#1 2011-11-17 03:38:54
I had the great good fortune to attend public grade schools before they turned to standardized shitdrizzle. My teachers taught their passions, subjects they knew from direct experience. They dragged us out of the classroom at every opportunity to see how their lessons applied in the workaday world and drilled us to learn how to teach ourselves. With college beyond my means, I was lucky. I dunno what to tell my grandkids.
sigmoid freud, 2011-04-24: What's the matter with kids today?
RS, 2011-11-15: Doomed By Ignorance & Greed.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#2 2011-11-17 08:56:07
Tell them what Harvard finally came out and said:
College isn't for everyone, learn a trade.
As useless as most of the current crop will be, the ability to use tools will pay well in the near future......
By the way, you trace nearly all the woes of the current education system to two things:
1)In 1986 the teachers unions and the Dept. of Edjumucashun had a summit where they determined that the most important thing about school was socialization, NOT academics. Seriously. Look it up.
2)No Child Left Behind.
#3 2011-11-17 10:32:41
XregnaR wrote:
By the way, you trace nearly all the woes of the current education system to two things:
Phooey. Bright women fled teaching in record numbers when more profitable career opportunities beckoned elsewhere in the early 70s, by which time textbook publishers had an iron grip on uniform mediocrity.
Leave us not even begin to consider the drain of tax exempt private schools beyond the reach of any law. The grazing rights from the pasture I see when I look across the harbor funded the New World's first public school. Imagine that.
Sail around the point, you'll find a town obscenely sucked dry of its choicest real estate by daycare for wealth and privilege at $45,000 a year.
#4 2011-11-18 08:51:37
Speaking of daycare, I'd love to see a study of the correlation between the rise in usage of daycare (kennels for kids) and so called ADD.