#2851 2009-08-20 14:48:10

Fled wrote:


Thanks, fled, but I don't think Pale's gonna step down (despite repeated threats to do so) for anything less than a slapdown from Choad.



#2852 2009-08-22 01:39:53


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Last edited by choad (2009-08-22 04:16:47)



#2853 2009-08-22 04:34:41

Fled wrote:

I am spending the end of summer in northeastern Maine, far away from the internets and all things modern.  However, I stumbled into an opportunity to take a stroll down High Street.  JLP, you remember correctly.  Palehorse abdicated, surrendered the scepter, and you answered his cry for help and attention by accepting his offer to give up the role.  He cannot worm his way back into power now.

I am spending the end of the summer in southeastern conflict avoidance and its fucking muggy. Give JPL a shot at it, Pale.



#2854 2009-08-22 11:58:26

choad wrote:

Fled wrote:

I am spending the end of summer in northeastern Maine, far away from the internets and all things modern.  However, I stumbled into an opportunity to take a stroll down High Street.  JLP, you remember correctly.  Palehorse abdicated, surrendered the scepter, and you answered his cry for help and attention by accepting his offer to give up the role.  He cannot worm his way back into power now.

I am spending the end of the summer in southeastern conflict avoidance and its fucking muggy. Give JPL a shot at it, Pale.

Woo!  An unexpected victory in the 11th hour!

Thanks Choad!



#2855 2009-08-22 20:42:34

OK, I have resurrected the following banners deleted by Pale:
HSflorida.jpg by Taint
HSbicyclejesus.jpg by Taint
HShighfidelity.jpg by Taint
hsedwanted.jpg by jesusluvspegging

I have also resurrected the following deleted by JLP.  These were marked as "not shown" because they are seasonal banners only brought out at the appropriate time.  Please do not delete them unless they hit negative vote territory:
hsoxmassatan.jpg by square
BannerChristmas.jpg by Redacted
pale_xmastank.jpg by pALEPHx
pale_goatsmas.jpg by choad
pale_chimneys.jpg by pALEPHx
nyj-hanukkah.jpg by choad
pale_xmas02.jpg by pALEPHx

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#2856 2009-08-23 01:55:22

square wrote:

I have also resurrected the following deleted by JLP.  These were marked as "not shown" because they are seasonal banners only brought out at the appropriate time.  Please do not delete them unless they hit negative vote territory:

Note taken, and I thank you for your help, sir.



#2857 2009-08-23 10:25:33


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#2858 2009-08-23 12:02:25

It's a cute piccy but I don't see how it could be made into a decent H-S banner.  Perhaps I'm just not mentally disturbed enough to come up with a good caption for this image.

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#2859 2009-08-23 23:01:44

Yeah, they ain't all weiners.


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#2860 2009-08-23 23:05:30

George Orr wrote:

It's a cute piccy but I don't see how it could be made into a decent H-S banner.  Perhaps I'm just not mentally disturbed enough to come up with a good caption for this image.

Why does it need a caption? It's a great picture.

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#2861 2009-08-23 23:07:51

I think choad is on some serious R&R.



#2862 2009-08-23 23:17:49

New Banner Added:


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#2863 2009-08-23 23:34:26

MSG Tripps wrote:

I think choad is on some serious R&R.

Heat and extreme low pressure, with my name all over it, is testing the limits of my ability to accomplish anything. So is...

I've never yet remained awake through a hurricane. This one was a tosser, just by way of no harm. A few sprinkles and a complete rook.

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Last edited by choad (2009-08-23 23:34:50)



#2864 2009-08-23 23:37:43

New Banner Added:


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#2865 2009-08-23 23:41:45

Hey choad, if you can't hang  ....

The year there all most wasn't a summer in some places.



#2866 2009-08-26 06:56:47


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#2867 2009-08-26 18:29:22

New Banner Added:


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#2868 2009-08-27 13:00:47

Pale, you self-ob-sessed, little, cunt!  I'll ac-knowledge that the "wit" in my latest banner likely only a-mused me; But, if you felt that it wasn't worthy of your standards, you could have set it to not dis-play as op-posed to out-right de-leting it.  Why do I feel that you only did so out of petty-ness, you self-im-port-ant fuck-tard?



#2869 2009-08-27 15:14:47

hsedwanted.jpg      jesusluvspegging      Deleted      2009-08-27 06:45:24
letusinbanner.jpg     Montecore     Deleted     2009-08-27 06:45:24
HShighfidelity.jpg     Taint     Deleted     2009-08-27 06:45:24
HSbicyclejesus.jpg     Taint     Deleted     2009-08-27 06:45:24
HSflorida.jpg     Taint     Deleted     2009-08-27 06:45:24
HSundercover.jpg     Taint     Deleted     2009-08-27 06:45:24
BreakfastClub.jpg     Decadence     Deleted     2009-08-27 06:45:24

Goddamn it.  There's nothing worse than a sore loser, is there?

Pale, you shit, if this was you then you're two times a liar: once when you said you'd give the job up to whoever wanted it, and once when you said you'd surrender it if Choad told you to.

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Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-08-27 15:18:45)



#2870 2009-08-27 15:44:39


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#2871 2009-08-27 19:11:13

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Goddamn it.  There's nothing worse than a sore loser, is there?

Pale, you shit, if this was you then you're two times a liar . . .

It was most certainly Be-Yond The Pale.  He vaguely re-ferenced the act in an-other thread.  Square set up the system so that they don't actually de-lete but are re-located.  He told us how to un-de-lete once; But, as is usual during our administrative meetings, I was too busy staring at Sofie's ass to take notes.  So, I'm really of no help here.



#2872 2009-08-27 20:43:42

Decadence wrote:

It was most certainly Be-Yond The Pale.  He vaguely re-ferenced the act in an-other thread.  Square set up the system so that they don't actually de-lete but are re-located.  He told us how to un-de-lete once; But, as is usual during our administrative meetings, I was too busy staring at Sofie's ass to take notes.  So, I'm really of no help here.

I don't think I actually have the permissions to do that.  I could re-submit them and re-approve them, AS IS MY GOD-GIVEN RIGHT, but I don't want to clutter up the HS filesystem too much...

Well, I'll give it a day.  If nobody with superior admin powers undeletes them by then, I'll resubmit them all and put them back in the rotation.



#2873 2009-08-27 21:41:50

jesusluvspegging wrote:

If nobody with superior admin powers undeletes them by then, I'll resubmit them all and put them back in the rotation.

Just send a message with the file names to Square.  He should be capable of re-storing them easily enough.  I'd try to re-store them; But, a-gain, my notes from that particular meeting seem to mostly consist of sketches of winged phalluses and old Genesis lyrics.

Last edited by Decadence (2009-08-27 21:42:22)



#2874 2009-08-28 00:25:57

Resurrected the following:
BreakfastClub.jpg by Decadence
HSundercover.jpg by Taint
HSflorida.jpg by Taint
HSbicyclejesus.jpg by Taint
HShighfidelity.jpg by Taint
letusinbanner.jpg by Montecore
hsedwanted.jpg by jesusluvspegging

Can't wait for that horrible Breakfast Club banner to be voted into oblivion.

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#2875 2009-08-28 01:20:07

square wrote:

Can't wait for that horrible Breakfast Club banner to be voted into oblivion.

As I pre-viously ac-knowledged (And, as seems to be the "case" with all of my banners), I don't ex-pect any-body but me to find it a-musing.  It should be gone soon enough.

Oh, and, thanks for un-fucking* the banners, Square.

* Here-To-Fore to be known as "De-Paling" (eg:  I thought that Rebecca was seriously going to "go off on your ass" when she caught you talking to Sondra; But, you to-tally de-Paled that situation, dude.)

Post-Script:  Is there any chance that you could ex-tend the al-lowance field for the front page titles?  A-Gain, I realize full-well that I am the only one enter-tained; But, a few of my re-cent entries have "cut off" and lost the "punny".

Last edited by Decadence (2009-08-28 02:15:18)



#2876 2009-08-28 12:00:17

Some source material










#2877 2009-08-28 12:22:47

I thought both these guys looked so geh I had to put it on here. Not that there's anything wrong with that.



#2878 2009-08-28 12:36:37

30 pages of vaginas and fun activities!

Best side banner ever!



#2879 2009-08-29 00:02:50


Keep in mind that sidepics are only 200 pixels wide.  The "lady" urinating while standing and the pink superhero's erection simply aren't going to be visible when the image is scaled down.  Think simple, and the more lurid the better.

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#2880 2009-08-29 14:53:00

New Banner Added:


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#2881 2009-08-29 15:07:27

New Banner Added:


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#2882 2009-08-30 02:40:03

Nice - You had so better hope that the Christians are in-cor-rect about that whole Hell con-cept.

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#2883 2009-08-30 03:30:28

Yeah, the Dead Kennedys one is great.



#2884 2009-08-30 06:43:40

Excuse me for being completely clueless/uninformed, but who actually owns the rights to High-Street? Who is the Supreme Overlord who could bring up or shut down the site at will? The Odin of High-Street, you could say? Or is HS some kind of collective or other set-up? I see plenty of territorial fights but wonder who is the ultimate governing party of the site. Just curious.




#2885 2009-08-30 07:43:40

scarydog wrote:

Excuse me for being completely clueless/uninformed, but who actually owns the rights to High-Street?

Is your at-torney needing an ad-dress?  Pale might be willing to "blow" you, if we can "settle this matter" out of court.

Post-Script:  Choad owns the domain name.  The rest of us simply "work" here.

Last edited by Decadence (2009-08-30 07:45:25)



#2886 2009-08-30 10:01:12

Decadence wrote:

scarydog wrote:

Excuse me for being completely clueless/uninformed, but who actually owns the rights to High-Street?

Is your at-torney needing an ad-dress?  Pale might be willing to "blow" you, if we can "settle this matter" out of court.

Post-Script:  Choad owns the domain name.  The rest of us simply "work" here.

Thanks for the info. I was merely curious about who was who. I saw you guys slamming each other and just wondered if there was a Street God scrapping in there somewhere.



#2887 2009-08-30 10:18:33


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#2888 2009-08-31 13:09:14


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#2889 2009-08-31 13:40:01


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#2890 2009-09-02 20:16:47




#2891 2009-09-02 23:28:54

Banner Czar Transparency Project post:

cleaned up <=0 banners older than 30 days today.  At the first of each month I'll be bumping any old banners that have fallen out of favor.  I've decided to go with no-display instead of delete, to save wear and tear on square, 'cause that ain't fair.

This is my first no-display action since the OMG INTARNET DRAMA.  New banners will be subjected to the rolling 30-day voting deadline starting with today. 

Banners set to nodisplay:

hsedwanted.jpg by jesusluvspegging (not quite at a month, but I don't see its score improving in the next two days.  I will not take such liberties with the deadlines on other people's banners.)
HSgoodtime.jpg by Taint
HSboobs.jpg by Taint
Ready-for-Anybody.jpg by sigmoid freud
hspredatory.jpg by jesusluvspegging
Bannercocky.jpg by Redacted
InternetDiversityImproved&Trimmed.png by fnord
tommy.gif by choad
pale_eyeball1.jpg by pALEPHx
pale_hsban35.jpg by pALEPHx
pale_hsban32.jpg by pALEPHx

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-09-02 23:38:51)



#2892 2009-09-03 07:14:27

Credit Fled from two posts above.


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Last edited by square (2009-09-03 07:43:17)



#2893 2009-09-03 10:47:39


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Last edited by choad (2009-09-03 23:28:05)



#2894 2009-09-04 14:15:08


Last edited by Fled (2009-09-04 14:15:29)



#2895 2009-09-05 15:17:01

New Banner Added:


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#2897 2009-09-05 16:06:14

I will sit on it and then wear it.



#2898 2009-09-06 17:15:58

New Banner Added:


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#2899 2009-09-07 22:55:52

New Banner Added:


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#2900 2009-09-08 01:07:07

New Banner Added:


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