#1 2007-11-25 23:28:07

Put a fork in it, folks. It's done.



#2 2007-11-25 23:46:34

OK - so I don't go sticking my fork into other people's pudding, I'd appreciate an elaboration of that when you're ready. 

Does this mean that you label eyebleach at the behest of others through the report function, or are you relying on us to identify our own posts that may act as eyebleach and restrict them to threads marked "eyebleach friendly"?

Or are you telling us to nix posting what we think might be eyebleach, 'cause you're going to have to pull these posts anyway?



#3 2007-11-26 00:05:25

Any IMAGE post with no purpose beyond shock and assault, irritation and insult, entirely unrelated to the subject of a thread gets an eye bleach label unless it's already got NSFW in the subject line.

When an eye bleach image ruins and an otherwise worthy thread, we'll move the offending post to an eye bleach only thread.

These are moderator judgement calls. In the event of a dispute, orangeplus or I or whoever we delegate will arbitrate.



#4 2007-11-26 00:10:04

Sounds OK to me.  Thanks, Choad.



#5 2007-11-26 00:27:02

Very good - let me make sure I'm clear about this:

You & orangeplus determine whether an image is eyebleach and if it is in an inapproproate thread (ie, one NOT marked NSFW, since we can't title or categorize individual posts in threads).  That image is then moved to a thread that exists to contain eyebleach - a visual chemical closet.
->I am talking out my ass here, since I have no idea how much work this would entail, but I would like it if posts to the eyebleach thread specified the thread from which each was removed and its response number in that thread.

This sounds like a lot of work overseeing this venture to me - will you be responsive to member's reports of appearance of scunnery images in the wrong neighborhoods?  I do not like or support censorship, but I also don't like the prospect that you and the other admins may be made to invest too much effort for too little return in your attempts to enforce this quarantine and subsequently tell us all to fuck off.



#6 2007-11-26 00:28:12



#7 2007-11-26 00:55:03

DoucheEllington wrote:

You & orangeplus determine whether an image is eyebleach

Are you having eye trouble tonight, Douche? Too many disturbing images, maybe?

That image is then moved to a thread that exists to contain eyebleach - a visual chemical closet.

Do you really give a shit about someone's post if they are so lame and inarticulate they're reduced to posting a hideous image instead putting the same revolting thought into words?

->I am talking out my ass here, since I have no idea how much work this would entail,

Too much. Way more than it's worth. It is not going to happen.

This sounds like a lot of work overseeing this venture to me

Now you're getting the idea. Jesus, you have no fucking idea how much I hate this.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, little bits of birdy's feet... Are you a child, Douche? Are you amused by this?



#8 2007-11-26 01:14:11

Please permit me ONE clarifying question...  if there is eyebleach, and it is somehow relevant to the thread or it makes a semi-relevant point, but is not overtly labeled, will it still be quarantined?  For example, I had the urge to post a picture of bush meat and that woman who died eating it in NYC, but I abstained.

I will now leave this be completely and not mention it again (tonight). ;)

Last edited by feisty (2007-11-26 01:15:23)



#9 2007-11-26 01:31:15

choad wrote:

DoucheEllington wrote:

You & orangeplus determine whether an image is eyebleach

Are you having eye trouble tonight, Douche? Too many disturbing images, maybe?

->I am talking out my ass here, since I have no idea how much work this would entail,

Too much. Way more than it's worth. It is not going to happen.

This sounds like a lot of work overseeing this venture to me

Now you're getting the idea. Jesus, you have no fucking idea how much I hate this.

Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, little bits of birdy's feet... Are you a child, Douche? Are you amused by this?

Nope, not in my second childhood yet.  I also know that if I do not completely understand what you are doing as you have explained it, other more destructive people are very likely to misunderstand it as well.  You appear to have developed a shorthand that works well in communicating with the other admins and moderators but does not always translate into operationalized terms and apparent courses of action with the rest of us.  In addition, lurkers and cruisers read your posts:  your audience is not only the people you have established context with.

That image is then moved to a thread that exists to contain eyebleach - a visual chemical closet.

Do you really give a shit about someone's post if they are so lame and inarticulate they're reduced to posting a hideous image instead putting the same revolting thought into words?

Because you are bearing the burden of the work here and I think that deserves some respect, I will not light into you as you have attempted to light into me.  However, you would benefit from paying attention to clarifying questions that may help you present a more streamlined explanation rather than being an asshole to the person asking them.  If you respond more productively to gross insult & invective, I'm sure you'll get that soon enough.  You may have noticed that I suggested means of reducing your workload regarding this, and volunteered to share the effort in a way that would require no protracted, recursive, and masturbatory verbal dithering.  That was a mistake and I apologize.

Despite my Scotchguard habit, I'm still far from stupid, & most of the people here are also pretty bright.  However, each of us employs language in these posts differently - if you want to make a hard and fast rule, using the least ambiguous language possible makes rules easier to establish and enforce.  That often  takes a few drafts and collaborative revisions, even for painfully simple processes, but it pays off in less time spent considering each instance of potential violation.  Despite your derision of FAQ's and other documents that serve to deter you from being held responsible for other's behavior, the overly obvious and completely dry stepwise approach used in technical writing might be beneficial in some instances.

Is there a site other sites that embody what you want HS to evolve into?  If so, please share.  Perhaps you could cherry pick features and procedures that they already have in place to deal with such issues.



#10 2007-11-26 01:41:38

I really don't understand either, Douchey. Choad gets cryptic when he's pissed.
I'm going to post some horrible eyebleach and see if any kind of labelling mechanism has been built into the Coad.
Nope. I guess I have to label it myself.

Last edited by WilberCuntLicker (2007-11-26 01:46:39)



#11 2007-11-26 02:14:22

Wilber, what the fuck are those ridiculous fornicating rodent-like creatures?  More proof that evolution has a sense of humor, thats for sure.  The picture would be banner material if it didn’t have lettering at the top.



#12 2007-11-26 02:29:38

fnord wrote:

Wilber, what the fuck are those ridiculous fornicating rodent-like creatures?  More proof that evolution has a sense of humor, thats for sure.  The picture would be banner material if it didn’t have lettering at the top.

I believe that they're called tapirs, so called because their cocks are thinner at the head than at the base.



#13 2007-11-26 02:33:52

Get closer, fnord, and they'll show you just what lovable critters they are.



#14 2007-11-26 04:55:25

DoucheEllington wrote:

OK - so I don't go sticking my fork into other people's pudding . . .

What-ever . . .  I just want to hear more about your "pudding."  Hold on . . .  Let me take my pants off, and get a bit more "comfortable."

Whosakissassthen wrote:

Sounds OK to me.  Thanks, Choad.

You've a little some-thing on the corner of your . . .  Wait, let me get a tissue.

Feisty wrote:

Please permit me ONE clarifying question...  if there is eyebleach, and it is somehow relevant to the thread or it makes a semi-relevant point, but is not overtly labeled, will it still be quarantined?

Good question - And, what exactly am I expected to with this cache of Deutsch scat which I've been collecting?



#15 2007-11-26 05:17:20

Why, dear Dec, you make yourself an eyebleach thread!



#16 2007-11-27 13:39:45

You Go Douchey!!! choad is an asshole who thinks there is some significant power playing with a web site. I have been threatened to have my account "torched" for various things. (like posting stuff choad didn't think was funny). I say BLOW ME! to the repressors.



#17 2007-11-27 14:37:10

Bigcat wrote:

You Go Douchey!!! choad is an asshole who thinks there is some significant power playing with a web site. I have been threatened to have my account "torched" for various things. (like posting stuff choad didn't think was funny). I say BLOW ME! to the repressors.

Choad is not an asshole. In fact, his vision is kinder and gentler than most of ours.
Oh well. There are always lessons to be learned.
Be seeing you.



#18 2007-11-27 15:37:11

Bigcat wrote:

choad is an asshole who thinks there is some significant power playing with a web site. I have been threatened to have my account "torched" for various things. (like posting stuff choad didn't think was funny).

This is news to me.

You just might want to get your facts straight before you make an asshole out of yourself. Or not. All the same to me.



#19 2007-11-28 00:07:58

Well Choad...  I think you should keep us on our toes by labeling innocuous pictures like LOLcats as "eyebleach" then leaving the sick shit up for everyone to see.....  You owe us this much after listening to the whiners in here who want this place family friendly...........



#20 2007-11-28 00:52:17

Bigcat wrote:

You Go Douchey!!! choad is an asshole who thinks there is some significant power playing with a web site. I have been threatened to have my account "torched" for various things. (like posting stuff choad didn't think was funny). I say BLOW ME! to the repressors.

I don't know if or how your account has been torched - & if anyone screws with anyone else for not being funny, then we'd better all simultaneously bend over and spit lube ourselves, 'cause we all post steamers, & humor is too subjective to be a criterion for being booted or charred.  Most of the stuff posted here doesn't strike me as funny - but there is a better hit rate for me here than in other forums, where I'm usually just laughing at myself for even trying to engage or be engaged by others.

There is a big difference between telling someone he's been an asshole to you in an exchange or situation and calling someone an asshole.  My experience with Choad is that, like myself & everyone else, he is occasionally an asshole.  In the previous exchange, I was trying to be helpful as gently as I could, without telling him to go to x resource and choose from the array of means of conceptualizing and handling this issue because Choad seems to be all about process discussions and concensus leadership rather than "Holy fuck, I could get my nuts kicked up to my eyebrows; others must have dealt with these things, too - Ima put on my big-boy pants and make some changes that minimize my liability as quickly and simply as possible and make sure they are communicated as generally and thoroughly as necessary.  Shut up & hold still." 

His response was to attempt to condescend to me and ignore an offer of help & the good intentions that went along with it.  My response? "Well, fuck you, too."  Big deal, so what.  We're not arguing about something I own, and he just reminded me to not work for free.  My assessment and intentions would be quite different if Choad were in any position of authority relative to me.



#21 2007-11-28 04:06:13

DoucheEllington wrote:

...if anyone screws with anyone else for not being funny, then we'd better all simultaneously bend over and spit lube ourselves, 'cause we all post steamers, & humor is too subjective to be a criterion for being booted or charred...

I am cross-stitching that onto a sampler as we speak.



#22 2007-11-28 07:26:27

DoucheEllington wrote:

Bigcat wrote:

You Go Douchey!!! choad is an asshole who thinks there is some significant power playing with a web site. I have been threatened to have my account "torched" for various things. (like posting stuff choad didn't think was funny). I say BLOW ME! to the repressors.

I don't know if or how your account has been torched - & if anyone screws with anyone else for not being funny, then we'd better all simultaneously bend over and spit lube ourselves, 'cause we all post steamers, & humor is too subjective to be a criterion for being booted or charred.  Most of the stuff posted here doesn't strike me as funny - but there is a better hit rate for me here than in other forums, where I'm usually just laughing at myself for even trying to engage or be engaged by others.

There is a big difference between telling someone he's been an asshole to you in an exchange or situation and calling someone an asshole.  My experience with Choad is that, like myself & everyone else, he is occasionally an asshole.  In the previous exchange, I was trying to be helpful as gently as I could, without telling him to go to x resource and choose from the array of means of conceptualizing and handling this issue because Choad seems to be all about process discussions and concensus leadership rather than "Holy fuck, I could get my nuts kicked up to my eyebrows; others must have dealt with these things, too - Ima put on my big-boy pants and make some changes that minimize my liability as quickly and simply as possible and make sure they are communicated as generally and thoroughly as necessary.  Shut up & hold still." 

His response was to attempt to condescend to me and ignore an offer of help & the good intentions that went along with it.  My response? "Well, fuck you, too."  Big deal, so what.  We're not arguing about something I own, and he just reminded me to not work for free.  My assessment and intentions would be quite different if Choad were in any position of authority relative to me.

OKOKOK. I was just trying to start some fun insulting shit. jeeze.



#23 2007-11-28 09:14:27

When Rogers made changes at Cruel, right or wrong he took boat loads of shit for it. On high-street, in theory, it's consensus or nothing, which - in theory again - is easier and less painful.

There are 11 people here with moderator privileges, at last count, each with their own pain thresholds. We're navigating uncharted territory, understand?

The absolute hardest part of this evolution is adapting from fun-fun all the time - the reason ALL of us are here - to the welfare and survival of the site as a whole. Three people quit last weekend because they wanted no part of that.

Growing is not an option OR a financial consideration. We don't and we'll all get bored and the site will disappear. The standard issue life cycle applies. Grow or croak.

Last edited by choad (2007-11-28 09:20:46)



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