#1 2008-12-23 12:09:57
Who knew that squat and shit statuettes were a tradition for nativity scenes in Spain? Honest.
#2 2008-12-23 12:27:16
#3 2008-12-23 18:53:55
Damn, hatted by the new kid.
Hey, everybody, exdwarf broke his cherry!
#5 2008-12-23 20:28:18
exdwarf wrote:
You'd think with all the money they've made, they could pay to have their instruments tuned, and to get vocal lessons. Fred is truly one of the lumpy pathetics. Thanks.
#8 2008-12-25 22:18:16
exdwarf wrote:
And what a fine "studio" it is. Lay off on the autoplay tho, XD.
#9 2008-12-26 02:31:39
Autoplay? Very bad.
#10 2008-12-26 02:45:56
Taint wrote:
Autoplay? Very bad.
No doubt - Continually embedding auto-play code or being Tommy are the two offenses that will immediately get your ass kicked out of here with-out discussion. Consider your-self warned, Well-FareOompaLoompa (Or, what-ever the fuck you call your-self).
#11 2008-12-26 20:41:58
Decadence wrote:
Taint wrote:
No doubt - Continually embedding auto-play code or being Tommy are the two offenses that will immediately get your ass kicked out of here with-out discussion. Consider your-self warned, Well-FareOompaLoompa (Or, what-ever the fuck you call your-self).
ok, sugarbung.
Last edited by tojo2000 (2008-12-26 22:42:08)
#12 2008-12-26 22:37:51
Great - yet another who's artistic bent is to annoy.
Is this yet another incarnation of Lurkette/Biscuit/Wilbur???
#13 2008-12-26 22:42:38
watch out, or I'll recruit NextDwarf from over at Gawker.
#14 2008-12-26 22:49:43
Exdwarf was warned on three separate occasions about doing the annoying autoplay on his flash videos and decided to call our bluff, so he's banned until the 28th.
Moderators (or anyone), if you have any questions, objections, comments, just let me know. We all decided a while back, I think, that autoplay was just too annoying to be tolerated.
#15 2008-12-26 23:17:26
#16 2008-12-26 23:18:02
tojo2000 wrote:
Exdwarf was warned on three separate occasions about doing the annoying autoplay on his flash videos and decided to call our bluff, so he's banned until the 28th.
Moderators (or anyone), if you have any questions, objections, comments, just let me know. We all decided a while back, I think, that autoplay was just too annoying to be tolerated.
For god's sake, what about the children?
#17 2008-12-27 00:59:36
Taint wrote:
For god's sake, what about the children?
They can't do it either.
#18 2008-12-27 12:06:07
tojo2000 wrote:
Exdwarf was warned on three separate occasions about doing the annoying autoplay on his flash videos and decided to call our bluff, so he's banned until the 28th.
Moderators (or anyone), if you have any questions, objections, comments, just let me know. We all decided a while back, I think, that autoplay was just too annoying to be tolerated.
I didn't see that discussion. If we ban annoying, none of us qualify.
I am baffled. Why is site policy this spilling out here?
Please don't.
#19 2008-12-27 15:51:30
Autoplay should be a no-no, for several good reasons (browsing at the office, etc.) In this case it was done repeatedly and deliberately for no other reason than to irritate.
The banning is temporary. I think it's completely appropriate.
#20 2008-12-27 16:17:18
Don't y'all have your own special forum to discuss this, or should public stoning be official policy here at High Street?
#21 2008-12-28 17:31:23
As I recall, public stoning has been traditional as well as generally consensual.
#22 2008-12-28 17:58:32
Now... are you going to be a good Dwarf?
just askin'
#23 2008-12-28 18:16:16
That all depends on whether I feel an attack of SexDworkin comin' on...
Wish I had the patience to listen to this guy's ramblings: in lesson 149, he mentions getting accidentally electrocuted during 3-way heifer humping.
Last edited by nextdwarf (2008-12-28 18:40:21)