#2 2009-10-05 14:09:02
I 'd say the impulse control argument he posits merits further study but I would weigh more heavily on a sub clinical manifestation of Type II diabetes with respect to irritability and a subsequent "shortening of the fuse" as it were.
#3 2009-10-05 15:46:25
I'd like to hijack your thread but only for a moment Forti old bean -- to let you all know that, yes, tis moi, tis moi. And I am broadcasting LIVE from (get this) the public library in Fishkill NY!
Indeed, my itinerary today took me through this fair hamlet. As I passed the library a wicked grin formed on my equine facade. As I surmised, they have some PCs, and so I thought I'd actually do you all the honor of hearing from me from the little town that many of you thought I was from. Why not, I thought. Also since I left my bb at home, I can check my mail. Choad or someone can confirm the IP address.
This will stand as the first actual thing that I ever truly had to do with "Fishkill". Now take a moment to bask with me, bask I say, in the Golden and greasy balm of HISTORY in the making. HORSE IS REALLY AND TRULY IN FISHKILL.
Fortonovich -- my good friend. Please fortive me for hijacking your thread for a moment. I only did it cuz I think of you as one of the most popular and interesting folks, thus ensuring maximum exposure for li'l ol' moi --which is what I've always been about any way, right? Thanks man.
Hope all you cunts are behaving yourselves and staying in line for Mr. Choad. I expect to hear nothing but glowing reports now, ya hear? Hyuck!!!! Peace N Love N Obama Rocks (just what I don't fucking know, but .... um....)
Last edited by Horseonovich (2009-10-05 15:47:48)