#101 2008-12-23 16:01:33

I kinda like this one:




#102 2008-12-23 16:06:55

House is my hero...



#103 2008-12-23 16:09:29

ptah13 wrote:

House is my hero...

And House even has pics.



#104 2008-12-23 22:17:33

Happy Christmas everybody. In a way, Emmeran, spending christmas in the hospital is an entirely High Street style holiday. Watch out for Hasidic rapists.



#105 2008-12-24 00:21:14

But wait!!  There's more...

This week and this week only you get to have a free broken elbow with reconstructive surgery for your pubescent son!!

Yup, you heard correctly; my son slipped on wet pavement, hit his elbow on a door knob and broke it.  Surgery is scheduled for tomorrow.

and not to be ignored the continuing saga of the ex-wife now includes (predictably): pneumonia.  They do not intend to contemplate releasing her from ICU until next week.

This is it folks, there is only one person left in my immediate family who has not been hospitalized with a critical illness/injury this year (and that person shall remain unnamed).  The list is seven deep and includes:  Father, Mother, all siblings, ex-wife and son.



#106 2008-12-24 00:24:52

Collecting the set, are we?



#107 2008-12-24 00:26:42

Some people will go to any lengths to win Close Relative Injury Bingo.



#108 2008-12-24 00:53:25

Emmy, with the son now out of the way, I believe you are entitled to an all expense paid, mid-life freak out which includes two fabulous nights in an airport Hilton with your choice of a) a hooker who barely speaks English and is missing one limb, b) an old girlfriend for whom you didn't much care about the first time, or c) a hot 23-year old college girl who gives amazing head and will steal your identity thereby utterly destroying you financially and; an ounce of mediocre weed or three bottles of Everclear.




#109 2008-12-24 00:54:02

The boy is definitely not happy (nor is his coach), he is going to miss the entire rugby season. 

Because of his age he has to go to the pediatrics ward, because of his size the pediatrics ward has to borrow equipment from the adult ward.



#110 2008-12-24 00:55:35

Taint wrote:

Emmy, with the son now out of the way, I believe you are entitled to an all expense paid, mid-life freak out which includes two fabulous nights in an airport Hilton with your choice of a) a hooker who barely speaks English and is missing one limb, b) an old girlfriend for whom you didn't much care about the first time, or c) a hot 23-year old college girl who gives amazing head and will steal your identity thereby utterly destroying you financially and; an ounce of mediocre weed or three bottles of Everclear.


I would like plan B with the Everclear; there is nothing quite like a good old fashioned drunken grudge fuck.



#111 2008-12-24 01:01:08

Emmeran wrote:

Taint wrote:

Emmy, with the son now out of the way, I believe you are entitled to an all expense paid, mid-life freak out which includes two fabulous nights in an airport Hilton with your choice of a) a hooker who barely speaks English and is missing one limb, b) an old girlfriend for whom you didn't much care about the first time, or c) a hot 23-year old college girl who gives amazing head and will steal your identity thereby utterly destroying you financially and; an ounce of mediocre weed or three bottles of Everclear.


I would like plan B with the Everclear; there is nothing quite like a good old fashioned drunken grudge fuck.

Your prizes will arrive at your residence COD sometime between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Monday.



#112 2008-12-24 11:11:48

Shit, Emm, if you're going with the Everclear I'll donate some mediocre weed.

(actually it's a bit better than mediocre, but it ain't no OC Kush).

Go beat the shit out of some homeless people, it always makes Me feel better when I'm all stressed out.



#113 2008-12-25 16:24:23

All I got for Christmass is cat scans and MRIs.

Just the other day it seems I was emphasising about Em's family imagining walking a day in his shoes.

Last night at 3:30 Am I missed a call from my mom. There was no message just silence on the line. Turns out one side of her body had gone weak and fuzzy and she was down on the floor unable to get back into bed. It wasn't till after dawn she was able to call the EMT's, who in her small town called her friends nearby, and they all converged on her house to rescue her.

She had been complaining about a pinched nerve in her arm for 10 days, but had resisted all attempts to get her an appointment. The local hospital took one look at her, said brain functioning, and put her on a chopper over Massachusetts Bay to Mass General.

A stroke perhaps? Not the least of it, slightly bleeding metasisized lesions in the brain with swelling. One of which is affecting her right side. Say what!? She has never even complained of a headache or any other symptom. It was only a year or so ago that she gave up the push mower saying her right arm felt a bit weak under the effort.

The kicker is that such cancer usually does not start in the brain, but is a result of metastisized spreading. Sure enough, full body scans show a large mass in the lung and nodules in lymph nodes. From what I know this is a mortal condition.

Borehole brain surgery to deal with the swelling and get at one lesion is scheduled for tomorrow.

I will be moving to Boston and the island next week for the forseeable future. Which may not have a long event horizon.

Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2008-12-25 16:30:24)



#114 2008-12-25 16:39:14

I hope things turn out much better than expected for all of you making hospital visits.



#115 2008-12-25 16:45:28

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

All I got for Christmass is cat scans and MRIs.

Just the other day it seems I was emphasising about Em's family imagining walking a day in his shoes.

Last night at 3:30 Am I missed a call from my mom. There was no message just silence on the line. Turns out one side of her body had gone weak and fuzzy and she was down on the floor unable to get back into bed. It wasn't till after dawn she was able to call the EMT's, who in her small town called her friends nearby, and they all converged on her house to rescue her.

She had been complaining about a pinched nerve in her arm for 10 days, but had resisted all attempts to get her an appointment. The local hospital took one look at her, said brain functioning, and put her on a chopper over Massachusetts Bay to Mass General.

A stroke perhaps? Not the least of it, slightly bleeding metasisized lesions in the brain with swelling. One of which is affecting her right side. Say what!? She has never even complained of a headache or any other symptom. It was only a year or so ago that she gave up the push mower saying her right arm felt a bit weak under the effort.

The kicker is that such cancer usually does not start in the brain, but is a result of metastisized spreading. Sure enough, full body scans show a large mass in the lung and nodules in lymph nodes. From what I know this is a mortal condition.

Borehole brain surgery to deal with the swelling and get at one lesion is scheduled for tomorrow.

I will be moving to Boston and the island next week for the forseeable future. Which may not have a long event horizon.

Crikey, that's the shits.  Sorry to read this Johnny.



#116 2008-12-25 16:52:45

Best wishes to you as well Johnny.  Your mother is a fine lady and I would hate for our long acquaintance to end so soon.

was that wrong of me?  Srsly, I hope everyone gets better and soon

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2008-12-25 16:54:38)



#117 2008-12-25 17:02:44

Thanks Yeshua. Even to this day she was always taking your side and defending you from blasphomy. Recently she took particular exception to what Huckabee and his rightwing cronies were saying in your name.



#118 2008-12-25 17:06:56

Dad hates that Huckabee bastard.  He gave out a no-interest loan to Lucifer a couple months ago so he could add on a new ring for guys like that.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2008-12-25 17:07:47)



#119 2008-12-25 18:58:02

For fucks sake - nothing good to say from this side of the continent either.  We are in our fourth week and I suspect we have a new problem (the urine bag is an awful color of red and she is complaining of severe back pain); the kids are starting to unravel, they just don't know it yet.  I forced them down for naps but they are moaning in their sleep.

Oh, and a very good friend at work just had his sister die of skin cancer on Monday.

Merry Fucking Christmas Johnny and welcome to our fucked up little party; give me your address and I'll send you a bottle.

Last edited by Emmeran (2008-12-25 18:58:45)



#120 2008-12-25 20:07:27

God, Johnny. I don't even know if you'll see this.  It is horrible news and I can only hope that the doctors are wrong.  I am thinking hopeful thoughts on everyone's behalf (for whatever that's worth) and, to be candid, counting my own blessings in re my parents.  I just got off the phone with them.

This may not make you feel better but it sounds as if your mother has had a terrific life up until very recently.  The alternative is long years of slowly waning strength, mobility and cognitive ability; I have known people who spent decades dying, and believe it or not your mom's situation is preferable.

I don't often pester God but I will be praying for you people and your families tonight.  God bless and good luck.



#121 2008-12-25 20:41:03

Well, just to add to the mix, I had to rush over to a friend's house last night as the paramedics were arriving. He's diabetic, and having been ill the last couple of days, he'd not been monitoring his - insulin? - levels (I don't know as much about diabetes as I probably should). He was admitted into ICU last night; we went to see him this afternoon. He was totally out of it, but stabilized.

God bless us everyone.



#122 2008-12-25 21:41:56

My prayers are with you, Em and J-R.  My dad was out walking in his neighborhood in Boise, was crossing the next-door neighbor's driveway, slipped on ice, landed on his left kneecap.  Smashed it into three pieces.  He couldn't see over the hedge, knew the neighbors couldn't either.  Called them on his cellie (all praise the name of technology), had them call mom and 911.  Had surgery Tuesday to pin it all back together, went home yesterday.  He's pretty uncomfortable right now and faces 6 to 8 weeks before he's recovered, but thankful nonetheless given all the plausible alternate scenarios.

Moral, I guess?  Continue to check in with those you care about, and keep them in your good thoughts/prayers.



#123 2008-12-26 06:27:07

George Orr wrote:

God, Johnny. I don't even know if you'll see this.  It is horrible news and I can only hope that the doctors are wrong.  I am thinking hopeful thoughts on everyone's behalf (for whatever that's worth) and, to be candid, counting my own blessings in re my parents.  I just got off the phone with them.

This may not make you feel better but it sounds as if your mother has had a terrific life up until very recently.  The alternative is long years of slowly waning strength, mobility and cognitive ability; I have known people who spent decades dying, and believe it or not your mom's situation is preferable.

I don't often pester God but I will be praying for you people and your families tonight.  God bless and good luck.

Thanks all,

Santa Claus has delivered us a good neurosurgeon for Xmass.

Didn't mean to hijack Em's posting of updates, keep 'em coming, but I wasn't about to start another thread of holiday misery.

Yes my mother has led a blessed life and surprisingly this has been one of her most active years as a regional chairman of a national volunteer organisation.

She comes from a line of long lived women. But she has always made it very clear that she did not want to live a painfull deceipit existance. She fears the loss of her abilities to care for herself probably more then death.  Always said she did not want to live as long as the centurians in the family, setting her date of departure about a decade hence. Today she has decided to fight on the hopes that her quality of life will be sufficient to see another spring bloom in the gardens from the outside of a hospital.

We are still not sure if she knew something was up or if her point of reference just kept shifting and she just adjusted and downplayed it without getting checked out. She never mentioned any symptoms and only complained that she felt a bit old to do the heavy work in the garden. We do not have the final determination yet, but this is terminal, 6 weeks to a year and a half if they can treat her brain lesions.

This kind of thing is so much easier to treat if you catch it early. It pays to keep a caring watch on the elders amongst you.



#124 2008-12-26 06:51:33

I'm not even sure who I pray to anymore, but I've put in a word for all of you.

My mom has chronic health problems as well, and my sister and I, along with my 80-something grandmother, split up the responsibility of helping her along these days. It's grueling, and at times seems endless, but I'm feeling a little more thankful this morning that she's still with us.

We are all some sick fucks to be sure, but our hearts are in the right place when it matters.



#125 2008-12-26 09:07:28

JR - I'm truly sorry to hear about your mom. I hope things go well for both of you, that she is comfortable and the news improves.

I got laid off on 12/24, told I was done effective immediately, cut off email, network, etc., all due to unavailability of credit.  Even with that, I think I am sitting in clover compared to you and Em.  My thoughts are with you both.



#126 2008-12-26 17:15:46

Wow. I  go skiing for a couple of days and the shit hits the fan. I'm so sorry-Johnny, that's awful and I know you will be such a comfort to her in these important days.
Em, hang in there and I know you too are such a rock for your kids-they're lucky to have you to help them make sense of the senseless.
And Fled, geez, what is this? I know you'll be okay, but this shit is not fun. Keep us posted. Don't wear pajamas during the day, you'll feel worse.

Taint, your idea for a holiday package sounds good, except I'd add chlamydia contained in a petri dish as a stocking stuffer, or crabs or something. Crabs in little elf hats. Like a flea circus, only with a sexually transmitted louse. Can we start a business where we sell them like sea monkeys?



#127 2008-12-31 11:03:11

Things are looking up, she's back at the rehab hospital again.  With any luck she'll be back home in a month.

Until then the kids stay with Daddy.



#128 2009-01-11 01:13:33

Good news from this side of the continent, Doc says she should be released sometime during the coming week.  (week 7/8)

JR - I hope things are improving for you also.



#129 2009-01-11 07:46:50

That's good to hear, Emm. 

Although I should have taken Toe's counsel, I have been in fleece for three weeks, and I am running out of bourbon.  This may mean I will actually have to locate my wallet and keys.

Last edited by Fled (2009-01-12 16:23:38)



#130 2009-01-12 13:24:14

Ahh, Fled. You just need to exfoliate. Quit masturbating and go for a walk. :)

(and glad to hear it, Em. Glad to hear it. :))

Last edited by icangetyouatoe (2009-01-12 13:24:58)



#131 2009-01-14 01:43:34

Joy!!  6 weeks and 1 day later she is going home.  Very good news.

Unfortunately one of my employees decide she would bravely come to work sick three days in a row (after being sent home each previous day) - so the kids are sick and must stay with me and away from mom for a couple of more days.

Listen up people - if you are sick stay home and recover, work remotely.  Just don't infect anyone else - you might just kill someone.

Last edited by Emmeran (2009-01-14 01:44:15)



#132 2009-01-14 12:35:49

are you going crazy yet?

xo me



#133 2009-03-23 16:59:37

Back for more.

Had the trip to the ER last night, at least one more heart attack.

Does Guinness Book of Records have a heart attack category?



#134 2009-03-23 18:37:14

Emmeran wrote:

Does Guinness Book of Records have a heart attack category?

The Current Record Holder



#135 2009-03-23 19:13:50

Oh God, Em, I'm so sorry. It just doesn't quit, does it. You take care of yourself and those precious kids and just remember to breathe and come here for porn pictures.



#136 2009-03-23 20:58:15

Just fucking do it already, K?



#137 2009-03-23 23:23:44

Scotty wrote:

Just fucking do it already, K?



#138 2009-03-24 01:26:56

Well, shit, Em. You're in my thoughts.



#139 2009-03-24 11:27:37

You need to renegotiate child custody.  It’s clear she will not be able to deal with the stress of living with teenagers.  Like Toe, Sailor and a few others, I’m a member of The Church of Anne Boleyn* and will light a candle for you.

*I have issues with many of the traditional beliefs, however, I appreciate that the church isn’t dogmatic about them and has no problem with people exploring and finding their own way.



#140 2009-03-24 13:38:36

fnord wrote:

You need to renegotiate child custody.  It’s clear she will not be able to deal with the stress of living with teenagers.

Well if I wanted to kill her that would be the way to do it.  Unfortunately this is simply a case of a bad gene branch and if the shitty vascular structure and fucked plasma weren't enough, she also has the spectre of early onset altzheimers hanging over her head.

I think I'll let the kids have as much time with her as they can while she is still around and lucid.

Last edited by Emmeran (2009-03-24 13:39:25)



#141 2009-03-24 13:46:02

You are in my thoughts today.



#142 2009-03-24 16:39:42

Take care of yourself and your monsters.  I hope they get many more good years with their mom.



#143 2009-03-24 17:46:39

All the good wishes and hopes go for me as well, Emm.  From this remote vantage point, you seem to be handling all these twists and turns with incredible grace.  Please keep posting and letting as much of it go as you can.



#144 2009-03-24 17:57:42

Geez, am I the only one here who hopes she dies?  You fucking people have gone soft.

yes i'm fucking joking.  if I was capable of prayer I'd pray for your baby mama, Emm.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-03-24 17:58:22)



#145 2009-03-24 20:43:48

You know, Jeez, in the movie version of High Street you're the guy around minute 45 who like, starts crying when the hero tells you to take out the android who's purposely taken on the appearance of  your little cousin suzy and you scream "I can't do it! I just can't do it" and then Suzy's metallic doppelganger eats your face off and we're even more totally fucked because it now has your gun.



#146 2009-03-24 20:50:11

I better be played by Bill Paxton.



#147 2009-03-24 22:09:58

jesusluvspegging wrote:

yes i'm fucking joking.  if I was capable of prayer I'd pray for your baby mama, Emm.

I guess prayer would be a little masturbatory, wouldn't it?



#148 2009-03-24 22:48:40

Taint wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

yes i'm fucking joking.  if I was capable of prayer I'd pray for your baby mama, Emm.

I guess prayer would be a little masturbatory, wouldn't it?

I was OOC for that particular aside



#149 2009-03-25 11:20:43

such flaccid replies!



#150 2009-03-27 00:44:18

icangetyouatoe wrote:

You know, Jeez, in the movie version of High Street you're the guy around minute 45 who like, starts crying when the hero tells you to take out the android who's purposely taken on the appearance of  your little cousin suzy and you scream "I can't do it! I just can't do it" and then Suzy's metallic doppelganger eats your face off and we're even more totally fucked because it now has your gun.

Out of curiousity, would you consider Maximum Overdrive to be a good date movie?

Because that would be hawt.



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