#2 2011-09-11 11:34:02

Grandmas with guns... you have to be careful of that shit. 

I can't think of much that would be scarier than a bunch of fully armed, menopausal women.



#3 2011-09-11 11:34:46

She's also a reservist.  Basically, she signed up for a job that has a slightly steep physical entrance requirement, and makes you wear funny clothes.



#4 2011-09-12 09:13:25

I like the idea. Why not use people who have already bred, contributed to society and are looking forward to 20 years of sitting around playing shuffleboard as cannon fodder? 90% of military jobs involve sitting around typing on a computer, why not use people you would otherwise have to pay social security to?



#5 2011-09-12 22:20:37

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I like the idea. Why not use people who have already bred, contributed to society and are looking forward to 20 years of sitting around playing shuffleboard as cannon fodder? 90% of military jobs involve sitting around typing on a computer, why not use people you would otherwise have to pay social security to?

Got it in one.



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