#1601 2008-07-31 12:04:56

ah297900 wrote:

...yet not a penny for the proper fucking use of apostrophes.

Then here's my two cents: For a first effort, it is better than average, but as something that strangers might see--which represents all of us--do you think that misspellings and punctuation errors should be part of their first impression? (even if the 'errors' are consistent and/or intentional)

Banner displayed to registered users. This post does not represent an invite for a spate of lolspeak.



#1602 2008-07-31 12:12:03

pALEPHx wrote:

ah297900 wrote:

...yet not a penny for the proper fucking use of apostrophes.

Then here's my two cents: For a first effort, it is better than average, but as something that strangers might see--which represents all of us--do you think that misspellings and punctuation errors should be part of their first impression? (even if the 'errors' are consistent and/or intentional)

Banner displayed to registered users. This post does not represent an invite for a spate of lolspeak.

Fair enough, but what about this:

Cunt-punching is kosher, but an errant apostrophe is out? Fucking really? It occurs to me that these two rules in conjunction are the best nutshell description of this place I've ever heard.



#1603 2008-07-31 12:39:49

That banner, the cunt punch, isn't actually running as a banner. Pale made it for shits and grins.



#1604 2008-07-31 13:11:10

What he said. And don't get all pissy. It was your errant apostrophe. If you WANT to redo it, then that'd be okay too. Or just make a different one. You've got a brand new toy, after all. Play with it.



#1605 2008-07-31 13:45:43

Cunt-punching is kosher, but an errant apostrophe is out?

...It occurs to me that these two rules in conjunction are the best nutshell description of this place I've ever heard.

Yes, you are one of us.



#1606 2008-07-31 13:48:33

New Banner Added:


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#1607 2008-07-31 13:50:53

George Orr wrote:

Cunt-punching is kosher, but an errant apostrophe is out?

...It occurs to me that these two rules in conjunction are the best nutshell description of this place I've ever heard.

Yes, you are one of us.

But don't worry. It's nothing that a little tetracycline won't clear up.



#1608 2008-07-31 15:16:57

pALEPHx wrote:

What he said. And don't get all pissy. It was your errant apostrophe.

I don't know why your all so uptight about my grammer. Dont waist your time over it cuz its just not worth loosing sleep over!!!11!

(the apostrophe in the sign was intentional)



#1609 2008-07-31 20:57:13


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#1610 2008-07-31 21:01:13

ah297900 wrote:

pALEPHx wrote:

What he said. And don't get all pissy. It was your errant apostrophe.

I don't know why your all so uptight about my grammer. Dont waist your time over it cuz its just not worth loosing sleep over!!!11!

(the apostrophe in the sign was intentional)

Goddammit. You left the apostrophes out of "dont" and "its".



#1611 2008-08-01 01:06:05

pALEPHx wrote:

I'm still actively gauging this 'mood' of which you speak. You seem to be of the belief that others actively participate (when not complaining about something deleted).

I meant the mood of the Banner Czar.  To put it more directly, it's fine by me if you move older banners to "not shown" status to make room for newer ones, even if they're still goodies.



#1612 2008-08-01 01:11:53

square wrote:

pALEPHx wrote:

I'm still actively gauging this 'mood' of which you speak. You seem to be of the belief that others actively participate (when not complaining about something deleted).

I meant the mood of the Banner Czar.  To put it more directly, it's fine by me if you move older banners to "not shown" status to make room for newer ones, even if they're still goodies.

That'd be my recommendation, as well. For the time being, we seem to be churning out enough of them there's little reason to keep running the earliest ones. I have my favorites from that period - including several of yours - but it's nice to see newer ones more often.



#1613 2008-08-01 03:36:11

square wrote:

I meant the mood of the Banner Czar. To put it more directly, it's fine by me if you move older banners to "not shown" status to make room for newer ones, even if they're still goodies.

Taint wrote:

That'd be my recommendation, as well. For the time being, we seem to be churning out enough of them there's little reason to keep running the earliest ones. I have my favorites from that period - including several of yours - but it's nice to see newer ones more often.

Mkay. I will take another run thru them this weekend, probably after a cocktail or three. Such a mood altering moment tends to make me more generous than usual (it's only at the bitter end of the bottle that I'd just delete every other thing outta spite, so I'll be sure to be feelin' more lively).



#1614 2008-08-01 15:05:07


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Last edited by choad (2008-08-01 23:18:22)



#1615 2008-08-01 22:59:55

New Banner Added:


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#1616 2008-08-01 23:52:08

choad wrote:


Been hanging out at Workbench, have you?

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#1617 2008-08-02 01:53:50

Just for fun . . .




#1618 2008-08-02 03:55:17

The pogrom is complete. I have purged a great number of my own, undisplaying or outright deleting many. Taint also suffered. However, no one was as greatly imperiled as those who are not active posters. Formerly active Bannerettes like DarkZRobe-whatever, ASDF, Lurker, et al. were not spared the rod. In truth, the vast majority of older banners have now been undisplayed, encouraging newer ventures. Some older ones have been revived, but they're in the minority.

Good luck to everyone who auditions. You're a fucking megastar.



#1619 2008-08-02 06:00:31

square wrote:

Been hanging out at Workbench, have you?

Ever pick your toes in Poughkeepsie?

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#1620 2008-08-02 15:43:39

New Banner Added:


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#1621 2008-08-02 16:44:35

Instant classic, Taint.



#1622 2008-08-02 21:53:39

New Banner Added:


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#1623 2008-08-02 22:14:14

love yours too, Pale-what's up with you guys?



#1624 2008-08-02 22:30:58


Feel free to improve upon.

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#1625 2008-08-02 23:22:43


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#1626 2008-08-03 00:33:12

pALEPHx wrote:

The pogrom is complete.

Wow, you have been busy.  Thanks for wading through all those.



#1627 2008-08-03 03:46:32

square wrote:

Wow, you have been busy. Thanks for wading through all those.

Yer welcum. I would have posted the BBcode table for the day's work, but it was taking forever to copy/paste.



#1628 2008-08-03 16:42:40




#1629 2008-08-03 18:08:51

sigmoid freud wrote:


Feel free to improve upon.

come for the filth, stay for the erudition


I demand a footnote, lest your academic bona fides become sullied.

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#1630 2008-08-03 18:20:25

sigmoid freud wrote:


Feel free to improve upon.

And, by the way, nice use of the Bosch Christ Carrying the Cross. Emil Nolde did a series of fucked up religious painting that might also serve your needs.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#1631 2008-08-03 18:21:33

square wrote:

Just for fun . . .


And, for the record, that apostrophe in my banner was intentional, designed to lend some authenticity.



#1632 2008-08-03 20:19:34

icangetyouatoe wrote:

love yours too, Pale-what's up with you guys?

Whatever do you mean...?



#1633 2008-08-03 21:55:39


Credit phoQ.

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#1634 2008-08-04 00:12:06


Question: Is Mister Penishead here beyond the Pale?

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Last edited by choad (2008-08-05 00:15:48)



#1635 2008-08-04 00:25:07

choad wrote:

Question: Is Mister Penishead here beyond the Pale?

This banner currently isn't displayed, but I don't know if that's out of propriety or what.

Inspired by the Jodie Foster side pic:

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#1636 2008-08-04 00:45:50

New Banner Added:


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#1637 2008-08-04 00:46:05

New Banner Added:


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#1638 2008-08-04 00:46:19

New Banner Added:


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#1639 2008-08-04 01:05:02

choad wrote:

Question: Is Mister Penishead here beyond the Pale?

Since I don't appear to have any control whatsoever over sidebanner pics, then yes, it's beyond the Me.

square wrote:

This banner currently isn't displayed, but I don't know if that's out of propriety or what.

It was displayed. Now it's not. You're not really asking me to explain each decision, are you?

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#1640 2008-08-04 04:20:33

pALEPHx wrote:

You're not really asking me to explain each decision, are you?

No, just trying to gauge what's over the line.

This helps put things in perspective.

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#1641 2008-08-04 04:30:54

square wrote:

This helps put things in perspective.

That one would be an example of "members only" display. We really don't have as many as we did, and I didn't want people to think I'd just scrubbed everything clean for some arbitrary reason. As for the dildo/vibe one, it's among the last of the stretched out, lower res pics we have with practically illegible writing. Feel free to redo it if you can improve on Dhal's handiwork.



#1642 2008-08-04 09:17:30

choad wrote:

Question: Is Mister Penishead here beyond the Pale?

Putting myself into the mindset of the kind of bluenose idiot who would get offended and complain, I guess I gotta say yes.  But he's SO cute...



#1643 2008-08-04 11:25:57

George Orr wrote:

choad wrote:

Question: Is Mister Penishead here beyond the Pale?

Putting myself into the mindset of the kind of bluenose idiot who would get offended and complain, I guess I gotta say yes.  But he's SO cute...

I edited the list of patently offensive images for my local audience - Massachusetts, for fuck's sake - and still got squeals of horror. So yeah, thanks guys, my own tastes are now jaded beyond recognition. For these purposes - 'Watch me top that!' - I've all but given up.

Not that I really give a shit but I suspect we're beyond redemption or the sensibilties of the most stalwart of advertisers.



#1644 2008-08-04 11:28:31

choad wrote:

I suspect we're beyond redemption

You got that right. Have you seen zombie's latest picture posts? **shudder**



#1645 2008-08-04 12:01:10

choad wrote:

I edited the list of patently offensive images for my local audience - Massachusetts, for fuck's sake - and still got squeals of horror.

Remember, it's only the hard-core wackadoos who actually sit down and type out their outrage.  An even smaller minority actually hit "Send."  You usually never hear from the folks who get a laugh out of it.

Not that I really give a shit but I suspect we're beyond redemption or the sensibilties of the most stalwart of advertisers.

Since advertisers are irrationally sensitive to the missives of outraged wackadoos, I suspect you are right.



#1646 2008-08-04 17:29:45

George Orr wrote:

You usually never hear from the folks who get a laugh out of it.

Come on. Would you admit anywhere but here you enjoy this stuff?



#1647 2008-08-04 18:25:30

Taint wrote:

Come on. Would you admit anywhere but here you enjoy this stuff?

Well, I did take a stab at recruitment a goodly while ago, on a site where the commenters have better-than-average erudition and many of them have a fairly warped sense of humor.

Unfortunately, either nobody there took the bait, or else they did come, and looked around and then fled (presumably in horror) when they saw what goes on here.

...Actually, that may mean that you have a point.



#1648 2008-08-04 18:49:01

New Banner Added:


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#1649 2008-08-04 19:22:51

New Banner Added:


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#1650 2008-08-04 22:39:17

Just had to reuse the puckerstar, didn't ya, T.



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