#1 2007-12-03 13:21:38

Score another point for the knee-jerk political corrections system:

State Removing License Plate 'Hate' Words

MACON, Ga. -- A central Georgia driver's discovery that his license plate contained an anti-Semitic message has prompted the state to stop issuing personalized or hobby plates that suggest the word "hate."

Frank Gumina told The Telegraph newspaper in Macon he was surprised when his auto mechanic asked him if he were a "Jew hater." The mechanic pointed to the license plate on Gumina's 1974 Volkswagen Thing.

It read: HA8 JWZ.

Gumina said he had to stare at it awhile before he understood. "I guess I don't pay attention to the letters and stuff," he said. (source)

I guess the important factor here is that it wasn't a vanity plate; i.e., the vehicle's owner hadn't selected that combination because he thought it meant something else. It was the sequence given to him by the DMV. No word on whether F4G and KYK will also be struck from the state's computers (or why an illiterate would buy the ugliest VW ever made).




#2 2007-12-03 15:18:22


I want a VW thing so bad.

Nazi made car, jew hater plates, seems fitting enough



#3 2007-12-03 17:36:05

Hey Kim, given your predilection I thought you might find this helpful.



#4 2007-12-04 06:29:14

It's sad that bi-peds are so quick to pass judgment rather than to actually communicate with one another.  I've had a few such encounters involving my own license plate.




#5 2007-12-04 11:16:36

Y'kno, by constantly referring to those who surround you as bi-peds [sic] in that derisive, OCD-ish way, you imply that you're not one. Well, I suppose we can't fault you for accuracy (maybe just the odd centering fetish). Did the 'zionist pig' plate take you long, or do the drugs make time seem to fly by?

Pale Rider



#6 2007-12-04 11:26:03


Southern California, where I live, is full of the jews. It is where the rich people live, lots of celebrities and all that shit. Fucking annoying.



#7 2007-12-04 14:58:29

pENIx wrote:

Y'kno, by constantly referring to those who surround you as bi-peds [sic] in that derisive, OCD-ish way, you imply that you're not one.

My, but aren't you a "quick one."

pENIx wrote:

Did the 'zionist pig' plate take you long . . .

Ten minutes at the MVD.  Oh, you meant the "hot-link,' didn't you?  Yeah, even less time spent there.

-pENIx wrote:

. . . or do the drugs make time seem to fly by?

Ha, I get it - An implication that any-body who partakes of a bit of recreational drug use is de-facto a lesser person.  You bore me; And, that's no small feat of late.



#8 2007-12-04 16:24:51

Decadunce wrote:

An implication that any-body who partakes of a bit of recreational drug use is de-facto a lesser person.

Nope. I have plenty of historical drug use to my so-called credit. The difference between an 'implication' and a 'projection' is that I don't object to all drunken animosity, just the sloppily written kind. You don't change the observation by trying to suggest that I said something I didn't.

Decadontaskdonttell wrote:

You bore me; And, that's no small feat of late.

I take it this means you haven't been able to see your cock in a few years?

But to make sure we're on the same page here--and you're fighting something worthwhile, instead of the usual DTs--this thread wasn't specifically created to deride Fnord (no more or less so than other titles with my SN, or variants, in them) and I'm quite sure he can defend himself without your help. He has no compunction about a racist façade; so, I have none about toying with it.

If I bore you so much, then why are you speaking at me? Do you expect me to go changin', to try to please you?



#9 2007-12-04 17:44:39

pENIx wrote:

The difference between an 'implication' and a 'projection' is that I don't object to all drunken animosity, just the sloppily written kind.

Have I shown you my belly-lint collection yet?

PassiveAggressive wrote:

I take it this means you haven't been able to see your cock in a few years?

< ShakespearAdence > Shall I compare thee to a bad episode of Jerry Springer?
For thou art surely more predictable and "mind-numbing" a distraction . . .
< /ShakespearAdence >

PalePalsied wrote:

But to make sure we're on the same page here--and you're fighting something worthwhile, instead of the usual DTs . . .

You obviously know "fuck-all" about dipsomania.  I'm immune to "DT's," you ignorant Fuck.

Hedwig's Angry Inch wrote:

this thread wasn't specifically created to deride Fnord (no more or less so than other titles with my SN, or variants, in them) and I'm quite sure he can defend himself without your help.

I'm sorry; But, for clarification's sake here, whom exactly is "putting words" in-to whom's e-mouth?

"But, I can-not promise you
I've said good-bye to childish things.
There's still some pretty insults left,
and such sport in threatening.
My poor, belated, chastity fell foul of "grown-up" games.
With false and lovely modesty,
I can recall the names I miss.
In the particle of me that cares for this,
I betrayed those little atoms . . .  With a kiss.



#10 2007-12-04 21:45:01

PUZH8R: I know that this wasn't meant to color fnord any particular way, but. . . Despite the fact that fnord would probably not even piss down my throat if my lungs were on fire (oh mammy! iz suhbody sabe me?), from his posts here I doubt he'd be rude/publicly disrespectful, especially in graphic and obvious ways.  Leading by example & all that, plus not wanting to get your possessions set on fire or broken... It would take a blatant retard to make yourself a target like that deliberately.



#11 2007-12-05 01:49:57

John Cameron Mitchell? I've been to enough of his birthdays, the bloody Gemini. Invoke Hedwig at me, and you prove you know nothing. Go take your plastic cup of chemicals, Dec, and go home. Then come back and stop pretending as if people really know who you are.

You don't want them to, and you should stop that.



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