#601 2008-10-22 17:32:15

Not me, and that is for sure.



#602 2008-10-22 17:34:44

Actually I take it back it shows him banned. Since High-street has been up the man has done nothing wrong. You just banned him for no reason, or am I missing something?

Last edited by orangeplus (2008-10-22 17:35:04)



#603 2008-10-22 17:41:14

orangeplus wrote:

Actually I take it back it shows him banned.

Gee, thanks. That was a thrilling ride.

Sorry, O+, Tom is where I draw the line.



#604 2008-10-22 17:44:01

I just want to make sure I understand the lay of the land here. I don't know who Tom is. But is there any reason other than personal distaste for banning him? It's your board, you can do what you want. I would just like a reason.



#605 2008-10-22 17:59:02

orangeplus wrote:

I just want to make sure I understand the lay of the land here. I don't know who Tom is.

Sure you do. You're just having some fun at my expense. Carry on.



#606 2008-10-22 18:11:04

choad wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Your banning him?  Why if I may ask?

Why? Because I can and I should. He sucks everything dry and contributes nothing.

When Horse first showed up, my reaction was, "Oh, boy!  Horsie's here and he's gonna stir up some shit!"

Then I read some of his posts and there's not really anything to them, is there?



#607 2008-10-22 18:12:48

orangeplus wrote:

I just want to make sure I understand the lay of the land here. I don't know who Tom is. But is there any reason other than personal distaste for banning him? It's your board, you can do what you want. I would just like a reason.

I think it's sort of a "fool me once, shame on you, fool me 20 times shame on me" type of thing.



#608 2008-10-22 18:13:46

There's a comprehensive 'road-apple' archive around here somewhere but myself, I'd rather not revisit any of that crap. It's all the same. OPSEC can point you to it.



#609 2008-10-22 18:15:55

choad wrote:

opsec wrote:

Hi Horse.  It's refreshing to see how fast you're still able to make friends and allies.  I'll be watching from the sideline in my biohazard suit.

Sorry to disappoint but Horseonovich and Montecore have run their last lap, at least around this track. Five years is long enough.

Whatever, but don't cast at my doorstep.  I'm not his keeper.



#610 2008-10-22 18:30:52

Two quotes from a film that could of been done about Horse:

Know this, this creature is the bringer of death. He will never eat, he will never sleep, he will never stop.

Look at this! Sons of the Messiah! Give
me frogs, flies, locusts, Anything but this!
Compared to you, the other plagues were a joy!



#611 2008-10-22 19:24:30

Mostly, Horse is just kind of tedious and not at all entertaining. So be it.



#612 2008-10-22 20:08:26

choad wrote:

He sucks everything dry and contributes nothing.

That is the meat of it.

Freedom and anarchy and robust expression and etc.--and those of you who follow events know how laissez faire I am as a "Moderator"--but this one is all grief and no goodies.  Choad has made the right call.



#613 2008-10-22 20:38:46

I had heard so much about him I was sort of curious; well that lasted about 5 minutes - I am Emmeran of High-Street and approve of this banning.



#614 2008-10-22 20:41:43

choad wrote:

There's a comprehensive 'road-apple' archive around here somewhere but myself, I'd rather not revisit any of that crap. It's all the same. OPSEC can point you to it.

For once, I'm totally removing the "asshole/baiter/tardfuck" hat and being completely honest.

What does it take to get one banned?

Like, that biscuit bitch isn't banned, even though most her posts are crap and she contributes little of worth (other than pissing off that one guy that is misguided but cool)?

Thinking of her and horse, I'd pick horse. Of course, I wasn't around for a good while before cruel died (at least not much) and RT said "all the cool kids are here, even Jew is back" (or something) and I still didn't show up till recent times (sorry, I'm like a case of the clap like that). Perhaps I missed something.

Aside from kiddie porn, what does it take to get banned from a place like this.

Really, that's got to sting in a huge way. Like being told you are too stupid for the short bus or something.

Really, I even though it sounds "ptah", I'm really trying to learn and abide by your established norms.



#615 2008-10-22 20:44:25

I think you're still around because you give good hump.



#616 2008-10-22 23:23:52

ptah13 wrote:

Really, that's got to sting in a huge way. Like being told you are too stupid for the short bus or something.

It's no secret I dislike the pompous queef, although I do respect he's a veritable force of nature in his oblivious unoriginal loser idiocy. I'm strongly principled against censorship, but in this case I'm pleased by the act of banning him. As Ptah observes, it is cruel. . . and appropriate. . . and therefore my thumb rises upwards.

Like an agonizing fecal experience, it's best to flush it away and hope it never comes back.



#617 2008-10-22 23:28:43

Dmtdust wrote:

I think you're still around because you give good hump.

I just don't get it.

To me, if there is an ignore feature, aren't we all big enough to use it if someone bothers us that much?

There are these two local DJ's, Bob and Tom. You might have heard of them as their show is syndicated across the nation. They use to be really funny. Back in the 80's,  you could even hear what sounded like pot smoking and whatnot.

They did some really funny, cutting-edge type stuff. It was all PG-13, in my book.

One local school bus driver complained to her hairdresser (they also went to the same church) that she thought Bob and Tom were too hardcore for her riders. You see, at this school both middle school and high school kids were on the same bus. The bus driver complained about one joke in particular. I can't remember what it was but it was a bit risque(sp?) for 6th graders.

The hairdresser was terribly offended by the joke. She asked why the bus driver didn't just change the station and the bus driver said, "well all the high school kids would crucify me if I did". I mean, who is in charge here? My high school bus driver played easy-listening and we hated it but had no choice?

Anyway, the bus driver and hairdresser complained to the radio station. Bob and Tom were huge and the station ignored the complaint. The complained to the local media, local government, and got some local religious zealots on board and went to the FCC. Eventually, Bob and Tom got fined several times, for quite a bit of money, and their show went from a really funny morning show to, well, what you can probably hear today.

Back in the day, on the highway, you could tell who was listening because it was so funny cars would swerve a bit (not that this is good). These two zealots ruined it for everyone.

I know so much about this because I'm closely related to one of the main players in the story.

Anyway, to make a long story short. Why the fuck couldn't the bus driver just change the radio station. It was wrong of her to have it on with 11-y-o's on the bus to begin with. If anything, she should have been fired instead of being a locally-celebrated (by the zealots) virtual book-burner.

Of course, there is no comparison between horse and Bob and Tom. That isn't the point. The point is, both you and I and the bus driver all have the right to chose to turn off the radio or hit the ignore button.

Instead, the bus driver turned to the gubment "protect us all" from the evils of Bob and Tom. Instead of simply changing the dial, she denied everyone the choice to hear what she considered "trash".

Many may consider horse "trash". Like I said, not the point. My point is, if you don't like what someone has to say, why not just ignore instead of ban? Why the need to protect us all from what offends only some?

Somebody recently celebrated their joy in the events of 9/11 on this board. I have the choice to ignore that person. Not once did I ever suggest he should be banned for saying what he said, no  matter how badly it offended me. Yeah, I threatened to have him slaughtered, which, unless I'm a total psychopath with access to folks with mad l33t HaX04 skillz, is something totally stupid to say to someone on the internet (yeah, yeah). I never asked that he be banned.

I've seen that one guy go nuts over princess-biscuit, and many lost their minds when her posts were removed (me included). Again, if you don't like her, ignore her.

I'm not trying to get myself booted by defending horse. Ain't what this is about. I'm just trying to understand the mentality. I've never understood "we have to eliminated xxx, for the children" or whatever.

Again, not pissing on choad or anything like that. For all I know, horse tried to post some kiddie porn and I'm ranting for nothing. I hadn't seen anyone else banned, so I'm just trying to understand how princess biscuit (worthless non-contributing poster) and folks who celebrate the deaths of innocent folks are A-OK but horse is so terrible that we all have to be protected from his words typed on a message board?

Last edited by ptah13 (2008-10-22 23:31:40)



#618 2008-10-22 23:40:54




#619 2008-10-22 23:47:00

That's a cute bus story, Ptah, but I'm having a hard time connecting the dots. . . perhaps I can respond to your question of mentality.

You might be familiar with a comic strip called the Family Circus. It's in the same deep extreme of loser suck as Tom Colligan. Sure, I could choose never to read it again. But it's hard to avert your eyes when that squawking tard boy in the soiled underoos stumbles by. Some things are so wrong & evil they must be punished. I wouldn't miss a beat taking Bill Keane out with a flamethrower.

So it's punitive, you see. . .

Choad, this is what came to mind when I read your notice:

Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.

Sometimes you gotta do what feels right. . . even when it's wrong.



#620 2008-10-23 00:16:03

Banning trolls isn't about free speech  -  it's simply about retaining readability.

I don't always like what WCL has to say but for the most part (until recently anyway) he doesn't post just to raise ire.  He tends to contribute whether it's intentional or not isn't my concern.

Horseface tries to takeover a subject via boorish behavior; his focus is on himself.  He is the true definition of a troll.

Were he allowed to remain many of the delightful posters we enjoy would begin to fade away.  This is, in fact, our playground, and we don't have to allow someone to throw sand in our face at every turn.  Were this the real world I'd just go beat him up, in this case - Choad has.



#621 2008-10-23 00:59:38

ptah13 wrote:

Like, that biscuit bitch isn't banned, even though most her posts are crap and she contributes little of worth (other than pissing off that one guy that is misguided but cool)?

A big difference for me is she confines herself to her own threads.  A convenient self-quarantine.  Horse has a history of jumping into every conversation going on and spraying his equine urine all over everyone and seizing control in classic troll fashion.  True, there is the ignore feature but if enough people don't ignore him he still can effectively derail any thread and turn it into being all about him (kind of like what's happened here). 

In all fairness, Horse hasn't done anything on High-Street that comes remotely close to the shit storm he sired on CSOTD.  I suspect the main motivation behind his banning isn't to prevent him from doing the same here as much as simply a case of well-earned hatred.  When you have a party at your house you don't allow someone to attend if you still remember how they pissed in the aquarium, shit in the pool, puked on the carpet and set fire to the sofa a few years back at another friend's party.  Even if they haven't set any sofas on fire lately they are still on your shit list for ruining your friend's party.  This is essentially Choad's house so his shit list rules.

Last edited by Zookeeper (2008-10-23 01:02:13)



#622 2008-10-23 01:02:23

Good riddance to dull rubbish.



#623 2008-10-23 01:06:16

ptah13 wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

I think you're still around because you give good hump.

I just don't get it.

To me, if there is an ignore feature, aren't we all big enough to use it if someone bothers us that much?

There are these two local DJ's, Bob and Tom. You might have heard of them as their show is syndicated across the nation. They use to be really funny. Back in the 80's,  you could even hear what sounded like pot smoking and whatnot.

They did some really funny, cutting-edge type stuff. It was all PG-13, in my book.

One local school bus driver complained to her hairdresser (they also went to the same church) that she thought Bob and Tom were too hardcore for her riders. You see, at this school both middle school and high school kids were on the same bus. The bus driver complained about one joke in particular. I can't remember what it was but it was a bit risque(sp?) for 6th graders.

The hairdresser was terribly offended by the joke. She asked why the bus driver didn't just change the station and the bus driver said, "well all the high school kids would crucify me if I did". I mean, who is in charge here? My high school bus driver played easy-listening and we hated it but had no choice?

Anyway, the bus driver and hairdresser complained to the radio station. Bob and Tom were huge and the station ignored the complaint. The complained to the local media, local government, and got some local religious zealots on board and went to the FCC. Eventually, Bob and Tom got fined several times, for quite a bit of money, and their show went from a really funny morning show to, well, what you can probably hear today.

Back in the day, on the highway, you could tell who was listening because it was so funny cars would swerve a bit (not that this is good). These two zealots ruined it for everyone.

I know so much about this because I'm closely related to one of the main players in the story.

Anyway, to make a long story short. Why the fuck couldn't the bus driver just change the radio station. It was wrong of her to have it on with 11-y-o's on the bus to begin with. If anything, she should have been fired instead of being a locally-celebrated (by the zealots) virtual book-burner.

Of course, there is no comparison between horse and Bob and Tom. That isn't the point. The point is, both you and I and the bus driver all have the right to chose to turn off the radio or hit the ignore button.

Instead, the bus driver turned to the gubment "protect us all" from the evils of Bob and Tom. Instead of simply changing the dial, she denied everyone the choice to hear what she considered "trash".

Many may consider horse "trash". Like I said, not the point. My point is, if you don't like what someone has to say, why not just ignore instead of ban? Why the need to protect us all from what offends only some?

Somebody recently celebrated their joy in the events of 9/11 on this board. I have the choice to ignore that person. Not once did I ever suggest he should be banned for saying what he said, no  matter how badly it offended me. Yeah, I threatened to have him slaughtered, which, unless I'm a total psychopath with access to folks with mad l33t HaX04 skillz, is something totally stupid to say to someone on the internet (yeah, yeah). I never asked that he be banned.

I've seen that one guy go nuts over princess-biscuit, and many lost their minds when her posts were removed (me included). Again, if you don't like her, ignore her.

I'm not trying to get myself booted by defending horse. Ain't what this is about. I'm just trying to understand the mentality. I've never understood "we have to eliminated xxx, for the children" or whatever.

Again, not pissing on choad or anything like that. For all I know, horse tried to post some kiddie porn and I'm ranting for nothing. I hadn't seen anyone else banned, so I'm just trying to understand how princess biscuit (worthless non-contributing poster) and folks who celebrate the deaths of innocent folks are A-OK but horse is so terrible that we all have to be protected from his words typed on a message board?

Slow night in the trailer park?



#624 2008-10-23 01:33:46

We passed the cakefart mark about 5 miles ago, party people.



#625 2008-10-23 01:36:01

Can't we make this about politics somehow?



#626 2008-10-23 01:40:35

tojo2000 wrote:

Can't we make this about politics somehow?

It doesn't get much more political than voting the Token Asshole® off the island, Tojo dear.

The tribe has spoken, it seems.



#627 2008-10-23 01:41:41

Fine then, competitive underwear dancing it is:



#629 2008-10-23 03:01:54

Dang, I was saving this for the right photoshopping moment.



The cruel old days - 10/22/2008

Rest In Purgatory

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#630 2008-10-23 03:12:26

tojo2000 wrote:

Fine then, competitive underwear dancing it is:

Three minutes and 17 seconds seems rather, I don't know, excessive.



#631 2008-10-23 03:13:14

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

Dang, I was saving this for the right photoshopping moment.



The cruel old days - 10/22/2008

Rest In Purgatory

I... I'd always figured that the banner with him in it was just some internet doofus.

Guess I was right, in a way.

What is UP with that 'stache? Did he step out of a fucking Mario game or what?

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#632 2008-10-23 06:17:46

lechero wrote:

That's a cute bus story, Ptah, but I'm having a hard time connecting the dots. . . perhaps I can respond to your question of mentality.

You might be familiar with a comic strip called the Family Circus. It's in the same deep extreme of loser suck as Tom Colligan. Sure, I could choose never to read it again. But it's hard to avert your eyes when that squawking tard boy in the soiled underoos stumbles by. Some things are so wrong & evil they must be punished. I wouldn't miss a beat taking Bill Keane out with a flamethrower.

So it's punitive, you see. . .

Choad, this is what came to mind when I read your notice:

Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up.

Sometimes you gotta do what feels right. . . even when it's wrong.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not lamenting horse gone.

My bus story simply says, if you don't like ANYTHING someone posts. Why can't you use the ignore function?

Why is it up to mommy to protect us from the evils of (insert random tard here)?  It amazes me that folks have such little self-control that they can't stand "not knowing" what someone says when they know they are going to hate it. Please, folks, try the ignore feature. It is your friend. baby steps!

Lech, none of this is directed at you, even though I'm replying to your post. Reading your quote, I couldn't help but nod and say, "yeah, that's some pretty stupid shit to say". I'm just saying that even if there are 1-2 regulars here who are amused by him, what is to stop the other 30-40 folks from using ignore? He sure had a lot of ignores at cruel... Were they all just made-up identities to make horse the "ignore king" while everyone secretly read his posts no matter how much they didn't like it?  (the answer to that question is a resounding "yes")

I guess I received about as good an  answer as I'm going to get on "why does horse get the trigger pulled (ha ha) and not others".



#633 2008-10-23 07:07:32

Jesus, people, how naive can you be? Do you actually believe that banning Horse will keep TC off this board? Have the mods developed a total IP block?

I imagine the old fart is rolling in his stable right now, pleased as punch that he managed to elicit such attention so quickly.

I've been around for the better part of a decade (and still received no mong-cat upon my return; what's up with that??), so I know the history. I know what the equine asshole is capable of. He ranks up with Meg Kelso, Roland Bloodthunder, and Emily Strange in terms of loathing; I get it. And still, I disagree with the decision to ban. At least we knew where he was when he posted as Horse. Now we're going to be inundated with idiotic sock-puppetry and god knows what else. Just because you go trip-trapping across another bridge doesn't mean the troll isn't still there.



#634 2008-10-23 07:46:29

Anyway, to make a long story short.

Far too fucking late.

You fail even at being a shit-stirrer.



#635 2008-10-23 08:58:27

ptah13 wrote:

Don't get me wrong. I'm not lamenting horse gone.

My bus story simply says, if you don't like ANYTHING someone posts. Why can't you use the ignore function?

You & Smitty lured him over here in the first place so maybe you feel a little, oh I don't know, responsible?! Hey, everybody, it's ptah's fault!!!

Moderators and admins don't have the luxury of twit filter ignoring anyone.

I could tell you exactly why Tom got knackered but then I'd have to kill you.

Meg Kelso, acting on misinformation she was fed here, threatened rcade's family. Sound like probable cause to you?

Of course the nuisance will lurk and return under a different name. Trust me, you'll whiff the word gift and rancid saddle baggage immediately.

Shuck the widow's weeds, ptah. They ain't becoming.



#636 2008-10-23 09:16:42


I don't think ptah mentioned Meg; I did. And I get why she was banned. Nobody messes with our daddy. Did H**** commit a comparable offense?

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I can't help but think that while you've all been busy sucking each other's dicks and congratulating yourselves on a job well done, he's already planning revenge.



#637 2008-10-23 10:07:19

karenw wrote:

I don't think ptah mentioned Meg; I did. And I get why she was banned. Nobody messes with our daddy. Did H**** commit a comparable offense?

Maybe I'm paranoid, but I can't help but think that while you've all been busy sucking each other's dicks and congratulating yourselves on a job well done, he's already planning revenge.

The list of characters in this little psychodrama is a perfect cruel.com who's who, whodunit, a bent story beginning to end, with no sequel.

Well done or not, it's done. Tom needs qualified psychiatric counseling he won't find here.



#638 2008-10-23 11:21:41

choad wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Don't get me wrong. I'm not lamenting horse gone.

My bus story simply says, if you don't like ANYTHING someone posts. Why can't you use the ignore function?

You & Smitty lured him over here in the first place so maybe you feel a little, oh I don't know, responsible?! Hey, everybody, it's ptah's fault!!!

Moderators and admins don't have the luxury of twit filter ignoring anyone.

I could tell you exactly why Tom got knackered but then I'd have to kill you.

Meg Kelso, acting on misinformation she was fed here, threatened rcade's family. Sound like probable cause to you?

Of course the nuisance will lurk and return under a different name. Trust me, you'll whiff the word gift and rancid saddle baggage immediately.

Shuck the widow's weeds, ptah. They ain't becoming.

Dude, I fully agree with the action on meg. Apples and oranges when it comes to horse...

Umm, where the fuck did you come up with me luring horse here?

I've had no contact with the dude in eons, especially none since coming here?




#639 2008-10-23 11:39:30

George Orr wrote:

Anyway, to make a long story short.

Far too fucking late.

You fail even at being a shit-stirrer.

Oh gawd!!! You've become so lame in your old age.

Again, I was making two points:

One, what threshold do you have to cross to get banned, here? - On this, I fully agree with the Meg banning. Hell, I wouldn't have stopped there but that's another day. I was only trying to establish some vague set of boundaries.

The second point is why can't adults take responsibility for their own bullshit. I'm sorry if you folks lack the self-control to use the ignore feature and have to turn to "mommy" to protect you from the bad peoples.

Honestly, I probably wouldn't have said shit about this, GO, had it not been all well and good that someone went on, the other night, about how happy the killing of the innocents on 9/11 made them feel.

So, getting this right (and, really, none of it surprises me): It's all well and good to say, "the events of 9/11 pleased me to no end" but you're out of here if you mention some stupid shit about "horsey love" or whatever?

Makes lots of sense. Says a lot about you, George, and your ilk.

Funny thing is, I don't remember anyone calling for the banning of cuntlicker for what he had to say, no matter how terribly offensive it might have been to some people on here. Not one person.

Again, it ain't about horse. It's about some vague set of boundaries other than "well horse hurt my feewings so will you ban him because I can't use the ignore button".

Hey, I get it now. I realize this place isn't Cruel and is, most definately, not run by the same standard. I get, "if you think like us, well, you can say and do whatever you want but if you think like that person over there, you're on a short rope and you better watch yourself!"... I get the whole wolf-pact mentality some of you operate on. Nothing new there. 

Shit-stirring, George? wtf? You think I really waste my time typing this stuff while wringing my hands in glee going, "ok, boy they're going to go at it now".

I guess trying to bemoan the ills of the "mommy state" to a bunch of far-left liberals is like bitching about Obama while eating at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffle.



#640 2008-10-23 11:47:31

And again, Choad, where do you get off saying I lured horse here.

I have little contact with Smitty and can't speak for her but I have no contact with horse whatsoever.

It's not right to just make up false shit about people, but, hey, whatever works.

As far as, "I could tell you what got Tom knackered".... From my first questioning of this I've said if there is some underlying thing I don't know about, then well maybe I shouldn't even care about it. Again, fully fine with offing folks like Meg. If Tom did something (and I wouldn't be surprised) along her lines then, well, didn't know that.

Either way, don't lie to folks and claim I had anything to do with Tom being here. That's bullshit.



#641 2008-10-23 13:15:35

Apparently we're continuing the vote after the polls have closed.  Although I've been around here and Cruel for quite some time, I don't normally become too involved with the internal personality conflicts.  Maybe it's because I seldom log in at night when everyone is loaded or drunk enough to say what they really mean.

Horse, for all his faults, and I suppose they are many and legend, does seem to raise the collective blood pressure and interest in the threads in which he posts.  After all, haven't we been constantly invoking his name here even during his long hiatus?  Aren't we all attention whores showing off our intellect and skills at repartee?  We are known and judged by the abilities we demonstrate in battling a worthy foe, and we have to admit, Horse is tough one.  Just sayin'.

Last edited by phreddy (2008-10-23 13:16:51)



#642 2008-10-23 13:17:02

I get the whole wolf-pact mentality some of you operate on. Nothing new there. 

Oh, I'd say there is definitely something "knew" here.



#643 2008-10-23 14:59:39

ptah13 wrote:

And again, Choad, where do you get off saying I lured horse here.

I suspect what he meant to say was that you and Smitty lured him over to CSOTD.  He followed us here from there.



#644 2008-10-23 15:01:08

I was about to say I smell a new pole coming.  Then I thought better of it...



#645 2008-10-23 15:13:49

Zookeeper wrote:

I smell a new pole coming.




#646 2008-10-23 15:23:48

opsec wrote:

Zookeeper wrote:

I smell a new pole coming.



Last edited by Taint (2008-10-23 15:25:39)



#647 2008-10-23 17:15:54

Zookeeper wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

And again, Choad, where do you get off saying I lured horse here.

I suspect what he meant to say was that you and Smitty lured him over to CSOTD.  He followed us here from there.

Somebody has rewritten history.

Someone at cruel, who I always suspected but could never prove was HKG, knew horse either personally or from some other website and asked him to come to cruel to "put me in my place".

This was something that neither smitty nor I ever asked for.

After a short while, Horse admitted he was asked to come to cruel by a female cruelite and I never figured out who that was. Again, I could be way off about HKG but she came on and went after me with both barrels the same as horse, so....

Either way, I take NO responsibility for horse doing anything. I never asked for that. It was right around when he showed up that I quit being a "regular" at cruel.

Hence why I'm surprised most of you don't love the guy! hehe



#648 2008-10-23 18:13:30

ptah13 wrote:

Honestly, I probably wouldn't have said shit about this, GO, had it not been all well and good that someone went on, the other night, about how happy the killing of the innocents on 9/11 made them feel.

So, getting this right (and, really, none of it surprises me): It's all well and good to say, "the events of 9/11 pleased me to no end" but you're out of here if you mention some stupid shit about "horsey love" or whatever?

You really are a thicky, Ptahmaine.
Reread Emmeran's exegesis; it explains what you're having such a hard time with. Horse was not censored for his viewpoints (that would be impossible, because he doesn't appear to have any), he was excised because he's annoying without recompense in entertainment value. This is not a democracy, and it's not simply a free-for-all. It's a website that courts a readership. If Choad has determined that daily doses of golden Horsey-narcissism are counter to the goals of High-Street, then bye-bye Horsey.

As for comparing me or Princess Biccy to Horsey, it's a non-starter. I may say loathsome, horrible things, but I never troll without a grain of integrity. I stand by my contentious declarations, or I admit my excesses and back down (at least, I think that happened once). I am not simply here to dominate the conversation or draw attention to myself. Thus, as odious as I may be, I am still here (but no longer allowed the luxury of sock puppets - alas poor Cuntweasel). As for P. Biccy, she's self-contained and actually contributes something, as stupid as it usually is.

Now quit defending the indefensible and start some more of your stupid neocon silliness. That thread on global warming was hilarious.



#649 2008-10-23 18:24:08

Ptah, what I don't get is why we should be required to let Horse shit all over this board before banning him.  We already know he's done it in the past; why wait until he finally decides to turn it up to 11?



#650 2008-10-23 18:46:57

WilberCuntLicker wrote:

some shit that made sense, for a change...

Actually, I missed Emmerans post entirely (and thought I was reading pretty good).

Makes good sense. I guess, since I pretty much left cruel when horse came around and was only around in spurts (har har) after that, that perhaps I didn't suffer as much "GHL" trauma as the rest.

I actually thought some folks on here liked his little game, so I questioned his (apparently) post-mature ejection. I guess that isn't the case. I, for one, could never get much past about 3 or 4 words in his posts before I move on.

In any case, if he has no value other than dominating the board, "I get it" now.



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