#201 2009-01-23 19:24:48
Aaaaand those popping sounds you hear are anti-choicers' heads exploding.
...What day is it, again? The 23rd? Of January? Yeah.
Last edited by George Orr (2009-01-23 19:25:07)
#202 2009-01-23 19:50:08
orangeplus wrote:
Good god. Four minutes and 32 seconds? I think the reporter made his point at about one and-a-half minutes.
#203 2009-01-23 21:18:08
#204 2009-01-23 21:48:13
whosasailorthen wrote:
The Kool-Aid has a name... "Barackosis".
How could he miss "Baracknosis"? It has the advantage of being more condescending to his followers.
#205 2009-01-23 22:09:48
whosasailorthen wrote:
The Kool-Aid has a name... "Barackosis".
You actually look at "Big Hollywood Dot Com"?
#206 2009-01-24 02:10:28
George Orr wrote:
whosasailorthen wrote:
The Kool-Aid has a name... "Barackosis".
You actually look at "Big Hollywood Dot Com"?
Not really... I hit it via Brietbart.
#207 2009-01-24 22:39:33
#208 2009-01-24 23:02:20
George Orr wrote:
Aaaaand those popping sounds you hear are anti-choicers' heads exploding.
...What day is it, again? The 23rd? Of January? Yeah.
Ok, now, there is something tangible that Obama has 'done' that I support. That is awesome. Now, let's see if he can continue on this road.
#209 2009-01-24 23:03:19
tojo2000 wrote:
whosasailorthen wrote:
The Kool-Aid has a name... "Barackosis".
How could he miss "Baracknosis"? It has the advantage of being more condescending to his followers.
Or Baracknaphobia. That is something that I have been suffering from as of late.
#210 2009-01-24 23:20:12
I discovered today that Obama wants to give me money! This Myspace banner ad explains that Obama has set aside billions of dollars for people just like me! My attitude may change from wait and see to full-blown Obama worship! So could someone in the know tell me what the tenants and sacraments of Obamanity are?
#211 2009-01-24 23:44:13
#212 2009-01-24 23:51:51
fnord wrote:
I discovered today that Obama wants to give me money! This Myspace banner ad explains that Obama has set aside billions of dollars for people just like me! My attitude may change from wait and see to full-blown Obama worship! So could someone in the know tell me what the tenants and sacraments of Obamanity are?
Obama wants to give all of us money, buckets and buckets of cold hard cash, but I'm kinda worried that he won't be able to.... Simple math shows him to be as full of shit as every politician before him... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/ … 7520.shtml
#213 2009-01-24 23:56:55
Go get the raincoat.
Last edited by sofaking (2009-01-24 23:57:50)
#214 2009-01-25 00:00:56
Dirckman wrote:
fnord wrote:
I discovered today that Obama wants to give me money! This Myspace banner ad explains that Obama has set aside billions of dollars for people just like me! My attitude may change from wait and see to full-blown Obama worship! So could someone in the know tell me what the tenants and sacraments of Obamanity are?
Obama wants to give all of us money, buckets and buckets of cold hard cash, but I'm kinda worried that he won't be able to.... Simple math shows him to be as full of shit as every politician before him... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/ … 7520.shtml
It's the same imaginary billions we've been spending on the war.
End that, and maybe we can afford to not screw over old people, sick and disabled people, and kids.
#215 2009-01-25 00:04:04
Just to give a bit of a reality check..... Obama is man, not only is he a man, but he's a politician.... When is the last time a politician truly cared for the people above and beyond his own interests? People should quit being sheep looking for a goddam hero to save their ass and put someone into power that will allow them to cover their own asses.... You can't depend on anyone to take care of you and your family other than you and you alone... Until we move back to the reality of individual responsibility we are totally and utterly fucked....
#216 2009-01-25 00:07:50
#217 2009-01-25 00:08:39
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
fnord wrote:
I discovered today that Obama wants to give me money! This Myspace banner ad explains that Obama has set aside billions of dollars for people just like me! My attitude may change from wait and see to full-blown Obama worship! So could someone in the know tell me what the tenants and sacraments of Obamanity are?
Obama wants to give all of us money, buckets and buckets of cold hard cash, but I'm kinda worried that he won't be able to.... Simple math shows him to be as full of shit as every politician before him... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/ … 7520.shtml
It's the same imaginary billions we've been spending on the war.
End that, and maybe we can afford to not screw over old people, sick and disabled people, and kids.
Once again you're throwing out the "victim" mentality.... It's the same victim mentality that put Obama into the White House in the first place... We live in a nation of underachievers that refuse to learn a skill, exert themselves, or take personal responsibility... If you're not living the life you want to live you blame someone else who is more successful of victimizing you..... I don't exactly live the life that I want to be living, but I don't blame anyone for that other than myself.... It's pathetic and it's weak......
#218 2009-01-25 00:09:22
Excellent movie choices by the way Mr. Orangeplus.....
#219 2009-01-25 00:12:01
#220 2009-01-25 00:15:27
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
Obama wants to give all of us money, buckets and buckets of cold hard cash, but I'm kinda worried that he won't be able to.... Simple math shows him to be as full of shit as every politician before him... http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/10/ … 7520.shtmlIt's the same imaginary billions we've been spending on the war.
End that, and maybe we can afford to not screw over old people, sick and disabled people, and kids.Once again you're throwing out the "victim" mentality.... It's the same victim mentality that put Obama into the White House in the first place... We live in a nation of underachievers that refuse to learn a skill, exert themselves, or take personal responsibility... If you're not living the life you want to live you blame someone else who is more successful of victimizing you..... I don't exactly live the life that I want to be living, but I don't blame anyone for that other than myself.... It's pathetic and it's weak......
You're telling this to a "Trophy Wife/Unicorn Whisperer" (it says so on mah MySpace).
I got it pretty fucking good, and I have 2 degrees and a business. I'm also not even close to a victim mentality.
There are many victims in this world. Their lives suck, and they need my tax dollars more than Halliburton does.
#221 2009-01-25 00:16:41
#222 2009-01-25 00:23:52
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
It's the same imaginary billions we've been spending on the war.
End that, and maybe we can afford to not screw over old people, sick and disabled people, and kids.Once again you're throwing out the "victim" mentality.... It's the same victim mentality that put Obama into the White House in the first place... We live in a nation of underachievers that refuse to learn a skill, exert themselves, or take personal responsibility... If you're not living the life you want to live you blame someone else who is more successful of victimizing you..... I don't exactly live the life that I want to be living, but I don't blame anyone for that other than myself.... It's pathetic and it's weak......
You're telling this to a "Trophy Wife/Unicorn Whisperer" (it says so on mah MySpace).
I got it pretty fucking good, and I have 2 degrees and a business. I'm also not even close to a victim mentality.
There are many victims in this world. Their lives suck, and they need my tax dollars more than Halliburton does.
That's fine if you want to donate YOUR tax dollars, just don't think it's your place to donate my tax dollars and the tax dollars of other people to YOUR cause.... I have my own causes that I believe in and I'm willing to spend my money to further those causes, I don't think it's my place to force others into donating their money to them though....
#223 2009-01-25 00:27:27
What gets me about Liberals is the incredible arrogance that they have to THEIR causes.... For some reason THEIR cause trumps the causes of anyone else's....... Nothing is more important than what THEY believe so it's THEIR right to dictate where other people's hard earned money is spent...
Last edited by Dirckman (2009-01-25 00:28:11)
#224 2009-01-25 00:27:42
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
It's the same imaginary billions we've been spending on the war.
End that, and maybe we can afford to not screw over old people, sick and disabled people, and kids.Once again you're throwing out the "victim" mentality.... It's the same victim mentality that put Obama into the White House in the first place... We live in a nation of underachievers that refuse to learn a skill, exert themselves, or take personal responsibility... If you're not living the life you want to live you blame someone else who is more successful of victimizing you..... I don't exactly live the life that I want to be living, but I don't blame anyone for that other than myself.... It's pathetic and it's weak......
You're telling this to a "Trophy Wife/Unicorn Whisperer" (it says so on mah MySpace).
I got it pretty fucking good, and I have 2 degrees and a business. I'm also not even close to a victim mentality.
There are many victims in this world. Their lives suck, and they need my tax dollars more than Halliburton does.
Where does Dirck get "victim mentality" out of what you said? That makes no sense.
#225 2009-01-25 00:29:55
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
Once again you're throwing out the "victim" mentality.... It's the same victim mentality that put Obama into the White House in the first place... We live in a nation of underachievers that refuse to learn a skill, exert themselves, or take personal responsibility... If you're not living the life you want to live you blame someone else who is more successful of victimizing you..... I don't exactly live the life that I want to be living, but I don't blame anyone for that other than myself.... It's pathetic and it's weak......You're telling this to a "Trophy Wife/Unicorn Whisperer" (it says so on mah MySpace).
I got it pretty fucking good, and I have 2 degrees and a business. I'm also not even close to a victim mentality.
There are many victims in this world. Their lives suck, and they need my tax dollars more than Halliburton does.That's fine if you want to donate YOUR tax dollars, just don't think it's your place to donate my tax dollars and the tax dollars of other people to YOUR cause.... I have my own causes that I believe in and I'm willing to spend my money to further those causes, I don't think it's my place to force others into donating their money to them though....
Tell me one cause yo' selfish ass donates to.
We have a responsibility to take care of our weak, infirm, our elders, and our children. Those are the only "causes" I endorsed supporting.
I'm not such a bleeding heart. Our standing as a force to be reckoned with in the world is dependent upon the appearance of taking care of our own.
#226 2009-01-25 00:35:34
Dirckman wrote:
What gets me about Liberals is the incredible arrogance that they have to THEIR causes.... For some reason THEIR cause trumps the causes of anyone else's....... Nothing is more important than what THEY believe so it's THEIR right to dictate where other people's hard earned money is spent...
What about conservatives dictating our hard earned dollars be spent on an unjustified war on a sovreign nation? What's been the benefit for you personally in the levelling of a country to rubble and thousands of dead American teenagers?
#227 2009-01-25 00:37:08
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
You're telling this to a "Trophy Wife/Unicorn Whisperer" (it says so on mah MySpace).
I got it pretty fucking good, and I have 2 degrees and a business. I'm also not even close to a victim mentality.
There are many victims in this world. Their lives suck, and they need my tax dollars more than Halliburton does.That's fine if you want to donate YOUR tax dollars, just don't think it's your place to donate my tax dollars and the tax dollars of other people to YOUR cause.... I have my own causes that I believe in and I'm willing to spend my money to further those causes, I don't think it's my place to force others into donating their money to them though....
Tell me one cause yo' selfish ass donates to.
We have a responsibility to take care of our weak, infirm, our elders, and our children. Those are the only "causes" I endorsed supporting.
I'm not such a bleeding heart. Our standing as a force to be reckoned with in the world is dependent upon the appearance of taking care of our own.
I donate a good deal of time and money to the Humane Societies..... Animals have always offered me far more than people have so I'm willing to do what it takes to give them a better life... Animals do not have the choices in life that humans do nor do they have the intelligence or ability to use extra-somatic information... People on the other hand tend to be total failures by choice making repeated mistakes no matter what opportunities are available to them..... I do not think it's my place to force other people to donate their time or their money to the Humane Society though.... That is what I choose to do with my time and my money, not with other people's time or money.... That's what seperates us...........
#228 2009-01-25 00:39:26
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
What gets me about Liberals is the incredible arrogance that they have to THEIR causes.... For some reason THEIR cause trumps the causes of anyone else's....... Nothing is more important than what THEY believe so it's THEIR right to dictate where other people's hard earned money is spent...
What about conservatives dictating our hard earned dollars be spent on an unjustified war on a sovreign nation? What's been the benefit for you personally in the levelling of a country to rubble and thousands of dead American teenagers?
Conservatives did not throw the Iraq War party...... Republicans did.... I am not a fucking Republican....
#229 2009-01-25 00:40:56
Liberalism is pure arrogance, the thought process that says that YOU know better than other people how to spend THEIR money....
#230 2009-01-25 00:43:28
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
That's fine if you want to donate YOUR tax dollars, just don't think it's your place to donate my tax dollars and the tax dollars of other people to YOUR cause.... I have my own causes that I believe in and I'm willing to spend my money to further those causes, I don't think it's my place to force others into donating their money to them though....Tell me one cause yo' selfish ass donates to.
We have a responsibility to take care of our weak, infirm, our elders, and our children. Those are the only "causes" I endorsed supporting.
I'm not such a bleeding heart. Our standing as a force to be reckoned with in the world is dependent upon the appearance of taking care of our own.I donate a good deal of time and money to the Humane Societies..... Animals have always offered me far more than people have so I'm willing to do what it takes to give them a better life... Animals do not have the choices in life that humans do nor do they have the intelligence or ability to use extra-somatic information... People on the other hand tend to be total failures by choice making repeated mistakes no matter what opportunities are available to them..... I do not think it's my place to force other people to donate their time or their money to the Humane Society though.... That is what I choose to do with my time and my money, not with other people's time or money.... That's what seperates us...........
Not only that, but people generally are not killed if there aren't enough resources available to them.... I've seen many a pile of dead dogs and cat's put to sleep in my lifetime because they weren't "cute" enough to take home.... I haven't seen that done with the homeless yet..
#231 2009-01-25 00:44:56
#232 2009-01-25 00:55:24
O+ you're consistently posting clips of movies from my list of top ten movies of all time..... Thanks!!!
#233 2009-01-25 00:55:29
Dirckman wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
Tell me one cause yo' selfish ass donates to.
We have a responsibility to take care of our weak, infirm, our elders, and our children. Those are the only "causes" I endorsed supporting.
I'm not such a bleeding heart. Our standing as a force to be reckoned with in the world is dependent upon the appearance of taking care of our own.I donate a good deal of time and money to the Humane Societies..... Animals have always offered me far more than people have so I'm willing to do what it takes to give them a better life... Animals do not have the choices in life that humans do nor do they have the intelligence or ability to use extra-somatic information... People on the other hand tend to be total failures by choice making repeated mistakes no matter what opportunities are available to them..... I do not think it's my place to force other people to donate their time or their money to the Humane Society though.... That is what I choose to do with my time and my money, not with other people's time or money.... That's what seperates us...........
Not only that, but people generally are not killed if there aren't enough resources available to them.... I've seen many a pile of dead dogs and cat's put to sleep in my lifetime because they weren't "cute" enough to take home.... I haven't seen that done with the homeless yet..
It's illegal to put them out of their misery.
We let them suffer.
#234 2009-01-25 01:01:01
#235 2009-01-25 01:02:37
orangeplus wrote:
Dude, seriously, I'd watch movies with you anytime, Taxi Driver is classic, I've seen it two dozen times and it never gets old...
#236 2009-01-25 01:06:14
as long as we don't talk politics. This thread is murder, so I figured I would provide some classy murder.
#237 2009-01-25 01:07:44
it's too bad, I really wanted the Kevin Spacey death scene from L.A. Confidential, but couldn't find it.
#238 2009-01-25 01:10:57
orangeplus wrote:
as long as we don't talk politics. This thread is murder, so I figured I would provide some classy murder.
That's fine... Personal responsibility and personal choice are not always the most pleasant options we have... They always tend to lack the "feel good" factor, but it's far more important to allow people to make their own choices in life whether it be economically or morally than it is to restrict or to regulate that freedom...
#239 2009-01-25 01:14:36
If I believed for a second those words were just a little more than advertising copy I might agree
Last edited by orangeplus (2009-01-25 01:20:34)
#240 2009-01-25 01:29:16
#241 2009-01-25 01:31:07
One last one. This one is for my grandfather who kicked yesterday. He was a mean old cajun from Franklin, Louisiana. Big pink bulbous gin blossom nose in front of a base racist coon-ass brain. Here's to ya, Boudreaux, you should've died 10 years ago, and I think you would agree.
#242 2009-01-25 01:35:01
orangeplus wrote:
One last one. This one is for my grandfather who kicked yesterday. He was a mean old cajun from Franklin, Louisiana. Big pink bulbous gin blossom nose in front of a base racist coon-ass brain. Here's to ya, Boudreaux, you should've died 10 years ago, and I think you would agree.
Sorry to hear about your grandad O+..... Old cowboy movies are the best, especially John Wayne movies.... I just got done watching The War Wagon myself, if you haven't watched True Grit or The Cowboys you're missing out on one of life's little pleasantries....
#243 2009-01-25 01:35:43
Dirckman wrote:
orangeplus wrote:
as long as we don't talk politics. This thread is murder, so I figured I would provide some classy murder.
That's fine... Personal responsibility and personal choice are not always the most pleasant options we have... They always tend to lack the "feel good" factor, but it's far more important to allow people to make their own choices in life whether it be economically or morally than it is to restrict or to regulate that freedom...
All this talk about personal responsibility from someone who advocates text message breakups is fucking hysterical.
If you got into a catastrophic accident and lost your job, you'd be embracing social welfare programs like nobody's business.
#244 2009-01-25 01:37:41
orangeplus wrote:
One last one. This one is for my grandfather who kicked yesterday. He was a mean old cajun from Franklin, Louisiana. Big pink bulbous gin blossom nose in front of a base racist coon-ass brain. Here's to ya, Boudreaux, you should've died 10 years ago, and I think you would agree.
Sorry about your grandpa.
Even when it's overdue, it's still sad.
#245 2009-01-25 01:59:32
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
orangeplus wrote:
as long as we don't talk politics. This thread is murder, so I figured I would provide some classy murder.
That's fine... Personal responsibility and personal choice are not always the most pleasant options we have... They always tend to lack the "feel good" factor, but it's far more important to allow people to make their own choices in life whether it be economically or morally than it is to restrict or to regulate that freedom...
All this talk about personal responsibility from someone who advocates text message breakups is fucking hysterical.
If you got into a catastrophic accident and lost your job, you'd be embracing social welfare programs like nobody's business.
Nice Ad Hominem attack, I've held down my current job for over nine years now and worked myself up from the bottom through several promotions..... Before I had my current job and between jobs I suffered for awhile but the thought never crossed my mind to apply for any social program, I've got far too much pride for that.... After going through that experience I've realized the importance of becoming an asset and do whatever I can to retain my job and continue being promoted and an asset to them and to society by paying my taxes.... I'm not brilliant, I don't have a great education and I'm certainly not rich... Not once have I ever felt that anything was owed me purely for existing.... I am currently in a management position and I constantly have to deal with people who think they can get something for nothing immediately and I never give them a chance because I had to actually work for what little I have... Though I'm not living the high life and I have to do a lot of work to live how little extravagently I do, I still don't think anyone owes me a single goddam thing.... No matter what happens, I will take care of myself, I don't expect anyone to take care of me or make decisions for me... I have made very specific decisions for myself that I feel are necessary to allow me as much freedom and happiness as possible, be it choosing to not have children or getting married I've chosen to take care of myself and not to harm or take advantage of anyone else.... It's all about personal choice and personal decision, if someone chooses to be a loser, let them, don't coddle them and make them a victim of someone else....
Last edited by Dirckman (2009-01-25 02:11:23)
#246 2009-01-25 02:13:35
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
That's fine... Personal responsibility and personal choice are not always the most pleasant options we have... They always tend to lack the "feel good" factor, but it's far more important to allow people to make their own choices in life whether it be economically or morally than it is to restrict or to regulate that freedom...All this talk about personal responsibility from someone who advocates text message breakups is fucking hysterical.
If you got into a catastrophic accident and lost your job, you'd be embracing social welfare programs like nobody's business.Nice Ad Hominem attack, I've held down my current job for over nine years now and worked myself up from the bottom through several promotions..... Before I had my current job and between jobs I suffered for awhile but the thought never crossed my mind to apply for any social program, I've got far too much pride for that.... After going through that experience I've realized the importance of becoming an asset and do whatever I can to retain my job and continue being promoted and an asset to them and to society by paying my taxes.... I'm not brilliant, I don't have a great education and I'm certainly not rich... Not once have I ever felt that anything was owed me purely for existing.... I am currently in a management position and I constantly have to deal with people who think they can get something for nothing immediately and I never give them a chance because I had to actually work for what little I have... Though I'm not living the high life and I have to do a lot of work to live how little extravagently I do, I still don't think anyone owes me a single goddam thing.... No matter what happens, I will take care of myself, I don't expect anyone to take care of me or make decisions for me... I have made very specific decisions for myself that I feel are necessary to allow me as much freedom and happiness as possible, be it choosing to not have children or getting married I've chosen to take care of myself and not to harm or take advantage of anyone else.... It's all about personal choice and personal decision, if someone chooses to be a loser, let them, don't coddle them and make them a victim of someone else....
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah I'm not poor because I get what I deserve, blah, blah, blah, blah, I work hard so I have stuff, blah, blah, blah...
You're so full of shit. You've never really needed anything, that's why you assume nobody else needs anything.
#247 2009-01-25 02:14:23
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
That's fine... Personal responsibility and personal choice are not always the most pleasant options we have... They always tend to lack the "feel good" factor, but it's far more important to allow people to make their own choices in life whether it be economically or morally than it is to restrict or to regulate that freedom...
All this talk about personal responsibility from someone who advocates text message breakups is fucking hysterical.
If you got into a catastrophic accident and lost your job, you'd be embracing social welfare programs like nobody's business.I've held down my current job for over nine years now and worked myself up from the bottom through several promotions..... Before I had my current job and between jobs I suffered for awhile but the thought never crossed my mind to apply for any social program, I've got far too much pride for that.... After going through that experience I've realized the importance of becoming an asset and do whatever I can to retain my job and continue being promoted and an asset to them and to society by paying my taxes.... I'm not brilliant, I don't have a great education and I'm certainly not rich... Not once have I ever felt that anything was owed me purely for existing.... I am currently in a management position and I constantly have to deal with people who think they can get something for nothing immediately and I never give them a chance because I had to actually work for what little I have... Though I'm not living the high life and I have to do a lot of work to live how little extravagently I do, I still don't think anyone owes me a single goddam thing.... No matter what happens, I will take care of myself, I don't expect anyone to take care of me or make decisions for me... I have made very specific decisions for myself that I feel are necessary to allow me as much freedom and happiness as possible, be it choosing to not have children or getting married I've chosen to take care of myself and not to harm or take advantage of anyone else.... It's all about personal choice and personal decision, if someone chooses to be a loser, let them, don't coddle them and make them a victim of someone else....
You know I loves you. I mean, you like Depeche Mode. That counts for a lot.
I'm just yammering about this because I just had one of my employees and his 80 year old mom staying with us because their landlord was foreclosed upon, and they were booted out by the constable. They are far from deadbeats, and she draws a full pension from GM, and he works his 55 year old ass off. Someone else's lack of personal responsibility forced me to take care of these people, because my employees are MY responsibility.
It made me think there are a lot of unfortunate people who need help who didn't necessarily fuck things up for themselves. I don't get a lot of first-hand exposure to things like this, and it suuuuuuucks to witness it happening to someone I'm responsible for. I agree with much you're saying, and politically I'm not a liberal. I'm more libertarian.
But you must admit, if government is taking taxes anyhow, their first responsibility is to its own people -- and not even necessarily expressed solely in social welfare programs -- it needs to provide infrastructure support and improvement and a gazillion other things that were not being provided under the last administration.
Last edited by sofaking (2009-01-25 02:18:41)
#248 2009-01-25 12:47:46
Roger_That wrote:
tojo2000 wrote:
whosasailorthen wrote:
The Kool-Aid has a name... "Barackosis".
How could he miss "Baracknosis"? It has the advantage of being more condescending to his followers.
Or Baracknaphobia. That is something that I have been suffering from as of late.
Is Bracknaphobia something you get when you are afraid of the "Obamanation"?
#249 2009-01-25 12:49:42
tojo2000 wrote:
Dirckman wrote:
sofaking wrote:
All this talk about personal responsibility from someone who advocates text message breakups is fucking hysterical.
If you got into a catastrophic accident and lost your job, you'd be embracing social welfare programs like nobody's business.Nice Ad Hominem attack, I've held down my current job for over nine years now and worked myself up from the bottom through several promotions..... Before I had my current job and between jobs I suffered for awhile but the thought never crossed my mind to apply for any social program, I've got far too much pride for that.... After going through that experience I've realized the importance of becoming an asset and do whatever I can to retain my job and continue being promoted and an asset to them and to society by paying my taxes.... I'm not brilliant, I don't have a great education and I'm certainly not rich... Not once have I ever felt that anything was owed me purely for existing.... I am currently in a management position and I constantly have to deal with people who think they can get something for nothing immediately and I never give them a chance because I had to actually work for what little I have... Though I'm not living the high life and I have to do a lot of work to live how little extravagently I do, I still don't think anyone owes me a single goddam thing.... No matter what happens, I will take care of myself, I don't expect anyone to take care of me or make decisions for me... I have made very specific decisions for myself that I feel are necessary to allow me as much freedom and happiness as possible, be it choosing to not have children or getting married I've chosen to take care of myself and not to harm or take advantage of anyone else.... It's all about personal choice and personal decision, if someone chooses to be a loser, let them, don't coddle them and make them a victim of someone else....
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah I'm not poor because I get what I deserve, blah, blah, blah, blah, I work hard so I have stuff, blah, blah, blah...
You're so full of shit. You've never really needed anything, that's why you assume nobody else needs anything.
The problem is that people feel "entitled" to MY money...
#250 2009-01-25 13:28:10