#1 2012-08-06 16:00:34



#2 2012-08-06 16:08:27

http://www.livescience.com/22044-vampir … unity.html

I actually really like bats, although their guano will definitely clear out the sinuses in a bad way.  One of my favorite Summer activities is to smoke a nice fat one, then sit and watch the bats over my house doing a number on the mosquito population.  Might be why I put up two bat boxes....



#3 2012-08-06 17:44:58

Bats are just another animal that gets a bad rap like black snakes and spiders. When a bunch of bats are working over the lake at twilight it's a think of magical beauty.



#4 2012-08-06 18:25:27

Sorry, but spiders have it coming. Cockroaches even more so.



#5 2012-08-06 19:28:18

XregnaR wrote:

Sorry, but spiders have it coming. Cockroaches even more so.

Spiders are cool. My mother, an otherwise sensible woman who died more than a decade ago, taught me it was bad luck to kill spiders, particularly in one's own home (Why she couched her fondness for them in some superstition has always mystified me). Consequently, however, I won't kill a spider to this day. A boy's gotta honor his mother, right?



#6 2012-08-07 00:41:52

I assumed that your subject line was meant to be ironic; But, I have to admit that they really are rather cute when feeding from the open wounds which they have in-flicted.

GooberMcNutly wrote:

Bats are just another animal that gets a bad rap like black snakes and spiders.

I have never under-stood the hatred of moths.  I believe that they are beauty-full creatures - Basically, simply nocturnal butter-flies with a fascination geared more to-wards porch lights than flowers.



#7 2012-08-07 01:52:29

Bats are cute, and useful as well. Anything that can eat it's own weight in mosquitoes every night is welcome at my house. They are shy and with few exceptions entirely inoffensive. Spiders are also welcome but I nearly always put them out of the house so they won't starve to death. About the only animals I will kill are cockroaches and pit vipers.



#8 2012-08-07 08:48:03

XregnaR wrote:

Sorry, but spiders have it coming. Cockroaches even more so.

Why kill the enemy of your enemy? Spiders love to eat cockroach nymphs and juveniles.

But, like TP, I have to ensure domestic tranquility, so I evict spiders with the old upside down cup and a piece of paper trick. And I evict most web-making spiders too.

Plus, the cats love to hunt the wily wolf spiders. Why take away such a fun toy?



#9 2012-08-07 08:53:41

Confession time.....

I generally don't kill spiders, unless beckoned by the hysterical screams of my betrothed.  The caveat to this is if I encounter anything larger than a 50 cent piece.  Then I bust out all my best flip-flop-do moves.



#10 2012-08-07 14:21:03

I just rescued this mama from my pool skimmer. I had to be very gentle to not knock the babies off.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



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