#1 2007-11-09 15:15:42
If this is asshat well then I am sorry but this stuff is really hard to find and I wanted to share it. It is also a long but read. I find it incredibly disturbing and truly interesting.... Non fiction
David Parker Ray king of cruel
by officers pursuant to search warrants.
-Police search warrant, 4/13/1999
Discription of video found by officers at David Parker Ray's home.
Smoke was pouring out from between her legs, the sacred place where God had intended for this young woman to give birth to a baby someday.
Eight Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agents watched the homemade videotape with a growing sense of horror crossing their somber faces. Their eyes followed the two people torturing the faceless victim--David Parker Ray, fifty-nine, and his girlfriend, Cynthia Lea Hendy, thirty-nine. The criminals hovered over the naked woman and stuck a hot cattle prod inside her vagina, watching her body writhe in pain. The agents kept their eyes on Ray and Hendy.
The federal investigators were sitting inside an eight-by twenty-five-foot white cargo trailer where the crime had taken place. The trailer was parked on the edge of Bass Road, along the shoreline of the largest lake in New Mexico--Elephant Butte Lake. The partners in crime lived on the outskirts of a small town cradled in the high, dry desert country of southern New Mexico--a strange place called Truth or Consequences.
The cops couldn’t take their eyes off the torture unfolding in front of them. The naked woman, spread-eagled on her back, was anchored to a black leather medical table by the red nylon straps on her wrists and her ankles. Her eyes and mouth were covered with silver duct tape. She could barely move.
David Ray was wearing a long black robe and his face was covered by a black leather mask sprinkled with gold glitter. He looked out through two large eyeholes. He laughed as he rammed the cattle prod inside the terrified woman. Cindy Hendy was waving a small handgun, threatening to kill the woman if she didn’t let the couple have their way with her.
Patty Rust and her fellow FBI agents watched the dying girl struggle to get free. It was clear to all of them that she’d been drugged out of her mind and frightened into submission by her dominating captors. The duo took off the duct tape and she screamed for help as the car mechanic and his welfare-cheating girlfriend continued to make her beg for her life.
The two sadists continued to molest the young woman until blood oozed out of her mouth and her ears. A moment later, her head slumped to the side and her body went limp.
The FBI agents turned off the videotape recorder and walked out of the torture chamber, one by one. Several agents threw up in the hot desert sand. Others sat on the steps of David Ray’s white cargo trailer and talked among themselves.
For the next four days, Rust went back in the place David called his "toy box" and did her job, making a series of highly detailed black-and-white drawings of all the whips and chains and gigantic dildos and other devices used by David Parker Ray to hurt women. When she was done, she submitted her work to the Evidence Recovery Team in Albuquerque. On Friday morning, April 2, 1999, she met with her boss to discuss the drawings. He told her she’d done a ‘fantastic job." Then he told her to go home and relax and try not to think anymore about what she’d seen in the trailer.
Later that night, Patricia E. Rust, thirty-six, drove home to her family in El Paso, Texas. Just before midnight, she got out of bed and went downstairs to get her personal handgun and shot herself.
When Yontz walked up to the rear end of the $100,000 handmade chamber of horrors, he first noticed the 7259-TRJ New Mexico license plate. There was an Arizona Highway Patrol Association decal right next to it that said I SUPPORT THE BEST. The trailer was jacked up on wooden blocks and Yontz noticed it didn’t have any windows. He walked up the four steps and opened what had previously been a double dead-bolted, steel-reinforced door.
He immediately spotted a can of Folgers coffee. The Charles Manson Family had killed Abigail Folger in 1969 and Yontz wondered if David Ray was paying his respects in some sicko kind of way. Next to the coffee can was a box of Kellogg’s corn flakes and a small refrigerator. Hanging on the wall was a roll of paper towels that said HOME-SWEET-HOME.
After that, it got ugly.
On the left wall, Jim noticed a large white sign with big red block letters that identified David Ray’s name for his little private hideaway: SATAN’S DEN. Next to the big sign was a smaller white sign with black underlined letters that identified what Yontz was about to see: THE BONDAGE ROOM. Down at the other end of the trailer was a hand-lettered sign that said I AM RATHER BUSY--WOULD YOU PISS OFF!
Standing right next to the Satan’s Den sign was a tall tripod with a very expensive RCA Victor camcorder pointing toward a large black leather table/chair rigged up with metal stirrups, electrodes and dozens of red plastic straps. Hanging from the ceiling next to what looked like the gynecology table was an RCA Victor television set, positioned so the female victims could see what Ray was doing to them.
Walking up the left side of the chamber, Yontz saw a coat hanger with a long black robe hanging from it. The robe had a red cape. There was a bussinesslike clip- board hanging next to the robe and Yontz noticed that Ray had what looked like a ‘roll call' list of victims he’d kidnapped between 1993 and 1997. Yontz knew that was the period of time after his fourth wife, Joannie Lee, divorced him and before the time he met his last live-in lover, Cindy Hendy. He read the list and tried not to let his emotions get in the way. It wasn’t easy.
Halfway down the left-hand wall, Yontz walked up to a large cork bulletin board covered with color and black-and-white photographs and black-and-white drawings of women--all being tortured. A sign above the bulletin board seemed to sum up the driving force behind David Ray: THE LURE OF SATANISM.
The photographs showed women in various stages of bondage. Yontz’s attention was first drawn to a young redheaded woman, naked, with her hands tied behind her back. She was gagged with a red bandanna and looking the camera right in the eye. Her eyes seemed to be smiling. Another picture showed a woman in obvious pain. Her naked breasts were hog-tied at the base with circles of constricting white rope, making them bulge. Old-fashioned wooden clothespins were attached to each nipple and her face seemed smothered in fear. A third picture showed a faceless woman tied down to a bench press with her legs forced wide apart. Bruises covered her body, especially the inside of her thighs.
Posted next were a series of "drawings" showing the stages in which Ray liked to torture women. One showed a table with a woman arching her back in pain, her wrists and ankles tied together behind her back. A handwritten sign above her body read NEW TABLE FOR CHURCH RITUALS. The drawing below showed how to hog-tie a woman to the "gynecology table," one step at a time. Another drawing showed a woman down on her hands and knees attached to something Ray called his "doggie frame." Still another showed a woman hanging from the ceiling by her ankles and hands with a man below her inserting two dildos into the two openings between her legs. The man playing doctor wore a satanic pentangle around his neck and resembled a much younger version of David Parker Ray, mustache and all.
Stapled next to the photographs and drawings was a detailed warning list prepared by Ray. Yontz copied the wicked list from top to bottom and noticed Ray hadn’t forgotten a single detail.
The wall on the right-hand side of the toy box was covered with the tools of his trade: chains, whips, paddles, pulleys, leather belts, saw blades, harnesses, hand-cuffs, ropes, wires, needles, pins, screw clamps, nipple clamps, breast clamps, breast suction cups, metal bras, sandpaper, metal dildos, wooden dildos, plastic dildos, latex dildos of all sizes, a branding iron, a soldering iron and weighted lead sinkers,there was even an assortment of fishhooks.
Yontz looked up at the ceiling and saw dozens of red straps hanging down, all covered with rows of wooden clothespins. A large yellow generator sat on the floor under the wall of dangling sex toys. It had a handle on top and was attached to the back of a fifteen-inch flesh-colored motorized dildo pointing forward and designed to look exactly like a man’s penis, right down to the crooked and bulging veins. The giant rubber device looked as big as a large sausage and it was so thick no man could ever grip it around the middle with a closed fist. The back of the generator had three switches: BUZZER, LIGHT and PROBE. The entire apparatus looked like it could be picked up and wielded like some kind of jackhammer.
The space between the walls of the cargo trailer was filled with the large gynecological table/chair rigged to slide back and forth on a six-foot tract. It was wired to a voltage meter, with wires that could be attached to a woman s breasts and genitalia. There was also a generator that controlled the position of the black leather table, changing the elevation, foot position, back angle and, if necessary, the tilt of the entire female body tied down by red nylon straps to the D rings that served as wrist and ankle stirrups. A large hooded elbow light was bolted to the end of the table to illuminate the victim’s vagina while Ray forced her to watch him rape her live on TV. Walking down the right side of the chamber, Yontz looked down at the floor and saw a one-foot-tall Barbie doll with long black hair. Miniature chains were attached like shackles and hanging from her ankles, wrists, nipples and neck.
Finally, arriving at the back of the trailer on the right side, Yontz examined Ray’s stainless-steel medicine cabinet. It was covered with latex gloves, forceps, rolls of cotton, Spanish K-Y jelly, petroleum jelly, bottles of chloroform, ammonia “poppers” and hypodermic syringes. Three white candles were mounted on top of a model of a human skull and the bleached skull was standing next to a handcarved wooden dildo. To the left was a collection of David Ray’s small library of mostly female anatomy and withcraft books. Jim Yontz jotted down some of the titles that caught his eye:
Family Medical Guide
Emergency Victim Care
Fundamentali of Human Sexuality
Sexual Behavwr of the Human Female
The Dark World of Witches
American Psycho
On the very top shelf of the cabinet, he noticed twonaked baby dolls, one with a big patch of blond pubic hair and the other with a big patch of black pubic hair. Underneath the cabinet was an aluminum confinement drawer with a six-foot-long cot that slid out like a tray in a morgue and seemed to be the perfect place to store a live female body until Ray decided what to do with her next.
Jim turned and saw a plastic curtain that seemed to close off a small dressing area for the women. Ray had assembled a collection of nightgowns, along with a shelf containing shampoo, body lotion, baby powder, baby oil, mouthwash, perfume and lipstick. Just before he completed "the grand tour", Jim Yontz looked up and saw another set of torture drawings, even more grotesque than the first set he’d seen on the other side of the trailer. This group was numbered 1 through 13, and after looking at all of them, Yontz found there was one that would forever leave a permanent imprint on his mind. It was labeled THE 12 VOLT MOTORIZED BREAST STRETCHER and he’d seen a photograph of Cyndy Vigil that looked just like the drawing.
David Ray had a drawing of a naked woman strapped down by her hips, belly and chest with a hood over her face. Rubber-lined clamps were attached to her nipples and connected to the machine by nylon cords. Ray had typed instructions telling his followers how to torture the victim:
1. Operate motor with the lever in the "up' position.
2. Attach clamps securely to each nipple.
3. Tighten cord until breasts are stretched to the maximum length.
4. Turn machine "on" and watch nipples for indication of tearing and check clamps for slippage. Continue to operate.
NOTE: This process is very painful and due to the constant motion, the body will not adjust to the pain. During the operation, the subject will remain in extremely painful distress. By the time Yontz was ready to leave the toy box, his mind was crowded with disturbing images. He wondered if the four days in the box had triggered lost childhood memories for Patty Rust. There was no way to know, he concluded. One item he saw would make any woman shudder, however. In the very back of the trailer, he had seen a small ceramic ashtray shaped like a woman floating on her back in a pool of turquoise water. Her legs were spread wide and her large black pubic patch seemed to invite any man with a smoke in his hands to put out his burning cigarette right between her legs.
Last edited by lttlelindsey (2007-11-09 15:17:31)
#2 2007-11-09 15:52:30
Could someone else please steer her toward the "Intellectual Property" thread? I have the distinct impression I might accidentally take her somewhere entirely different...
Schlachthaus Fünf
#3 2007-11-09 15:59:13
Or perhaps towards the "Crime Library" website?
Yeah, there's a whole site dedicated to Serial Killers. Howabout that?
#4 2007-11-09 16:04:40
Roger_That wrote:
Or perhaps towards the "Crime Library" website?
Yeah, there's a whole site dedicated to Serial Killers. Howabout that?
I have read every once of Crimelibrary. I read it every morning like clock work. I am completely mind boggled by people capable of such heinous acts. I love to read about cannibals, killers ect.
I have found very little content on David Parker Ray. He is almost impossible to get info. on over the net.
I pieced together other's comments to actually mend the story together and share. I take no claim to it's origin.
#5 2007-11-09 16:47:06
I had no Idea David Ray did all his shit in Truth Or Consequences, NM... I used to live there and visit that very same lake every weekend.... Trippy... Heh, my ex wife still lives there... to bad he isn't still around...
#6 2007-11-09 16:51:49
Dreadw0lf wrote:
I had no Idea David Ray did all his shit in Truth Or Consequences, NM... I used to live there and visit that very same lake every weekend.... Trippy... Heh, my ex wife still lives there... to bad he isn't still around...
This is exactly why I posted it. Dude was way crazy and there is little discussion about him. Even crimelibrary.com limits thier content.
He was seriously wacky. I can't say he is my favorite wackadoo I prefer Albert Fish but his story is worth sharing.
#7 2007-11-09 17:12:20
Nope. I read this and I feel it is just a very long sequel to SEVEN.
We need real pictures posted - from the trailer or maybe some pictures of David Ray and his weirdo girlfriend as well.
Plus, I have yet to see a wooden dildo?
#8 2007-11-09 17:20:00
kim wrote:
Nope. I read this and I feel it is just a very long sequel to SEVEN.
We need real pictures posted - from the trailer or maybe some pictures of David Ray and his weirdo girlfriend as well.
Plus, I have yet to see a wooden dildo?
Well miss Kim
1. the difference here with David opposed to Seven is the fact that this story is real.
2. you can get a better look at a wooden dildo if you pull it from your blown out ass first.
3. Here's your pic of Mr. Ray..
#9 2007-11-09 17:25:13
kim wrote:
Nope. I read this and I feel it is just a very long sequel to SEVEN.
We need real pictures posted - from the trailer or maybe some pictures of David Ray and his weirdo girlfriend as well.
Plus, I have yet to see a wooden dildo?
Really? Welcome to Hardwood Dildos.
#10 2007-11-09 17:27:54
Here's another.
Last edited by whosasailorthen (2007-11-09 17:28:10)
#11 2007-11-09 17:56:57
lttlelindsey wrote:
2. you can get a better look at a wooden dildo if you pull it from your blown out ass first.
Oh, you!
#12 2007-11-09 20:03:31
kim wrote:
lttlelindsey wrote:
2. you can get a better look at a wooden dildo if you pull it from your blown out ass first.
Oh, you!
I can help you with that
#13 2007-11-09 20:15:56
#14 2007-11-10 00:05:46
lttlelindsey wrote:
He was seriously wacky. I can't say he is my favorite wackadoo I prefer Albert Fish but his story is worth sharing.
Albert Fish is one massive wackjob. I'm more of an Ed Gein fan myself...
"Well, Clarice - have the lambs stopped screaming?"
#15 2007-11-10 00:06:42
lttlelindsey wrote:
Well miss Kim
1. the difference here with David opposed to Seven is the fact that this story is real.
2. you can get a better look at a wooden dildo if you pull it from your blown out ass first.
3. Here's your pic of Mr. Ray..
http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c185/ … erray1.jpg
Ok, That's 1 point for LL.
#16 2007-11-10 04:45:46
Roger_That wrote:
Ok, That's 1 point for LL.
Sure, but she lost 40 points farther up the page for using the word "wackadoo."
Really. Until she stops torturing poor Mother Tongue I say we cut off her cunt lips and eat them like chirashi sushi.
Mmmmm...tuna on the outside...heaven in-between.
Last edited by WilberCuntLicker (2007-11-10 08:40:27)
#17 2007-11-10 05:15:26
lttlelindsey wrote:
I have read every once of Crimelibrary. I read it every morning like clock work. I am completely mind boggled by people capable of such heinous acts. I love to read about cannibals, killers ect.
I have found very little content on David Parker Ray. He is almost impossible to get info. on over the net.
I pieced together other's comments to actually mend the story together and share. I take no claim to it's origin.
Personally I am more than a little creeped out by a person who would awake eagerly hoping foir the next jucy update. Someone remind me never to get in a car alone with LL at the Cruel convention, no matter how nice her tatas might be.
#18 2007-11-10 08:59:05
Johnny Rotten wrote:
Personally I am more than a little creeped out by a person who would awake eagerly hoping foir the next jucy update. Someone remind me never to get in a car alone with LL at the Cruel convention, no matter how nice her tatas might be.
For once we are in agreement. I get the feeling that litlelindsey lures them in for her serial killer boyfriend.
Last edited by headkicker_girl (2007-11-10 08:59:21)
#19 2007-11-10 10:16:03
Hey wait, I read crime library too! Ok, but not all of it, and I don't await updates with baited breath...
#20 2007-11-10 12:21:22
Roger_That wrote:
Hey wait, I read crime library too! Ok, but not all of it, and I don't await updates with baited breath...
Because Roger is the very picture of a well adjusted woman.
#21 2007-11-10 19:21:12
I'm looking for something legal that will give me jail-baited breath...
#22 2007-11-12 00:58:48
I'm beginning to understand why you remind me so much of Diane Downs.
#23 2007-11-12 01:03:46
Montecore wrote:
I'm beginning to understand why you remind me so much of Diane Downs.
Good catch! Members are fungible, too.
#24 2007-11-12 11:26:24
Ha ha ha I'm only interested in such freak shows beacuse I can not understand what makes someone suddenly or over time decide "hey, I'm gonna eat that guy today" .
So so strange. I'm also reading the Robert Pickton court transcripts daily. I can't wait to read what macabre activities old Willy has be up to.
#25 2007-11-12 11:35:20
lttlelindsey wrote:
I can not understand
Do you think the answers to such questions will be found here; silly little shit?
#26 2007-11-12 11:38:34
MSG Tripps wrote:
lttlelindsey wrote:
I can not understand
Do you think the answers to such questions will be found here; silly little shit?
no no no I don't think I'll find much more than daily insults here. But I'll keep trying. Perhaps they will subside at some point. Til then Yea yea yea I know I suck boo hoo...
#27 2007-11-12 11:41:49
English major?
#28 2007-11-12 11:42:45
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -Benjamin Franklin
#29 2007-11-12 11:46:58
Draz.... I think.... I think.... I may love you.....
Pity you.
#30 2007-11-12 12:18:06
I never mentioned anything about being an english major. There is a possibility that I might be insane. I'm okay with that.
#31 2007-11-12 12:32:47
lttlelindsey wrote:
english major
Wise beyond your official education [and proud of it] are we?
#32 2007-11-12 13:08:11
Draz wrote:
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. -Benjamin Franklin
Shutthefuckup, cunt.
I have never so much as exchanged one fucking word with you, and you have big balls indeed for biting one of the hands that makes this site possible.
I would like to see the site that you and Dhal come up with. All about NOTHING.
I have shown more of myself and my life here than you, and can back up every fucking assertion I have ever made here, you ugly, uninspired, imitative, dead-inside tube steak depot.
So Dahl "loves you" now. Maybe you ought to stop plastering your coochie with scratch n' sniff stickers so old smelly retards such as he don't fall under your dubious spell. Everyone fucking knows that 'tards go into an unrecoverable loop of frenzy and drool when the faintest whiff of strawberry shortcake wafts under their nose. . .
Congratucocksuckfuckinglations. I will haunt you as long as you decide to wipe your unfashionable shit-covered shoes in my home.
#33 2007-11-12 13:18:30
The perfect what, Dollface?
#34 2007-11-12 13:21:35
lttlelindsey wrote:
I never mentioned anything about being an english major. There is a possibility that I might be insane. I'm okay with that.
Lindsey, I like you.
Not just because you are a fellow beautiful Sagittarian, but because you have balls. Fuck Dhal. He's just having an unhappy Veteran's Day because he wasted his entire lame-assed life serving his country. I think he lost his frontal lobe in 'Nam, and that's why he can't differentiate between being a connoisseur of cruelty and a purveyor of it.
As a matter of fact, he looks just like the man you posted this topic about.
#35 2007-11-12 13:23:05
Oh dear. I guess all those meds have affected you as much as you said they did. I definitely believe that.
sofaking wrote:
...can back up every fucking assertion I have ever made here
All righty, but if Mr. Sofie still needs the $2500 to cover your medical needs (in spite of you having a great deal of money), lemme know. My offer still stands.
As for my "dubious spell", well now you're just being far too sweet.
Welcome back, sofaking! It's a pleasure to watch you shit all over your playground.
#36 2007-11-12 13:32:19
sofaking wrote:
lttlelindsey wrote:
I never mentioned anything about being an english major. There is a possibility that I might be insane. I'm okay with that.
Lindsey, I like you.
Not just because you are a fellow beautiful Sagittarian, but because you have balls. Fuck Dhal. He's just having an unhappy Veteran's Day because he wasted his entire lame-assed life serving his country. I think he lost his frontal lobe in 'Nam, and that's why he can't differentiate between being a connoisseur of cruelty and a purveyor of it.
As a matter of fact, he looks just like the man you posted this topic about.
I am beyond flattered and will only work harder to drudge the internets for the slime of society as proof. Thanks...
#37 2007-11-12 13:34:42
Draz wrote:
Oh dear. I guess all those meds have affected you as much as you said they did. I definitely believe that.
sofaking wrote:
...can back up every fucking assertion I have ever made here
All righty, but if Mr. Sofie still needs the $2500 to cover your medical needs (in spite of you having a great deal of money), lemme know. My offer still stands.
As for my "dubious spell", well now you're just being far too sweet.
Welcome back, sofaking! It's a pleasure to watch you shit all over your playground.
Cunt, I can back up my shit. Have been for many, many years now.
Got the money. It was $12,000 total, and I suppose you don't understand the difficulty in liquidity of assets when you have a payroll to cover and the bills that kill. It's not like I can hock one of my rigs, and/or cook the books. I have to pay so much money out a month, it'd make your half-witted head explode. I saved most of it already, and have (real) people who care about me.
He was panicked because I went septic before we could schedule the proceedure. I forgive his temporary lapse of judgement, and being a nice person. You get no such reprieve, you 'tard teasing hussy. I hope you get anally raped with a broken glass-encrusted dildo.
#38 2007-11-12 13:36:26
sofaking wrote:
So Dahl "loves you" now.
Pity both of ya'll.
#39 2007-11-12 13:38:33
MSG Tripps wrote:
sofaking wrote:
So Dahl "loves you" now.
Pity both of ya'll.
Yeah, Dhal, you and Spaz can tag team, and impale me with your rapier wit.
Nigga please.
#40 2007-11-12 13:44:39
sofaking wrote:
Nigga please.
Brilliant. Do carry on, Dollface.
#41 2007-11-12 13:49:10
sofaking wrote:
He was panicked because I went septic before we could schedule the proceedure. I forgive his temporary lapse of judgement, and being a nice person.
I just didn't want him to give you any more tirades about how no one here cares about you.
sofaking wrote:
You get no such reprieve, you 'tard teasing hussy. I hope you get anally raped with a glass-encrusted dildo.
Geez, you're going to make me regret rejoicing over your being unbanned, if you keep up that up. I'm sure Dhal has enough love in his heart for you, too. If you want me to go away, just say so. No need to wish ill on my puckerstar.
#42 2007-11-12 13:59:57
Draz wrote:
sofaking wrote:
He was panicked because I went septic before we could schedule the proceedure. I forgive his temporary lapse of judgement, and being a nice person.
I just didn't want him to give you any more tirades about how no one here cares about you.
sofaking wrote:
You get no such reprieve, you 'tard teasing hussy. I hope you get anally raped with a glass-encrusted dildo.
Geez, you're going to make me regret rejoicing over your being unbanned, if you keep up that up. I'm sure Dhal has enough love in his heart for you, too. If you want me to go away, just say so. No need to wish ill on my puckerstar.
No. Stay.
I need a punching bag, you brilliant piece of sneaker tread turd.
C'mon, you vacuous twat. Gimme a reason to pimpslap you again.
Oh, and wipe your crusty mouth, cunt. Dhal left some hobo hot dog juice across your face as he was declaring his love for you.
Bitch, I'm on pain meds, and can still intellectually wipe the floor with you.
You contribute nothing. You're not funny.
Gimme your best. Even dying, I can kick your bitchtard ass.
#43 2007-11-12 14:05:29
Draz wrote:
enough love in his heart for you
Sure thing, I am just full of love.
#44 2007-11-12 20:24:57
sofaking wrote:
Draz wrote:
sofaking wrote:
He was panicked because I went septic before we could schedule the proceedure. I forgive his temporary lapse of judgement, and being a nice person.
I just didn't want him to give you any more tirades about how no one here cares about you.
sofaking wrote:
You get no such reprieve, you 'tard teasing hussy. I hope you get anally raped with a glass-encrusted dildo.
Geez, you're going to make me regret rejoicing over your being unbanned, if you keep up that up. I'm sure Dhal has enough love in his heart for you, too. If you want me to go away, just say so. No need to wish ill on my puckerstar.
No. Stay.
I need a punching bag, you brilliant piece of sneaker tread turd.
C'mon, you vacuous twat. Gimme a reason to pimpslap you again.
Oh, and wipe your crusty mouth, cunt. Dhal left some hobo hot dog juice across your face as he was declaring his love for you.
Bitch, I'm on pain meds, and can still intellectually wipe the floor with you.
You contribute nothing. You're not funny.
Gimme your best. Even dying, I can kick your bitchtard ass.
While your string of profanity is reaching, I still have to consult an attorney about your threats of physical harm. Do you know any lawyers?
I feel a new rule to HS coming on!
Anyway, I hope you are feeling well. G.E.
Draz the Spaz
#45 2007-11-12 20:32:17
Draz wrote:
While your string of profanity is reaching, I still have to consult an attorney about your threats of physical harm.
You'd lose. Well, actually, you wouldn't even get far enough to lose. No one would prosecute her based on the comments made in this thread. I won't bother going into the legal details, as they would be over your head.
#46 2007-11-12 20:42:29
sofaking wrote:
Gimme your best. Even dying, I can kick your bitchtard ass.
HKG wrote:
You'd lose.
Let's let Choad decide.
#47 2007-11-12 20:43:32
Draz wrote:
sofaking wrote:
Gimme your best. Even dying, I can kick your bitchtard ass.
HKG wrote:
You'd lose.
Let's let Choad decide.
Are you drinking? Decide what? Does Choad have a secret life as a federal prosecutor?
#48 2007-11-12 20:48:49
I daresay, this is very very entertaining.
Hi Draz!
#49 2007-11-12 20:49:30
headkicker_girl wrote:
Decide what? Does Choad have a secret life as a federal prosecutor?
Are you suggesting now that you are a federal prosecutor?
#50 2007-11-12 20:50:37
Hi RT!!