#1 2009-04-10 21:10:31

I swear to God a national newscaster says those words on air.

The conservative movement is so tone deaf it's not even...no, strike that; it's funnier than hell.  I hope they keep this kind of stuff up for years and never get a clue.

Last edited by George Orr (2009-04-10 21:10:51)



#2 2009-04-10 21:34:22

Congrats to them for finding a word no one understands well enough to ban. I hear Fox was all over this, earlier. Shepard Smith ought to be all over this one.



#3 2009-04-11 09:16:31

I’ve always suspected the Radical Conservatives were a bunch of closet teabaggers.  I’m glad someone had the courage to out them.

Edit:  Thanks George!  This is now on our MySpace page.

Last edited by fnord (2009-04-11 09:49:56)



#4 2009-04-14 09:45:52


More Teabagging Fun

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#5 2009-04-14 20:20:36

MSG Tripps wrote:

More Teabagging Fun

Fucking terrorists.



#6 2009-04-15 21:59:35

I actually went to one of the local tea parties.  None of the people there looked like they had jobs.  It was the same white trash rednecks who were showing up for the Palin rallies.  Not one of the douchbags out there looked like they made over $250K in their entire lifetime, so Obama's tax plan certainly isn't hurting them.

Stupid fuckers don't realize that taxes pay for local services.  I say don't tax the dumb motherfuckers and let their shithole suburbs fall apart.  It's happening here in places like Plainfield where these working class idiots moved into these large suburbans homes, then keep voting down school funding referendums and can't understand why their schools suck ass.

And if you listen to the tax rebellion talking points, these cretins don't even understand the history of the Boston tea party.  They were chantng shit about how the government should get out of their lives...and how they believe that the American people should have a say in how their tax dollars are spent.  Again, fucking morons...they don't understand the concept of a representative government and that individuals do not have a say in how tax dollars are spent.


It always amazes me how the right can manipulate the stupid to support their causes and even advocate against their own self interest.



#7 2009-04-15 22:06:03

headkicker_girl wrote:

It always amazes me how the right can manipulate the stupid to support their causes and even advocate against their own self interest.

And there you have the secret of their success.



#8 2009-04-15 22:16:00

Some people from work posted pictures of their local tea party.  It was all old people.  Now, there's nothing wrong with old people per se, but I'm perplexed at how they found so many septugenarians and got them all in one place outdoors.



#9 2009-04-15 22:29:42

tojo2000 wrote:

Some people from work posted pictures of their local tea party.  It was all old people.  Now, there's nothing wrong with old people per se, but I'm perplexed at how they found so many septugenarians and got them all in one place outdoors.

The same fine folks, no doubt, who gave us Prop 13.



#10 2009-04-15 23:07:49

Hey look! I found John Gault




#11 2009-04-15 23:14:08

Taint wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

It always amazes me how the right can manipulate the stupid to support their causes and even advocate against their own self interest.

And there you have the secret of their success.




#12 2009-04-15 23:18:43

The thing I really dig about this "movement" is that it's so meta. Teabagging is not a sexual practice. No one is "into" teabagging. Teabagging is an artifact of the video game Halo, where you can crouch your character up and down over the body of a fallen opponent, which looks like you are dipping your junk in his mouth, natch. These guys are being taunted with a play on their name, they think the taunt is a reference to some weird practice the fags are all into, which no one actually really does. And that's not even getting into the any actual political messages.



#13 2009-04-15 23:20:36

orangeplus wrote:

The thing I really dig about this "movement" is that it's so meta. Teabagging is not a sexual practice. No one is "into" teabagging. Teabagging is an artifact of the video game Halo, where you can crouch your character up and down over the body of a fallen opponent, which looks like you are dipping your junk in his mouth, natch. These guys are being taunted with a play on their name, they think the taunt is a reference to some weird practice the fags are all into, which no one actually really does. And that's not even getting into the any actual political messages.

C'mon now. You're older than that.

I was Teabagging on Rogue Spear years before Halo came out.



#14 2009-04-16 00:58:13



#15 2009-04-16 01:09:15

But...but...but...Ivory tower liberals!



#16 2009-04-16 01:13:08

tojo2000 wrote:

But...but...but...Ivory tower liberals!




#17 2009-04-16 06:37:59

Man, this shit is driving the left absolutely nuts...

How far off-base did Keith jump there?

I love it!



#18 2009-04-16 07:30:26

ptah13 wrote:

How far off-base did Keith jump there?

As annoying as I generally find Keith Olberman, I have to agree with his basic point here.  You've a group of under-paid wage-slaves (Or, as was pointed by an-other poster, unemployed fuck-tards) who - A-Parently, incapable of forming their own opinions - are protesting against their better interest.  It would be sad were it not for the comic irony.  It just needs a few "Proud wage-slave" signs to make it "complete" as far as I'm concerned (But, a-gain, I do "entertain" rather easily).

Last edited by Decadence (2009-04-16 07:30:55)



#19 2009-04-16 10:24:25

ptah13 wrote:

Man, this shit is driving the left absolutely nuts...

How far off-base did Keith jump there?

I love it!

Oberman is spot on this time.  This movement has about as much lasting momentum as the Texas or Alaska separatists.  The moronic wage slaves will go back to taking it up the ass from the rich and continue to blame government and affirmative action for their failures in life.



#20 2009-04-16 11:08:27

headkicker_girl wrote:

And if you listen to the tax rebellion talking points, these cretins don't even understand the history of the Boston tea party.

Someone(Steve King(R) from Iowa I believe) actually hit the nail on the head at the one I attended last night.  The Boston Tea Party was about "Taxation without Representation."  He said the situation has been reversed now.  As of last year estimates are that 50% of income earners pay no taxes at all and actually are now net tax consumers(for those of you in Rio Linda that means you don't pay in yet still receive a refund).  This year the estimates are that tax payers will become the minority with somewhere between 51 and 53% of income earners having no tax liability.  The bottom half of income earners in this country now have "Representation without Taxation."

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.



#21 2009-04-16 11:17:54

Scotty wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

And if you listen to the tax rebellion talking points, these cretins don't even understand the history of the Boston tea party.

Someone(Steve King(R) from Iowa I believe) actually hit the nail on the head at the one I attended last night.  The Boston Tea Party was about "Taxation without Representation."  He said the situation has been reversed now.  As of last year estimates are that 50% of income earners pay no taxes at all and actually are now net tax consumers(for those of you in Rio Linda that means you don't pay in yet still receive a refund).  This year the estimates are that tax payers will become the minority with somewhere between 51 and 53% of income earners having no tax liability.  The bottom half of income earners in this country now have "Representation without Taxation."

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

Does he count the amount of taxes that go missing from the corps to tax havens?



#22 2009-04-16 11:19:09

Scotty wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

And if you listen to the tax rebellion talking points, these cretins don't even understand the history of the Boston tea party.

Someone(Steve King(R) from Iowa I believe) actually hit the nail on the head at the one I attended last night.  The Boston Tea Party was about "Taxation without Representation."  He said the situation has been reversed now.  As of last year estimates are that 50% of income earners pay no taxes at all and actually are now net tax consumers(for those of you in Rio Linda that means you don't pay in yet still receive a refund).  This year the estimates are that tax payers will become the minority with somewhere between 51 and 53% of income earners having no tax liability.  The bottom half of income earners in this country now have "Representation without Taxation."

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

First of all, it's up to 40%.  Second of all, that accounts only for income taxes, not payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc.  Finally, this is mostly a result of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which has been around since 1975.



#23 2009-04-16 11:23:58

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Man, this shit is driving the left absolutely nuts...

How far off-base did Keith jump there?

I love it!

Oberman is spot on this time.  This movement has about as much lasting momentum as the Texas or Alaska separatists.  The moronic wage slaves will go back to taking it up the ass from the rich and continue to blame government and affirmative action for their failures in life.

No he's not, HKG.  He has you leftists in his grip trying to get you to continue spouting off bullshit nonsense about corporate taxes.  Corporations are tax aggregators, they collect taxes as an unofficial arm of the IRS, they pay no taxes.

All the money going overseas would flood back into this country if the IRS were eliminated and the tax code overhauled.



#24 2009-04-16 11:31:02

tojo2000 wrote:

First of all, it's up to 40%.  Second of all, that accounts only for income taxes, not payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc.  Finally, this is mostly a result of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which has been around since 1975.

What is 40%?  Estimates on the bottom half?  Sorry you're wrong.  As of 2000 the IRS data show that the bottom half of income earners were paying less than 4% of taxes.  Estimates seven years later, the actual data for 2007 should be coming out soon, are projecting that the bottom half pay no income taxes at all anymore. 

It is estimated that this year that number will surpass 50% and tax payers will become a minority.



#25 2009-04-16 11:42:56

tojo2000 wrote:

Scotty wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

And if you listen to the tax rebellion talking points, these cretins don't even understand the history of the Boston tea party.

Someone(Steve King(R) from Iowa I believe) actually hit the nail on the head at the one I attended last night.  The Boston Tea Party was about "Taxation without Representation."  He said the situation has been reversed now.  As of last year estimates are that 50% of income earners pay no taxes at all and actually are now net tax consumers(for those of you in Rio Linda that means you don't pay in yet still receive a refund).  This year the estimates are that tax payers will become the minority with somewhere between 51 and 53% of income earners having no tax liability.  The bottom half of income earners in this country now have "Representation without Taxation."

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years.

First of all, it's up to 40%.  Second of all, that accounts only for income taxes, not payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc.  Finally, this is mostly a result of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which has been around since 1975.


Exactly.  100% of those people pay sales tax, and I'm guessing that a good portion pay state tax.  And you are right about the EIC.  The same morons who are out at these tax rallys also benefit from the EIC, which is nothing new.  And lets not forget that it BUSH who started the stimulus checks.

But lets face it...the corporations won this round.  Once again the focus is on the poor who get a few scraps and the tax havens come out unscathed.



#27 2009-04-16 11:47:16

Scotty wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Man, this shit is driving the left absolutely nuts...

How far off-base did Keith jump there?

I love it!

Oberman is spot on this time.  This movement has about as much lasting momentum as the Texas or Alaska separatists.  The moronic wage slaves will go back to taking it up the ass from the rich and continue to blame government and affirmative action for their failures in life.

No he's not, HKG.  He has you leftists in his grip trying to get you to continue spouting off bullshit nonsense about corporate taxes.  Corporations are tax aggregators, they collect taxes as an unofficial arm of the IRS, they pay no taxes.

All the money going overseas would flood back into this country if the IRS were eliminated and the tax code overhauled.

Scotty, that's Boortz's opinion and is not supported by any basis in reality.  Show me the economists who back up this nut's claims.  We saw in the 80s that trickle down economics doesn't work.  Corporations should not be allowed to operate in the US but be sheltered in the Caymans to avoid taxation.  If you don't want to pay taxes, don't open a fucking business. Talk about entitlements...the rich claim more entitlements than anyone.



#28 2009-04-16 11:48:20

Neal Boortz didn't say it, so it has no validity.



#29 2009-04-16 11:50:19

headkicker_girl wrote:

Scotty, that's Boortz's opinion and is not supported by any basis in reality.  Show me the economists who back up this nut's claims.  We saw in the 80s that trickle down economics doesn't work.  Corporations should not be allowed to operate in the US but be sheltered in the Caymans to avoid taxation.  If you don't want to pay taxes, don't open a fucking business. Talk about entitlements...the rich claim more entitlements than anyone.

Actually that isn't his opinion but is research from the FairTax organization.

You have kids.  It's very simple.  You get more of the behavior you reward and less of what you punish.  Higher taxes are punishment.



#30 2009-04-16 11:52:11

Scotty wrote:

tojo2000 wrote:

First of all, it's up to 40%.  Second of all, that accounts only for income taxes, not payroll taxes, sales taxes, etc.  Finally, this is mostly a result of the Earned Income Tax Credit, which has been around since 1975.

What is 40%?  Estimates on the bottom half?  Sorry you're wrong.  As of 2000 the IRS data show that the bottom half of income earners were paying less than 4% of taxes.  Estimates seven years later, the actual data for 2007 should be coming out soon, are projecting that the bottom half pay no income taxes at all anymore. 

It is estimated that this year that number will surpass 50% and tax payers will become a minority.

Of course we tend to neglect the fact that as the minimum wage has held steady inflation has not.  So the fucktards have less income every year and pay less in income taxes; yet these same fucktards are hit by ever higher sales taxes and basic service fees  so on the aggregate as a percentage of their income they are paying more.

Is that fact to simple to comprehend?

Look at it this way, I paid more in taxes yesterday than some of my employees earned last year - so work that out percentage-wise...

This is another Red Herring brought to you by the corporate-facist element.  Their other fun idea is that if we tax dividends and capital gains like we do earned income people will stop investing; basically saying Bill Gates will sell all of this holdings and stuff the money in a hole in the back yard. 

You're being ass-raped without the goddamned common courtesy of a reach around and you have the balls to blame it on the other fella who just got finished being raped and is lying there with his anus prolapsed.



#31 2009-04-16 11:53:06

Scotty wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

Scotty, that's Boortz's opinion and is not supported by any basis in reality.  Show me the economists who back up this nut's claims.  We saw in the 80s that trickle down economics doesn't work.  Corporations should not be allowed to operate in the US but be sheltered in the Caymans to avoid taxation.  If you don't want to pay taxes, don't open a fucking business. Talk about entitlements...the rich claim more entitlements than anyone.

Actually that isn't his opinion but is research from the FairTax organization.

You have kids.  It's very simple.  You get more of the behavior you reward and less of what you punish.  Higher taxes are punishment.

And who does the fair tax benefit?  The rich.  Ding, ding, ding.  If you make 20,000 per year, being taxed at a rate of 13% hurts a lot more than if you makes $200,000 or $2,000,000.  It's really a way to keep an American ruling class in power indefinitely, and to keep the poor as peasants.  And it's brilliant because it relies on the poor to actually do the dirty work.



#32 2009-04-16 11:55:38

"Stockholm Syndrome"

Several people here have it.



#33 2009-04-16 11:55:48

I believe the focus of the topic is income taxes so if you want to be purposefully obtuse please continue to do so.  After factoring in the EIC the 12% you are claiming I am overestimating become net tax consumers as well with respect to even paying in to MC or SS.

The FairTax eliminates all taxes, income, SS and MC.  It makes America into the largest tax haven in the world.  Why not give it a shot?  Power and control.



#34 2009-04-16 11:59:47

headkicker_girl wrote:

And who does the fair tax benefit?  The rich.  Ding, ding, ding.  If you make 20,000 per year, being taxed at a rate of 13% hurts a lot more than if you makes $200,000 or $2,000,000.  It's really a way to keep an American ruling class in power indefinitely, and to keep the poor as peasants.  And it's brilliant because it relies on the poor to actually do the dirty work.

That isn't true at all.  Apparently you, like most leftists, don't even have the common courtesy to read up on what you knee jerk about.



#35 2009-04-16 12:03:33

Scotty wrote:

I believe the focus of the topic is income taxes so if you want to be purposefully obtuse please continue to do so.  After factoring in the EIC the 12% you are claiming I am overestimating become net tax consumers as well with respect to even paying in to MC or SS.

The FairTax eliminates all taxes, income, SS and MC.  It makes America into the largest tax haven in the world.  Why not give it a shot?  Power and control.

No, the topic was "Representation without Taxation".  You're the one being purposely obtuse.  The effective tax rate on people who "don't pay taxes" in your book is in many cases higher than those who do.   By narrowly construing your definition of "paying taxes", you get to trot out this amazing statistic that shows how unfair everything is for you (and me, and most of us on this board).



#36 2009-04-16 12:04:22

Scotty wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

And who does the fair tax benefit?  The rich.  Ding, ding, ding.  If you make 20,000 per year, being taxed at a rate of 13% hurts a lot more than if you makes $200,000 or $2,000,000.  It's really a way to keep an American ruling class in power indefinitely, and to keep the poor as peasants.  And it's brilliant because it relies on the poor to actually do the dirty work.

That isn't true at all.  Apparently you, like most leftists, don't even have the common courtesy to read up on what you knee jerk about.

That's fantasy world bullshit, implementation is another reality.  Take a moment there Rodney King and realize that you're dreaming.



#37 2009-04-16 12:05:47

Scotty wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

And who does the fair tax benefit?  The rich.  Ding, ding, ding.  If you make 20,000 per year, being taxed at a rate of 13% hurts a lot more than if you makes $200,000 or $2,000,000.  It's really a way to keep an American ruling class in power indefinitely, and to keep the poor as peasants.  And it's brilliant because it relies on the poor to actually do the dirty work.

That isn't true at all.  Apparently you, like most leftists, don't even have the common courtesy to read up on what you knee jerk about.

Oh, my god, you mean you have a policy paper that claims that the FairTax would be better than the current system?  Well, then, I guess we all owe you a big apology.



#38 2009-04-16 12:45:21

Scotty wrote:

headkicker_girl wrote:

And who does the fair tax benefit?  The rich.  Ding, ding, ding.  If you make 20,000 per year, being taxed at a rate of 13% hurts a lot more than if you makes $200,000 or $2,000,000.  It's really a way to keep an American ruling class in power indefinitely, and to keep the poor as peasants.  And it's brilliant because it relies on the poor to actually do the dirty work.

That isn't true at all.  Apparently you, like most leftists, don't even have the common courtesy to read up on what you knee jerk about.

Cite the section or pages that disprove me.  I dare you.



#39 2009-04-16 14:30:52

I was at a teabagging "do" just the other evening, but it was a private affair that took place in moi's bedroom with moi's best girl.  The result had nothing to do with a leafy brewed beverage, but more like just plain good, golden, syrupy-viscous love puddin'.   

And if I may add this vital home safety tip: along with fire alarms, extinguishers, child safety locks and green cleaners, I've come to appreciate the untold value of keeping an industrial grade eye-wash at the ready at all times, preferably not far from the master bedroom. 

Hiya Georgie-Girl!



Last edited by Horseonovich (2009-04-16 14:33:58)



#40 2009-04-16 14:45:18

... and might I just add (knowing full well that it's just bad manners to post contiguously here within these halls, these hallowed halls)  that I could not have hand-picked a more appropriate thread to mark my triumphant return on, nor felt more blessed that said thread was started by one of my all time favorite people in the world!




#41 2009-04-16 15:20:06

Horseonovich wrote:

... and might I just add (knowing full well that it's just bad manners to post contiguously here within these halls, these hallowed halls)  that I could not have hand-picked a more appropriate thread to mark my triumphant return on, nor felt more blessed that said thread was started by one of my all time favorite people in the world!


As you see, we have unbanned you.

Behave yourself.



#42 2009-04-16 15:47:40

Who said his name 3 times?

HKG, was it you?

I don't think anyone here gets what the Tea Party is about. It is about the rampant spending of the new administration bailing out corporations.

So for Oberman to say that tea party goers are suckling at the tit of corporate America is laughable.

If anything, Obama, with his "bail out every huge corporation while mom-and-pop businesses die off at an alarming rate" is the corporate tit-sucker, not the tea party goers.

Not one of you seems to "get it". The tea party isn't about "lets not pay tax", it's about a billion dollars an hour being burnt up in the wind by banks, big auto and anyone else who, god forbid, is near bankruptcy.

For that reason, Obermann, like many of you, don't know what you are talking about and look pretty silly even discussing this. Everyone I know who is into the teabaggery, if you will, is into it, not to get lower taxes, but to stop spending money like it is nothing to bail out failed businesses. They are pissed that their taxes are being raised (after they were promised no tax hike, yet, wow, there is that darned energy tax folks making under 200k are paying) and TRILLIONS have been spent, in a manner of a 2 months, and nobody seems to know where any of that money has gone.

Shit, the whole "stimulus plan", that cost near a trillion dollars. How much did that benefit you? Experts say most Americans will see about thirteen dollars of that money. Gee, that sure is some stimulus. I wonder where the rest of it went (hint: a big chunk of it went to those entitlements we were assured wouldn't EVER happen under the Obama administration, you know, the ones he signs off on then tells us he's holding his nose) (2nd hint: maybe it has something to do with the dozen, or so, former lobbyists we were assured would find no place in an Obama administration, oops, I'm sorry, based on The Rules, as written by The Great One himself, only people who recently worked as lobbyists count, but, what, there are still 2 of THOSE people in the cabinet?!?!? how did that happen?).

Har har har... I find it all funny. I find it hillarious that over 10 people I know who voted for the guy are FURIOUS at his rampant spending to bail out big business. I find it hllairous that the left, who is supposed to be AGAINST big business and FOR the little guy, is on here defending the bailing out of big corporate America, all while these same businesses are giving millions to the executives in bonuses. I find it so totally funny that you all defend this till you're blue in the face, while the "corporate evil executives" (who seem to own the current administration as much as they owned the last one) laugh their way to the bank.

I just got a funny email, by the way. A friend of mine went to the one in Bloomington Indiana yesterday. His friends, many of which work for I.U., were reluctant to attend for fear they'd be "recognized" on the news and would loose there job. Funny how this is always a concern for people who think conservative but never a concern for a liberal. I might note that this guy earns over a million a year as a consultant, and most of his friends (that attended) have PhD's. Not really fitting the bill of what your "handlers" at MSNBC are feeding you about the demographic that attends these functions. Sure, you can take a picture of 100 people in the crowd and say, "wow, look at all that flannel, those folks are all inbred hicks", but it still doesn't make it true.
Of the people I know who attended, not one is unemployed and none of them are poor.



#43 2009-04-16 15:51:04

I wonder how much offshore money these businesses have. The ones being bailed out by you and me?

This sure must be funny to them. Having the power of the left working so hard to get them cash, at the expense of the masses.

Good job, lefties!



#44 2009-04-16 15:54:15

ptah13 wrote:

Who said his name 3 times?

HKG, was it you?

I don't think anyone here gets what the Tea Party is about. It is about the rampant spending of the new administration bailing out corporations.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Um... really?  Based on what?  I've seen over 100 photos of these events all across the country.  There is only one tenuous theme:  taxes.  Some think there shouldn't be any, some think theirs are being raised (statistically making 95% of that group complete morans), and the majority is a hodge podge of every possible gripe from gun control to fascism to immigration.  Where do you get the idea that the tea parties are "about spending".  At best you could say that spending is the primary cause of some of the people there.



#45 2009-04-16 16:06:41

ptah13 wrote:

Who said his name 3 times?

HKG, was it you?

Not one of you seems to "get it". The tea party isn't about "lets not pay tax", it's about a billion dollars ...... bleh, bleh...... by banks, big auto and anyone else who...bleh .... bleh .... Har har har... I find it all funny. I find it hillarious that over 10 people I know who voted for the guy are FURIOUS  ... bleh ... left, who is supposed to be AGAINST big business  ...bleh ...bleh .... totally funny that you all defend this till you're blue in the face, while the "corporate evil executives" ....bleh ... their way to the bank.

Sorry, Tar, gotta fuck witcha, old friend and crony.  Please take no offense.  And dare I draw from my usual stable of Horse-icistic response-icals, but your "inner rage" is blatant despite your har-hars.  Come on, Tar, let's face the facts here.  Everyone has zero clue where all this is going.   I lean left, true, and I too am concerned and cautionary about what is being done.  But no more or less concerned than I was pre-2009, my friend.  Bush, Bam: crapshoot, any questions?

This thread was more about the teabagging, which really tickles me (umm, I coulda phrased THAT one better, but I am leaving it lay even though I am in Edit mode right now doing this parenthetical entry -- just to show I'm a good fucking sport, huh?).  Fuck the rest, cuz there isn't a damned thing we can do about it.   With this whole "teabagging" publicity caper, Republican/Conservative ineffectiveness has simply been put on proud display.  That's all we're talking abouit.

Anyone got anything substantial before MOI declares this thread to be no longer of value?

Last edited by Horseonovich (2009-04-16 16:21:08)



#46 2009-04-16 16:07:54

Tojo and me on the same page with this?  whoodafuckin thunkit?

( PS - Sofie, am I being a good boy so far? )

Last edited by Horseonovich (2009-04-16 16:12:56)



#47 2009-04-16 16:34:29

Horseonovich wrote:

Tojo and me on the same page with this?  whoodafuckin thunkit?

( PS - Sofie, am I being a good boy so far? )


Now continue to be good.

You have a lot more to offer than being the token asshole.



#48 2009-04-16 16:36:59

This amused me. The reporter got schooled.



#49 2009-04-16 16:41:08

tojo2000 wrote:

ptah13 wrote:

Who said his name 3 times?

HKG, was it you?

I don't think anyone here gets what the Tea Party is about. It is about the rampant spending of the new administration bailing out corporations.

blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

Um... really?  Based on what?  I've seen over 100 photos of these events all across the country.  There is only one tenuous theme:  taxes.  Some think there shouldn't be any, some think theirs are being raised (statistically making 95% of that group complete morans), and the majority is a hodge podge of every possible gripe from gun control to fascism to immigration.  Where do you get the idea that the tea parties are "about spending".  At best you could say that spending is the primary cause of some of the people there.

Wow, you are sure about to look stupid.

I went to the Tax Day Tea Party website and simply clicked on the "about" tab (http://taxdayteaparty.com/about/)

Here is what I got:

Tax Day Tea Party

The Tax Day Tea Party is a national collaborative grassroots effort organized by Smart Girl Politics, Top Conservatives on Twitter, the DontGo Movement and many other online groups/coalitions.

The Tea Party protests, in their current form, began in early 2009 when Rick Santelli, the On Air Editor for CNBC, set out on a rant to expose the bankrupt liberal agenda of the White House Administration and Congress. Specifically, the flawed “Stimulus Bill” and pork filled budget.

During Rick’s rant (see video below), he called for a “Chicago tea Party” where advocates of the free-market system could join in a protest against out of control government spending.

A few days later, grassroots activists and average Joe Americans began organizing what would soon become the Nationwide Chicago Tea Party effort.

On February 27th, an estimated 30,000 Americans took to the street in 40+ cities accross the country in the first nationwide “Tea Party” protest.

Organizers of the February 27th events pledged to continue on with an even bigger and better protest to follow the first. With April 15th being “Tax Day”, it was decided to schedule the second round of Tea Party protests to ride alongside the tax deadline.

And with that, the “Tax Day Tea Party”, the second round of the Nationwide Tea Party protests, moved into reality.

Wow, on the Tax Day Tea party website, the Tea Party folk tell you what they are about. Show me where it says anything about not paying taxes? Seems they are EXACTLY about what I said (spending).

You know, sometimes you should learn more than what your liberal handlers are telling you. They want you to think it is a bunch of kooks who want to do away with taxes.

Sorry, but, umm, Tojo, you (and everyone else on here, and Obermann) just got made a complete fool of (and Horse, too!). None of you knew what you were talking about and I did.

How does it feel to get it so hard from someone like me?



Last edited by ptah13 (2009-04-16 16:41:52)



#50 2009-04-16 16:46:01

You did notice that it was about a protest against out of control government spending.

It has nothing to do with anything any of you people who simply believe every lie you are sold on MSNBC. Simply following the lead of folks like Olbermann and Rachel Maddow leaves all of you full of the same bullshit propaganda those people spew. This is a PRIME EXAMPLE of the fact that MSNBC is simply the propaganda arm of the left. Not a single one of you had any idea what the whole issue was about.

I'm so glad all of you (including Horse) look so stupid right now!


(sorry, one post didn't do it for me, it is not often I get to make every one of you (including horse) look so stupid, I'm really enjoying it!)

Last edited by ptah13 (2009-04-16 16:47:41)



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