#2801 2009-07-28 00:54:30

New Banner Added:


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#2802 2009-07-28 01:08:17

square wrote:

New Banner Added:


Credit orangeplus.

Well done.

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#2803 2009-07-28 02:23:32


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Last edited by choad (2009-07-29 02:58:17)



#2804 2009-07-28 20:48:58


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#2805 2009-07-30 07:22:37

jesusluvspegging wrote:

pALEPHx wrote:

If these qualifications don't suit you, then you're welcome to have the job, you trifling ass.

One of these days, somebody's gonna call that bluff.

There's no bluff to be called, you douchepuddle. I settled into the responsibility because no one else wanted it, and I happened to have actual design experience. If you wanna do it, then that's just fabulous. Let everyone else beat your shit to hell over relatively nothing. For now, I'm in charge, and I say what stays and what dies.

If you don't trust my duties or my previous opinions, then please say so directly, rather than be an indirect asshole about it. If you won't do it, yourself, and can't nominate anyone better, then I'm really not doing much harm in the role. I go with voting stats and simple judgments on what does or does not match prior efforts. Certainly, you could do this, but do you want the accountability for it? I think not. Then STFU.

I'd give you the job tomorrow, and you wouldn't know what to do with it. Don't question my efforts unless you have a plan to replace them. It is singularly thankless, and ought not to be left to someone who has no graphic design talent whatsoever.



#2806 2009-07-30 10:24:10

Don't question my efforts unless . . . .

Oh come now.  This is High-Street, after all.



#2807 2009-08-02 00:16:35

Fled wrote:

Don't question my efforts unless . . . .

Oh come now.  This is High-Street, after all.

I don't know what one thing has to do with another, regardless of your quoting me entirely out of context. No plan = no replacement. I liked the interspecies kissing thing. It stays. Simply because YOUR banners, Fled, have been regularly rated poorly is hardly my personal doing. I have directly tried to improve their overall look, short of redoing them myself, which ain't never gonna happen again.

Not even Taint is coughing up any, lately. I consider that a bad sign. Neither have I, really...mostly because there are plenty already in rotation and I've got the lion's share. Yet, it still leaves plenty of room open for others. If you don't want to do a banner, then don't bitch. If you do one and it's festooned with Comic Sans and a distorted pic, then I am not giving specific instructions on how to go fuck yourself.



#2808 2009-08-02 03:42:25

pALEPHx wrote:

If you wanna do it, then that's just fabulous. Let everyone else beat your shit to hell over relatively nothing.

OK, I'll take it.

From now on, all submissions have 30 days to get voted on, at the end of that time everything with a score <=0 will get dropped.  Alternately, logos will get dropped by popular acclamation (I don't expect this to actually happen).  Posts with nudity will be restricted to members only, subject to the same rules.  After the 30 day voting period, any banners that don't have a positive voting score will be DELETED.  This policy will be enacted retroactively over the next few days, a few banners at a time, as I get to them.

I am the czar now, by virtue of Pale's abdication to me.  Meet the new boss, completely different from the old boss.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-08-02 04:12:38)



#2809 2009-08-02 04:22:15

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I am the czar now, by virtue of Pale's abdication to me.

"We've de-cided that the shot-gun sings the song."



#2810 2009-08-02 04:26:09

Hey, if y'all decide you don't want me doing the job, I'll pass it on to the next guy with no hard feelings.

Give me a month.  At the very least, I have stated my policy in clear and certain terms, which is more than my predecessor ever did.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-08-02 04:29:17)



#2811 2009-08-02 11:06:34

OK.  Policy enacted.  I have also deleted everything that was old and set to no-display.  Let's see some fucking submissions.



#2812 2009-08-02 12:53:06

Pale, sometimes you are a humorless bitch.  You need to take a pill, relax, and don't get your manties in a bunch. 

Thanks for taking over, JLP



#2813 2009-08-03 15:58:13

New Banner Added:


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#2814 2009-08-03 21:13:37

jesusluvspegging wrote:

OK.  Policy enacted.  I have also deleted everything that was old and set to no-display.  Let's see some fucking submissions.

Submit to fucking? Isn't that Floorcookie's game???
Alright, I'll do the banner thang.......



#2815 2009-08-03 21:41:55

Hey, I'm suddenly reminded: does my jurisdiction cover sidebar images?  'cause I have no idea what to do with those.



#2816 2009-08-04 00:12:46

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Hey, I'm suddenly reminded: does my jurisdiction cover sidebar images?  'cause I have no idea what to do with those.

Nope, that's an entirely manual process at the moment, which puts it in my and choad's hands.  Can't speak for him, but if someone wants to make a case for removing particular images out of the 1300+ in there, I'm willing to listen.



#2817 2009-08-04 00:14:35

OK, all I needed to know.



#2818 2009-08-04 18:32:38

New Banner Added:


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#2819 2009-08-04 23:52:50

jesusluvspegging wrote:

OK.  Policy enacted.  I have also deleted everything that was old and set to no-display.  Let's see some fucking submissions.

What's your policy on Comic Sans?



#2820 2009-08-05 00:06:12

sigmoid freud wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

OK.  Policy enacted.  I have also deleted everything that was old and set to no-display.  Let's see some fucking submissions.

What's your policy on Comic Sans?

I have no editorial agenda.  You submit it, I rubber-stamp it, then 30 days later the votes decide if it stays.



#2821 2009-08-05 00:41:06

New Banner Added:


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#2822 2009-08-07 02:41:09


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#2823 2009-08-09 06:47:47




#2824 2009-08-09 07:14:10

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I have no editorial agenda. You submit it, I rubber-stamp it, then 30 days later the votes decide if it stays.

I was wondering who was moving recent entries into public display. Who nominated you and failed to inform me? Methinks Choad owes me a personal message. If you've really decided to take over, or supplement (a far more generous way to put it) the work, then there are a certain number of expectations you might want to consider.

Of course, you could always be the default choice because you're easier to deal with and less mouthy than I am. Which just makes you someone else's whore.

In the meanwhile... If I find banners approved above the member level again, like I did tonight, I will delete them as I see fit. No one has questioned my choices in a year, no one has informed me that this responsibility has been transferred, and I actually have the graphic credentials to back up my decisions, aside the voting. I admit, I've been asking either for a replacement, or at least help, but I didn't expect it sprung on me. I have no problem with you, personally. Well, I could probably list the reasons why your own banners have or have not been in rotation (you currently represent a total of 20, a goodly amount).

I bitch about it, then go away for a week, and suddenly it's YOUR job? What a relatively spontaneous lack of faith. Trust me, once I speak with him directly, and he says, "JLP is doing it now," I will relent instantaneously, with no argument whatsoever, but I'm still due that communication.

I truly don't mind relinquishing the process, but I'd really like to know how this 'order of operations' works. If we are to work together, then that would be fantastic. If you're suddenly my unannounced replacement, and no one tells me otherwise, then I will merely dun your decisions from twenty years of graphic design experience. While it would be far better to let the voting process do its work, it's become way to slow and I'm sure you could use the encouragement!



#2825 2009-08-09 07:47:35


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Last edited by choad (2009-08-09 07:48:02)



#2826 2009-08-09 10:05:24

pALEPHx wrote:

I bitch

Yes, you certainly do and you certainly are.



#2827 2009-08-09 10:06:25

pALEPHx wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I have no editorial agenda. You submit it, I rubber-stamp it, then 30 days later the votes decide if it stays.

I was wondering who was moving recent entries into public display. Who nominated you and failed to inform me?

You did, remember?  I have met your only qualification (that I know what the hell to do with it).  Or was it a bluff all along?

The order of operations is: I am the czar and you are not.  Now submit some banners, you do nice work.

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Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-08-09 10:15:05)



#2829 2009-08-09 11:43:58

Be-YondThePale wrote:

Who nominated you and failed to inform me? . . .  No one has questioned my choices in a year . . .



#2830 2009-08-09 14:11:49

Putting my wanted poster banner back after pale's little bitchfit.  Nothing to see here.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-08-09 14:12:53)



#2831 2009-08-11 10:48:42




#2832 2009-08-12 01:28:38


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#2833 2009-08-12 03:28:57


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#2834 2009-08-13 05:11:38

New Banner Added:


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#2835 2009-08-13 12:37:42


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#2836 2009-08-15 15:14:16

New Banner Added:


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#2837 2009-08-15 15:21:50

Remember, kiddies, if you don't vote on banners, you'll have to look at crap like this forever.

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#2838 2009-08-15 15:35:53

New Banner Added:


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#2839 2009-08-15 23:06:01

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Remember, kiddies, if you don't vote on banners, you'll have to look at crap like this forever.

Hey, I liked it.  Florida and Bicycle Jesus, not so much.

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#2840 2009-08-15 23:19:04

square wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Remember, kiddies, if you don't vote on banners, you'll have to look at crap like this forever.

Hey, I liked it.  Florida and Bicycle Jesus, not so much.

Hey, I like Bicycle Jesus and Miss 45s.  Florida, not so much.

Yes, I am voting accordingly.

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#2841 2009-08-16 02:16:14

I still see all and outvote every last one of you. I don't care if I show up once a week. I still view it as a responsibility, not some arbitrary thing. I will not abdicate by accident or incidental insertion. You've probably had as much luck attempting sex with females. I have the street cred, and you do not. I didn't mind teh kitteh banner because of who made it. I DO take such things into account, out of respect. Usurpers deserve none. If Choad wants the responsibility shifted because I am somehow in error, then I will expect his direct, communicated decision. Infighting is unwarranted. I will only relinquish to a worthy heir. Until such time, you are merely my minions or underlings.

Lick it up, bitch. Lick it up.




#2842 2009-08-16 06:15:31

Be-YondThePale wrote:

I will only relinquish to a worthy heir. Until such time, you are merely my minions or underlings.

I've no idea how to put this "politely"; So, "here goes":  You "called that bluff" one too many times, and some-body actually had "the meta-phorical balls" to "take you up on it".  Get over it, and move on, bitch.



#2843 2009-08-16 08:52:26

Pale, baby, you constantly bitched and moaned about having to do a job that YOU VOLUNTEERED FOR.  You have, on multiple occasions, passive-aggressively offered to give the job to people who complained about your work here. 

I asked you if you were serious about that offer and you said yes.

I'm gonna have to ask for arbitration here from an admin (sorry Choad) to make Pale stand by what he said he'd do.  I was hoping he'd step down with a little bit of dignity, but I should have known better.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-08-16 08:53:21)



#2844 2009-08-16 12:25:43

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I was hoping he'd step down with a little bit of dignity, but I should have known better.

Yeah, well, you all-so pre-viously claimed to be the son of God; So, your observational skills were all-ready "in question" prior to this little bit of e-drama.



#2845 2009-08-16 12:27:47

Honestly, I expected this.  I was hoping otherwise, but, deep down, I knew he was just trying to get some attention with all his "take this job... please!" posing.

Dec-a-dence wrote:

you all-so pre-viously claimed to be the son of God

I forgive you, My son.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-08-16 12:28:51)



#2846 2009-08-18 23:42:20

New Banner Added:


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#2847 2009-08-18 23:46:42

I'd put that into the hopper, but apparently nobody gives a damn if pale shits all over the banners thread but Me, so I surrender.  I give the fuck up.

EDIT:  And I am clearly the hottie on the right.

Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2009-08-18 23:47:31)



#2848 2009-08-18 23:55:35

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I'd put that into the hopper, but apparently nobody gives a damn if pale shits all over the banners thread but Me, so I surrender.

*crunches on Jordan Almonds*  That’s not true, we’re all enjoying the show!



#2849 2009-08-19 00:06:47

fnord wrote:

jesusluvspegging wrote:

I'd put that into the hopper, but apparently nobody gives a damn if pale shits all over the banners thread but Me, so I surrender.

*crunches on Jordan Almonds*  That’s not true, we’re all enjoying the show!

Sorry, I'm used to movies at the AMC Magic Johnson over at Greenbriar Mall, so if the audience I having a good time I expect to damned well hear about it.

Whatever.  I had fun trying so it's all good.



#2850 2009-08-20 11:41:48

jesusluvspegging wrote:

Pale, baby, you constantly bitched and moaned about having to do a job that YOU VOLUNTEERED FOR.  You have, on multiple occasions, passive-aggressively offered to give the job to people who complained about your work here. 

I asked you if you were serious about that offer and you said yes.

I'm gonna have to ask for arbitration here from an admin (sorry Choad) to make Pale stand by what he said he'd do.  I was hoping he'd step down with a little bit of dignity, but I should have known better.

I am spending the end of summer in northeastern Maine, far away from the internets and all things modern.  However, I stumbled into an opportunity to take a stroll down High Street.  JLP, you remember correctly.  Palehorse abdicated, surrendered the scepter, and you answered his cry for help and attention by accepting his offer to give up the role.  He cannot worm his way back into power now.  You may come to regret having stepped up, Jeebus, but even though I may otherwise be a mere role player on this, I hereby assume the duty or arbitrator and find in your favor.  Costs awarded to JLP.



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