#1 2009-01-05 02:26:21

Click Click!




#2 2009-01-05 02:53:28

The residents of Gaza, and the Palestinians as a whole, say they would like their own state. Yet such state must be earned. And earning a state – a piece of land to call your own – takes much more than incessant whining to the international community coupled with a desire to drive out the Jews. It requires inner strength and the ability to create rather than destroy. This is what Israelis proved time and again for over 60 years, and this is what Palestinians have yet to prove.

This part made me squirt diet pepsi out my nose.



#3 2009-01-05 13:21:57

If the rich Arab nations in the Middle East truly wanted the Palestinians to prosper and move on, they could have helped them do so decades ago.  The fact is the rich Arabs want to keep the Palestinians crowded, festering, and angry at Israel.  These wretched masses are the source of cannon fodder for the proxy wars against Israel conducted by the Saudis, Iran, and others.  The Jews are there and they are going to stay, so the fate of the Palestinians rests with the rich Arabs, who don't really give a damn about their fate.



#4 2009-01-05 13:59:20

phreddy wrote:

If the rich Arab nations in the Middle East truly wanted the Palestinians to prosper and move on, they could have helped them do so decades ago.  The fact is the rich Arabs want to keep the Palestinians crowded, festering, and angry at Israel.  These wretched masses are the source of cannon fodder for the proxy wars against Israel conducted by the Saudis, Iran, and others.  The Jews are there and they are going to stay, so the fate of the Palestinians rests with the rich Arabs, who don't really give a damn about their fate.

OMG!  Phreddy is having a lucid moment!



#5 2009-01-05 14:03:29

headkicker_girl wrote:

phreddy wrote:

If the rich Arab nations in the Middle East truly wanted the Palestinians to prosper and move on, they could have helped them do so decades ago.  The fact is the rich Arabs want to keep the Palestinians crowded, festering, and angry at Israel.  These wretched masses are the source of cannon fodder for the proxy wars against Israel conducted by the Saudis, Iran, and others.  The Jews are there and they are going to stay, so the fate of the Palestinians rests with the rich Arabs, who don't really give a damn about their fate.

OMG!  Phreddy is having a lucid moment!

Does this mean you actually agree with me?



#6 2009-01-05 14:18:57

phreddy wrote:

Does this mean you actually agree with me?

Yes.  It's no secret that the Palestinians are the "white trash" of Arabs.  None of the other Arab nations particularly cares about their plight, but they do like the fact that the Palestinians like to launch rockets at Isreal...so much so that they are supplying Hamas with the munitions.  That way the Saudis, etc., can keep their hands clean while using the Palestinians to do their dirty work.  Israel's in a no win situation.  You can't just let Hamas keep bombing your citizens without taking action, but on the other hand, photos of dead babies is a PR nightmare because it's so inflammatory that people forget that Hamas was the aggressor.  And if you're Palestinian, you can't openly reject Hamas, so you're just caught in the crossfire.



#7 2009-01-05 14:27:22

But starving a population, keeping out medical supplies etc are okay, huh Phwedd, and HK?  Sending in assination teams and taking out elected officials is okay, and none of it is to be constructed as provocation?  Please kids, at least check up on what has been going on during the last six months leading up to this.

Did you forget that Israel initially bankrolled Hamas as a counter to Fatah?  Seriously?



#8 2009-01-05 14:34:10

Dmtdust wrote:

But starving a population, keeping out medical supplies etc are okay, huh Phwedd, and HK?  Sending in assination teams and taking out elected officials is okay, and none of it is to be constructed as provocation?  Please kids, at least check up on what has been going on during the last six months leading up to this.

Did you forget that Israel initially bankrolled Hamas as a counter to Fatah?  Seriously?

Seriously though, everybody with half of a brain left Palestine years ago, the religious zealots and criminals left behind are really just the chaff of that society.  They just haven't figured out yet that they lost this one decades ago and now are only intentionally prolonging their own misery for a larger personal piece of that particular shit pie.



#9 2009-01-05 14:37:59

Dmtdust wrote:

But starving a population, keeping out medical supplies etc are okay, huh Phwedd, and HK?  Sending in assination teams and taking out elected officials is okay, and none of it is to be constructed as provocation?  Please kids, at least check up on what has been going on during the last six months leading up to this.

Did you forget that Israel initially bankrolled Hamas as a counter to Fatah?  Seriously?

No, starving a population and keeping out medical supplies is not ok, but how would you suggest that they deal with Hamas when it's obvious that you cannot negotiate with them in good faith?  Why isn't Saudi Arabia or Egypt or any of the more "rationale" arab states involved in any humanitarian efforts to aid the Palestinians or in telling Hamas to leave its ego at the door when it's time to sit down at the table?  And how can you rationally negotiate with a culture that encourages martyrdom?

And yes, Hamas has become Israel's Saddam.

I'm not a fan of the Jews, but in this case I don't see what other option they had when they were getting hit with 20 rockets a day.  If I'm the average Israeli citizen, I'd be might fucking pissed off if my government did nothing.



#10 2009-01-05 14:39:36

Like this shit has anything to do with Hamas or their crappy homemade rockets. This whole thing is for Israeli domestic political consumption. Give ole Ehud the opportunity to shine up his medals in advance of the elections. Gonna get hisself a little Sharon on, make old Bibi look like a refusenik.

They're going to keep this shit up and give their unilateral and inevitable withdrawal an inauguration gift for Clinton and The One. With the chit they get from the new administration for being "reasonable" here, it'll be win win win. They might cap a few Hamas bigwigs but that's just bonus. This won't fundamentally change things and they damn well know it. Live fire kabuki.



#11 2009-01-05 14:42:53

headkicker_girl wrote:

how would you suggest that they deal with Hamas when it's obvious that you cannot negotiate with them in good faith?

How can you negotiate in good faith with Israel?

headkicker_girl wrote:

I'm not a fan of the Jews,

Israeli's you mean, yes? There are more Jews in the US than in Israel, and not all of them (shit, might include me if you want to be generous with the standard) are behind this shit.



#12 2009-01-05 14:48:41

Orange, are you Jew-ish?



#13 2009-01-05 14:52:48

1/4, grandmother on my mother's side. Raised catlick. Never knew of the jew blood until the old bat died, apparently it was a dirty secret or some shit. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate Louisiana?



#14 2009-01-05 15:01:46

Which makes O+ Juden.   Cool!



#15 2009-01-05 15:07:44

and no one ever gave me a dreidel

but on the plus side, no one ever denied me bacon



#16 2009-01-05 15:14:23

orangeplus wrote:

1/4, grandmother on my mother's side. Raised catlick. Never knew of the jew blood until the old bat died, apparently it was a dirty secret or some shit.

Yeah - Similar issue with my family.  Not only did Grandmama never mention that she was Jewish; But, she all-so claimed to be Austrian.  It was quite the shock discovering that she was actually Russian.



#17 2009-01-05 21:45:37

nothing to see here

Last edited by karenw (2009-01-05 21:47:02)



#18 2009-01-05 21:49:48

karenw wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

But starving a population, keeping out medical supplies etc are okay, huh Phwedd, and HK?

I'll agree they need medical supplies, but it sounds as though they have plenty of food, Dusty.

The World Food Programme has coordinated emergency food deliveries into Gaza in recent months but the Israeli army said there was plenty of food in Gaza warehouses and that the territory's Hamas rulers had halted distribution.

Maybe so, maybe not, but at this point I wouldn't take the Israeli army's word for it if that's the only source.  They're not exactly impartial observers.  They're also claiming (much as the US did in Iraq) that all of the bombings were targeted, but they used cluster bombs before going in.

Part of the problem is that they're blocking out all press access, or we would be able to corroborate this information.    I'm not saying that they're definitely lying, but really the only way to know is to let the press in.



#19 2009-01-05 22:36:38

Add one more to the list of things that are in short supply in Gaza:  http://www.reuters.com/article/latestCrisis/idUSB81320



#20 2009-01-05 23:02:10

What the Zionists are doing to Gaza isn’t all that different from what happened in Warsaw during the last German occupation of Poland.  The takeaway lesson the Zionists learned from WWII is to take your time about genocide; rushing the job has a way of freaking people out and mobilizing them to put a stop to it.  That, and have an entire deck of victim cards in play while you are doing it.  You should all know me well enough to know that I don’t give a shit about genocide in Rwanda, Sudan, The Congo, Nigeria or any of the other places where it is occurring.  There’re too many people on this planet, and it’s time for a major plague to thin the herd.  I don’t even give a shit about the Palestinians per se.  What I do care about is that America is financing the genocide against the Palestinians.  This contributes to America being one of the most hated and feared nations on the planet and causes problems for American businesses and travelers.  If Israel wishes to be an anti-Semitic nation that kills and displaces millions of Semites, they need to do it at their own expense and not get me involved via my tax dollars and my country’s support in the UN.

Last edited by fnord (2009-01-05 23:10:32)



#21 2009-01-05 23:03:44

well said



#22 2009-01-05 23:22:38

Lots of Malnutrition in the last few months with children... so I don't believe the Israeli's.  They want rid of everyone in Gaza, and are happy to do their best to rain terror down on the little ones.

I dislike Hamas's tactics, but like Hezbollah, they are more complicated than the Israeli and the US press paints them. 

For the record, I have had both Israeli and Palestinian friends.  I just hate seeing how this is playing out.  The only winners will be Hamas in the end, I promise you.

Body Count - http://www.presstv.com/detail.aspx?id=8 … =351020202
Israeli Counter Demos - http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middl … 66579.html



#23 2009-01-05 23:50:08

I think that may be a bit hyperbolic.  I may be showing my naivete, but I don't think the point is to terrorize children, or that the Israelis don't care.  I do think that it reminds me the most of the clashes between rock-throwing Palestinians and Israeli soldiers about, oh, what was it?  a decade ago? 

This is the culmination of decades of the same strategy on behalf of the Israelis, which is also the same strategy I used to use with my little sister:  sit there while she hits me until I can't take it any more and then hit her with my much stronger fist, sending her crying and getting me into big trouble.  It was a lesson it took me a long time to learn, but in my defense I was 8 years old.  I just haven't seen any consistent attempt at meaningful compromise when it comes to the official Israeli policy.  It sucks that there are these assholes firing rockets, but really Israel should be able to position itself as an important partner of Palestine.  Let's face it; the Egyptians and Jordanians don't want to take the Palestinians, and there are plenty of Israeli Arabs.  (I chose the word partner deliberately because much like being an ally, it's not the same as being friends)

The ultimate (and lofty) goal should be to be friendly enough with enough of the Palestinians that they will be pissed off at the douchebags shooting rockets and ruining their tenuous relationship.  I just don't see that happening with a policy of overwhelming force in response to attacks.  If someone blew up the house next to me and I was having trouble getting food, I'm not going to care if someone wants to shoot rockets, damn right they should shoot rockets, hey, does anyone have a rocket I can borrow?



#24 2009-01-06 00:08:02

The technology for tracking the source of artillery rounds with radar and counter firing on the tube is well established.  Modern armies shoot and move very quickly because of this.  The technology depends upon artillery shells being ballistic.  Rockets are not ballistic but they could still be tracked.  Why doesn't Israel just drop 3 or 10 rounds on the rocket launch points as quickly as possible?  Sure, it's a crude solution and there will be a lot of collateral damage.  There already is anyway.  But talk about giving the people of Gaza a great incentive to keep the rocketeers out of their hoods...  Isn't that the reason Israel is there in the first place?



#25 2009-01-06 00:42:21

Dmtdust wrote:

They want rid of everyone in Gaza, and are happy to do their best to rain terror down on the little ones.

Shit.  And to think I thought they just wanted people to STOP SHOOTING FUCKING MISSILES AT THEM FROM INSIDE GAZA!  I'm so naive.



#26 2009-01-06 00:49:07

tojo2000 wrote:

This is the culmination of decades of the same strategy on behalf of the Israelis, which is also the same strategy I used to use with my little sister:  sit there while she hits me until I can't take it any more and then hit her with my much stronger fist, sending her crying and getting me into big trouble.  It was a lesson it took me a long time to learn, but in my defense I was 8 years old.  I just haven't seen any consistent attempt at meaningful compromise when it comes to the official Israeli policy.

Well, I imagine your little sister might have been easier to negotiate with considering that she wasn't committed to your extinction.  It's so hard to come up with lasting peace terms with someone who would rather live in misery while trying endlessly to kill you than to live in peace. 

Negotiating with people who are irrevocably committed to your destruction as an end in itself really isn't a productive strategy.  They don't want to live in peace with Israel.  They don't want mutual respect.  They want the destruction of Israel and it is more important to them than peace, prosperity or the lives of all those tragic children who keep dying when they lure the Israelis back into an offensive.



#27 2009-01-06 00:52:45

tojo2000 wrote:

they used cluster bombs before going in.

So??  WTF?  Cluster Munitions work very well, very target adaptive.

Please cite source and type of munition; keep in mind we aren't all media reactive here, many of us have knowledge of the usage and effect of these weapons.



#28 2009-01-06 00:54:00

Zookeeper wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

This is the culmination of decades of the same strategy on behalf of the Israelis, which is also the same strategy I used to use with my little sister:  sit there while she hits me until I can't take it any more and then hit her with my much stronger fist, sending her crying and getting me into big trouble.  It was a lesson it took me a long time to learn, but in my defense I was 8 years old.  I just haven't seen any consistent attempt at meaningful compromise when it comes to the official Israeli policy.

Well, I imagine your little sister might have been easier to negotiate with considering that she wasn't committed to your extinction.  It's so hard to come up with lasting peace terms with someone who would rather live in misery while trying endlessly to kill you than to live in peace. 

Negotiating with people who are irrevocably committed to your destruction as an end in itself really isn't a productive strategy.  They don't want to live in peace with Israel.  They don't want mutual respect.  They want the destruction of Israel and it is more important to them than peace, prosperity or the lives of all those tragic children who keep dying when they lure the Israelis back into an offensive.

There is no such thing as a monolithic desire for the destruction of Israel among Palestinians, just as all Israelis don't support the current strategy.  It just makes it easier to believe that.  If there is ever going to be a solution it will be either compromise or genocide.



#29 2009-01-06 00:55:27

Emmeran wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

they used cluster bombs before going in.

So??  WTF?  Cluster Munitions work very well, very target adaptive.

Please cite source and type of munition; keep in mind we aren't all media reactive here, many of us have knowledge of the usage and effect of these weapons.

Precision cluster bombs?  Pardon me if I wax skeptical, especially in an area less than 140 square miles with that many people living in it.



#30 2009-01-06 00:59:22




#31 2009-01-06 01:05:06

fnord wrote:

What the Zionists are doing to Gaza isn’t all that different from what happened in Warsaw during the last German occupation of Poland.  The takeaway lesson the Zionists learned from WWII is to take your time about genocide; rushing the job has a way of freaking people out and mobilizing them to put a stop to it.  That, and have an entire deck of victim cards in play while you are doing it.  You should all know me well enough to know that I don’t give a shit about genocide in Rwanda, Sudan, The Congo, Nigeria or any of the other places where it is occurring.  There’re too many people on this planet, and it’s time for a major plague to thin the herd.  I don’t even give a shit about the Palestinians per se.  What I do care about is that America is financing the genocide against the Palestinians.  This contributes to America being one of the most hated and feared nations on the planet and causes problems for American businesses and travelers.  If Israel wishes to be an anti-Semitic nation that kills and displaces millions of Semites, they need to do it at their own expense and not get me involved via my tax dollars and my country’s support in the UN.

Well said Mr. Fnord.......  I too could give a shit or less about religious fucktards offing one another, they've been doing it for thousands of years and as long as religion is taken seriously and given any respect whatsoever they will continue offing one another by the millions which is fine with me...  I would love nothing more than to sit in front of the TV and laugh at these fucking retards bombing each other over a "Holy Land" or whether or not their imaginary friend is more holy or powerful than their enemies imaginary friend is....  I tend to like cheap entertainment though and if I have to pay for any of this I'm not too happy about it.....  I'll be glad to donate some of my hard earned tax dollars if one of the two sides uses a nuclear fucking weapon to annihilate the other in HD because that would be something definitely worth viewing...  World events have been reduced to nothing more than just pure entertainment for me, the bigger the better......



#32 2009-01-06 01:14:59

....  ........  ... ...... ..... ... .... ....



#33 2009-01-06 01:16:36

MrCreosote wrote:

The technology for tracking the source of artillery rounds with radar and counter firing on the tube is well established.  Modern armies shoot and move very quickly because of this.  The technology depends upon artillery shells being ballistic.  Rockets are not ballistic but they could still be tracked.  Why doesn't Israel just drop 3 or 10 rounds on the rocket launch points as quickly as possible?  Sure, it's a crude solution and there will be a lot of collateral damage.  There already is anyway.  But talk about giving the people of Gaza a great incentive to keep the rocketeers out of their hoods...  Isn't that the reason Israel is there in the first place?

Well gee Dr. Professor, Eureka! I can't believe they hadn't thought of ths before! Dude, you are so smart. You should send an email to Ehud Barack and the IDF like right now. They'll totally give you a medal.



#34 2009-01-06 01:25:56

Emmeran wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

they used cluster bombs before going in.

So??  WTF?  Cluster Munitions work very well, very target adaptive.

Please cite source and type of munition; keep in mind we aren't all media reactive here, many of us have knowledge of the usage and effect of these weapons.

Very target adaptive. Very target adaptive. Wow. I need to say that one more time. Very Target Adaptive. I guess, if it lives, it'll then die, so you could sorta say, cluster munitions are Very Target Adaptive. As in a high speed pieces of flying metal adapting themselves to flesh. I saw a cluster bomb strike once at a CALFEX, they're really kinda cool, it's just like the ground sort of explodes in a big wave. It was very target adaptive to the jackrabbits and the target half-tracks.

And don't give me no guided EFP submunitions bullshit, Hamas doesn't have armoured vehicles, if the Israeli's are using cluster bombs, they're using plain jane frag frisbees. WTF else could they be used for in Gaza?



#35 2009-01-06 01:28:14

tojo2000 wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

they used cluster bombs before going in.

So??  WTF?  Cluster Munitions work very well, very target adaptive.

Please cite source and type of munition; keep in mind we aren't all media reactive here, many of us have knowledge of the usage and effect of these weapons.

Precision cluster bombs?  Pardon me if I wax skeptical, especially in an area less than 140 square miles with that many people living in it.

Precision??  What fantasy world do you live in - this is war plain and simple:  pull your head out of your ass and get a grip on reality.  Effective and target adaptive - if you hadn't noticed the primary idea is to kill the enemy and destroy his resources; or have you fallen for this idoitic idea of surgical strikes and sterile warfare?

The blame here lies firmly at the foot of the Brits, they have proven to be the worst map makers the world has ever known.  The reality is that the Palestinians need to get over it, they have as much claim to that land as the Iroquois do to upper New York.

To the winner go the spoils, whine all you want but that is the reality; and while your whining be mindful that the way of life you so eagerly enjoy is the result of that cold, hard reality.



#36 2009-01-06 01:33:57

orangeplus wrote:

MrCreosote wrote:

The technology for tracking the source of artillery rounds with radar and counter firing on the tube is well established.  Modern armies shoot and move very quickly because of this.  The technology depends upon artillery shells being ballistic.  Rockets are not ballistic but they could still be tracked.  Why doesn't Israel just drop 3 or 10 rounds on the rocket launch points as quickly as possible?  Sure, it's a crude solution and there will be a lot of collateral damage.  There already is anyway.  But talk about giving the people of Gaza a great incentive to keep the rocketeers out of their hoods...  Isn't that the reason Israel is there in the first place?

Well gee Dr. Professor, Eureka! I can't believe they hadn't thought of ths before! Dude, you are so smart. You should send an email to Ehud Barack and the IDF like right now. They'll totally give you a medal.

Obviously the Hamas Rocketeers are aware of this fact also - which expains why the indirect fire has given way to FROG weapons.  The very inaccuracy of these rockets is their saving grace, it is difficult to triangulate a weapon with a non-balistic flight path; impossible at ranges of 10+ miles.



#37 2009-01-06 01:40:57

orangeplus wrote:

WTF else could they be used for in Gaza?

ummm....probably for the same purpose as the Hamas rockets... to kill people.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize this was a county fair they were holding....I mistakenly assumed it was a mother-fucking WAR.

What part don't you and Hamas get?  Throwing rocks at guys with guns is stupid and will result in sudden in violent death for you and those around you.  Is that so fucking difficult to understand?

Let me put it in easy Vegan terms for you;  our new puppy learned not to try to steal the bone from the alpha dog because he hurt her when she tried, it took her about 2 minutes to figure that fact out.  This is the natural order of things:  learn it, live it, love it.



#38 2009-01-06 01:54:12

Well Em... going by that every oppressed people should just give up.  Look to the Irish, 900 years, and they finally got the fucking English out.  Count on it... The Palestinians will stay, and multiply.  If you have family in Israel, sponsor them to the states.  It's not to late.



#39 2009-01-06 02:02:51

then wtf were you going on about Very Target Adaptive and quizzing tojo about the exact types of weapons they were using? wtf diference does it make to you? To me it does make a difference because cluster munitions are indiscriminate, have a relatively high failure rate (leaving unexploded munitions lying around) and when employed in an urban area are far more likely to kill civilians than any specific military target.

an idiot wrote:

What part don't you and Hamas get?

oh, you are clever aren't you. that's right out of an Ann Coulter playbook. congrats.

Gen. Armchair, ret wrote:

Let me put it in easy Vegan terms for you;  our new puppy learned not to try to steal the bone from the alpha dog because he hurt her when she tried, it took her about 2 minutes to figure that fact out.  This is the natural order of things:  learn it, live it, love it.

and if after 60 years and nothing changes, what then? Keep doing this shit until Hamas adapts and starts pulling the IDF's chain like the Hezzies did? They will learn, they will adapt, they have demographics on their side. Tojo is right, genocide or compromise, and dropping clusters isn't going to get you to compromise and they don't have the stomach for genocide. They are seeding the fields of their own destruction.



#40 2009-01-06 06:50:46

tojo2000 wrote:

Maybe so, maybe not, but at this point I wouldn't take the Israeli army's word for it if that's the only source.  They're not exactly impartial observers.  They're also claiming (much as the US did in Iraq) that all of the bombings were targeted, but they used cluster bombs before going in.

Part of the problem is that they're blocking out all press access, or we would be able to corroborate this information.    I'm not saying that they're definitely lying, but really the only way to know is to let the press in.

I know. I got link-happy, then once I read the actual story and realized it was biased, I removed my post - but not before I could be quoted. Sigh.



#42 2009-01-06 15:46:36

tojo2000 wrote:

There is no such thing as a monolithic desire for the destruction of Israel among Palestinians, just as all Israelis don't support the current strategy.  It just makes it easier to believe that.

On the contrary, I suspect that the VAST majority of Palestinians in Gaza really would be happy to see Israel removed from the map.  They may not "support the current strategy" but only because it isn't succeeding.  But whether you agree with that or not they certainly seem incapable of driving out the elements in their midst that are committed to breaking any peace that anyone ever manages to broker.



#43 2009-01-06 16:05:51

If you have Jewish relatives in Occupied Palestine, I suggest you sponsor them here... (more the merrier, and the girls are cute)  What I am saying is if there isn't a massive infusion of Jews into Occupied Palestine (and that isn't happening now is it), the local Feyadin will soon outnumber their fellow Jewish countrymen.  When it comes to breeding, the indigenous locals are winning, hands down.



#44 2009-01-06 16:36:01

The juden won't leave and the palestinians won't leave.  The current/next resistance party will shoot rockets or missiles at Isreal - Isreal will put up with it for a few weeks and then retaliate.

The bleeding hearts will whine that the jews killed more completely frustrating some of us.



#45 2009-01-06 16:41:35

"The bleeding hearts will whine that the jews killed more completely frustrating some of us."

I am sorry... this reads really wierd... can you restate it for native English speakers?  Thx



#47 2009-01-06 18:05:23

How about this?

"The bleeding hearts will whine that the jews killed more (insert favorite pause punctuation device) completely frustrating some of us."

Last edited by shagnasty (2009-01-06 18:06:46)



#48 2009-01-06 18:13:31

It still reads weird.  Thanks for your efforts though.



#49 2009-01-06 20:06:22

Dmtdust wrote:

....  ........  ... ...... ..... ... .... ....

Does my over-use of punctuation piss you off?  Yes?  Good..................................................................



#50 2009-01-06 20:08:45

Lack of punctuation, and know it doesn't piss me off.  If nothing else, it shows a lack of inner discipline.

Thanks!  Your IT!  I win, AGAIN!



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