#1 2010-06-08 15:57:09

An entertaining read about the sport of ferret legging:

http://deadspin.com/5546844/the-king-of … heir-pants

"The ferrets must have a full mouth o' teeth," Reg Mellor said as he fiddled with his belt. "No filing of the teeth; no clipping. No dope for you or the ferrets. You must be sober, and the ferrets must be hungry — though any ferret'll eat yer eyes out even if he isn't hungry."



#2 2010-06-08 16:38:49

Chuck Norris has a tattoo of Reg Mellor, he's that hard core.



#3 2010-06-08 17:10:44

Great narrative.  Good find Lech.



#4 2010-06-08 20:41:56

This event is shown yearly on the BBC, or at least when I last lived there.  Mind you I always had the impression you had to drink pints whilst the ferret found his way out.....



#5 2010-06-09 04:10:28

Pretty sure this was posted to Cruel once upon a time; this sentence sticks in my memory:

Reg Mellor, a man who has been more intimate with ferrets than many men have been with their wives, calls ferrets "cannibals, things that live only to kill, that'll eat your eyes out to get at your brain" at their worst, and "untrustworthy" at their very best.



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