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#1 2008-10-21 13:30:03

Manmade global climate change is a farce. I know, I was as shocked to you to learn that the SUN actually has something to do with climate change?!?!

GO figure?

http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blog … -poof.aspx

Last edited by ptah13 (2008-10-21 13:31:35)



#2 2008-10-21 13:30:56

Ooops.. nothing to see here

Last edited by ptah13 (2008-10-21 13:32:08)



#3 2008-10-21 19:50:37

ooga booga sun warm fire... cold...?  NO HOT!  OW



#4 2008-10-21 21:22:28

So wait, you are comparing global warming to the Ozone Hole? This would be the Ozone depletion problem that was addressed through global diplomatic cooperation to halt a man-made problem caused by human polution? The same one that spawned an effort hailed as having prevented, at least for now, an environmental catostrophe? I just want to make sure I understand your arguement.

This one? right here:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ozone_depl … ozone_hole

Last edited by orangeplus (2008-10-21 21:22:52)



#5 2008-10-21 21:35:48

Silliest argument ever, Global Warming = better safe than sorry.

We fully understand the negative health effects from our pollution, it's silly to even argue about temperature change.  If there is a chance we are negatively effecting the weather we need to change our actions.

(and yes I do understand that the underground coal fires in W.VA alone put out more CO2 than all of the worlds automobiles, and that doesn't even account for the cows, pigs and volcanoes)



#6 2008-10-21 21:36:42

One cooler year, and there's no climate change? Is that like saying that the Dow Jones was up a couple months ago, so the market is not trending one way or another? The Bengals went 10-6 in 2004, and so they're just as good as any other team, despite that being their only winning year since 1991? Really?

Global warming is a misnomer anyway--the problem is climate change in general, where some spots warm, others cool, jet streams move around, and... fuck, I don't have the patience to explain this.

http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/f … /1686#ref3

There's a point where, when an entire community of researchers (who do this for a living, and have PhD's and shit) basically agree about climate change, that you have to shut the fuck up and take their word for it.



#7 2008-10-22 04:02:41

You just don't get it, ahchoo.  The fact that virtually every climatologist on the planet agrees about this is proof that there is no scientific basis and it's all just an effort to coerce the real scientists into bowing to their will.  The more people agree, the more they obviously must be wrong.



#8 2008-10-22 04:43:48

ptah13 wrote:

Manmade global climate change is a farce. I know, I was as shocked to you to learn that the SUN actually has something to do with climate change?!?!

GO figure?

http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blog … -poof.aspx

Thar ain't no such thang as glorbal warmings. It's just another one o' them liberal lies.
I done read all about it 'n the Daily Hogsqueal. Turns out it's the sun, now, so that's ok.



#9 2008-10-22 04:48:00

Ptah, this is really just your online persona, right? You couldn't possibly be serious about, well, anything, correct?



#10 2008-10-22 04:52:34

Well...either we're being trolled or he's a genuine moron. (Or both or neither.)



#11 2008-10-22 08:14:57

tojo2000 wrote:

You just don't get it, ahchoo.  The fact that virtually every climatologist on the planet agrees about this is proof that there is no scientific basis and it's all just an effort to coerce the real scientists into bowing to their will.  The more people agree, the more they obviously must be wrong.

You kid, but a close republican family member of mine supports Palin because "the more they attack her, the more it means she's getting close to the truth." There is--literally--no way to argue with that.



#12 2008-10-22 08:52:10

Maybe we should get the Global Warming guys and the Nuclear Winter guys together. Lob a few bombs around and the problem is solved.



#13 2008-10-22 08:58:59

ah297900 wrote:

You kid, but a close republican family member of mine supports Palin because "the more they attack her, the more it means she's getting close to the truth." There is--literally--no way to argue with that.

Indeed, argument is pointless with some, if not most.  I saw a little clip somewhere of Sarah saying that she would show real leadership and set the agenda in performing the role of being president of the Senate.  Hilarious.

Try telling your family member that she belongs in the "bone-and-disown" category.  It may not win them over, but my guess is that it will end the argument.


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