#1 2010-01-10 18:50:49
Just Joking... but where the heck have you been?
#2 2010-01-10 18:59:31
Dmtdust wrote:
Just Joking... but where the heck have you been?
Testing the limits of my libido.
Otherwise, I'd say, "Blow me!".
#3 2010-01-10 19:19:53
Oh right, you are actually having sex with another person now days! I forgot, so all is forgiven, Rogers.
#4 2010-01-10 20:02:18
Rogers preys on odd links to wrap around an ad vehicle.
This bag of mixed nuts, bless our deviant hearts, are poison to that enterprise.
The alternate answer to your question is I haven't gone anywhere.
I have marveled like everyone else how quickly media moguls have sucked the life out of our free press.
Note, all Murdock's minions go pay-per-view next week.
#5 2010-01-10 22:25:21
choad wrote:
Note, all Murdock's minions go pay-per-view next week.
Yeah, like I said when I first read that news: good luck with that fearless business plan, you withered asshole.
I have marveled like everyone else how quickly media moguls have sucked the life out of our free press.
All I do at this point is try to keep my inner Pollyanna alive by hoping that some new paradigm rises from the ashes. The cold, dead, reeking ashes.
#6 2010-01-10 22:33:56
choad wrote:
Note, all Murdock's minions go pay-per-view next week.
Rupert: I wasn't reading your biased shit for free, so if you're waiting for me to pay, don't hold your breath.
On second thought, do.
#8 2010-01-11 23:45:14
#9 2010-01-11 23:46:07
My town's only daily news coverage, another Murdock paper, pushed us off its map last month. Now they're adding a fee to that insult. Fuck them. Fuck them all.
#10 2010-01-11 23:55:00
choad wrote:
Fuck them.
Another footnote?
#11 2010-01-12 07:05:58
MSG Tripps wrote:
choad wrote:
Fuck them.
Another footnote?
The sooner dead tree news vendors need to eat shit and die, the sooner we can restore some semblance of a working press.