet study - how far we have fallen

Well, keep pressing that LifeAlert button of yours and there'll be someone along shortly to cart you off.

I see HKG understands confounds and the difference between Type I & II errors. She must be eliminated now. She knows too much.


Last edited by pALEPHx (2007-10-20 15:21:54)



#9 2007-10-20 15:25:58

Dreadw0lf wrote:

When I was living in a van...

...down by the river, DR?



#10 2007-10-20 16:32:10

pALEPHx wrote:

I see HKG understands confounds and the difference between Type I & II errors. She must be eliminated now. She knows too much.

Yeah, my useless sociology degree comes in handy once in awhile.



#11 2007-10-20 16:50:14

Sshh. This is High-Street. Just fold it up into a paper airplane and sail it right out the window.



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