#2 2007-12-15 16:48:09
Oh, look. All the people I loathe, in one convenient article. You don't practice reparative/conversion therapy and keep your license long. If Ms. Arendt had a point, and evil is banal, then James Dobson is the most banal-retentive man in the country. No one should be surprised, of course, that the Christian fundies have a major overlap with the ex-gay "movement" (it is a vocal minority, and the laughingstock of the APA). However, groups like Exodus and Evergreen--interdenominational and Mormon, respectively--suggest that each faith has its own Inner Queer to fear. They are nearly as virulent and misguided as NARTH.
I think back to all the AIDS marches and "die-ins," HIV-awareness seminars and "zaps," and everything I ever picketed, protested, or boycotted. And these jokers have been plugging along quietly at the sidelines, picking off the gays and lesbians who never had a chance to establish a secure identity. They prey on weakness and self-loathing, they harm every person they touch, and if I had to choose from terrorists, drug dealers, or ex-gay ministers as the scourge of humanity, it might take me a few minutes (drugs probably win, by the numbers alone [sigh]).
Because they misuse science to bolster their fatuous claims that sexuality can or should be "cured," they latch onto odd studies about fruit flies, hair patterns, finger length, and even a new twist on the Peter Pan Complex (also referenced here). Ultimately tho, worrying about them is like worrying about the people who claim they can homeopathically rid themselves of cancer, and I'm willing to bet that's a statistically larger group, as well.
#3 2007-12-16 01:37:03
Because they misuse science to bolster their fatuous claims
Hey, you lifted that from the creationists!
OK, it's pretty much a given that homosexual behavior exists in most social mammal populations, but that doesn't mean we have to like it!
#4 2007-12-16 03:01:32
opsec wrote:
OK, it's pretty much a given that homosexual behavior exists in most social mammal populations, but that doesn't mean we have to like it!
This culture reviles behaviours commited by its most rabid detractors. Obey, don't think, buy more shit. Happy fucking yuletide.
Quietly so he won't hear but what are getting Zookeeper? I'm stumped.
#5 2007-12-16 04:40:08
opsec wrote:
OK, it's pretty much a given that homosexual behavior exists in most social mammal populations, but that doesn't mean we have to like it!
Also birds.
#6 2007-12-16 09:57:44
Gay people suck!
#7 2007-12-16 14:28:13
outhere wrote:
Gay people suck!
Well duh! No kidding.
I think I hear your mommy callin ya. Better run along now.
#8 2007-12-16 14:34:06
outhere wrote:
Gay people suck!
You're so fucking lame I'd welcome back Emily_Strange with open arms.
Em, dear, where are you? All's forgiven, you can come home now.
#9 2007-12-16 16:34:20
headkicker_girl wrote:
outhere wrote:
Gay people suck!
You're so fucking lame I'd welcome back Emily_Strange with open arms.
Em, dear, where are you? All's forgiven, you can come home now.
OOh! you suck too. You gay?
#10 2007-12-16 17:09:33
outhere wrote:
OOh! you suck too. You gay?
You're fucking BORING. Do us all a favor and go back to lurking.
#11 2007-12-16 17:55:40
I guess I find it too easy to get incensed over the mere existence of a hate-group like this. And that's what they are, which the SPLC makes quite clear. They may say they're "helping," but that's like helping someone cross a street by pushing them in front of a bus. Whether you do it with a bible in your free hand and an insipidly beatific smile on your face, notwithstanding.
But really, how many people are we talking about here? How many lives are affected by these monstrous phonies? Not including the extended families and communities in which we all live, it's estimated that the GLBT population is somewhere around 10% of the total, in any given location (more in San Francisco, less in Tehran, perhaps). Of that fraction, how many would meet the following criteria: religious, impressionable, self-loathing, and mildly ignorant? (I realize that faith supersedes the cognitive understanding that such practices are snake oil) The remainder may fill a megachurch, but it is still a precious few.
Also, we give people leave to believe what they will, even when all evidence suggests their beliefs may be disastrous to themselves and harmful to others. Hence, my remark about homeopathic cures for cancer. A very small number of people claim that method of healing has worked, and isn't the point to be healed? When all else has failed, I suppose I just wish people would stop seeing sexuality as a sickness. Such a label is barely removed from a "curse," and still far short of a "spiritual injury"...if you would define an abrupt rejection of life-long indoctrination that way.
#12 2007-12-16 18:07:54
Rev. Sugarbush Prays teh Gay Away...
#13 2007-12-16 18:30:36
headkicker_girl wrote:
outhere wrote:
OOh! you suck too. You gay?
You're fucking BORING. Do us all a favor and go back to lurking.
I like turtles.
#14 2007-12-16 22:21:14
outhere wrote:
I like turtles.
Well, it's good to hear you're getting laid by something.
#15 2007-12-17 02:09:44
outhere wrote:
headkicker_girl wrote:
outhere wrote:
Gay people suck!
You're so fucking lame I'd welcome back Emily_Strange with open arms.
Em, dear, where are you? All's forgiven, you can come home now.OOh! you suck too. You gay?
I'm gonna guess that you stopped learning how to talk shit in elementary school.
#16 2007-12-17 02:48:36
In an attempt to detroll the thread...
pALEPHx wrote:
I guess I find it too easy to get incensed...
I just wish people would stop seeing sexuality as a sickness. Such a label is barely removed from a "curse," and still far short of a "spiritual injury"...if you would define an abrupt rejection of life-long indoctrination that way.
Yes you do.
You have a talent for expressing yourself, and I appreciate that, however it seems to me that you take some things far too seriously. Sexuality has *always* been seen as a sickness by those who are threatened by it, and turning anything threatening into a "spiritual injury" is why they invented religion.
I don't mind the outrage, but admit that it's pretty much lost on this crowd... libertarian rascist bleeding heart nazi abortionist darwinian cynical libertines that we are. We make fun of Jesus, Mohammed, Xenu and Sharpton. We call each other jews, niggers, rednecks, chinks, papists and wetbacks (see Jesus, but pronounced differently). We make fun of the stupid, ugly, fat, and retarded. We eviscerate the clueless, hang the tactless and burn the truely sexually deviant at the social stake.
HS is not middle America. We don't care where you stick your dick unless it's on youtube and we can make fun of you.
*** No goats have been harmed in the production of this post. Yet.
#17 2007-12-17 07:33:59
opsec wrote:
I don't mind the outrage, but admit that it's pretty much lost on this crowd... libertarian rascist bleeding heart nazi abortionist darwinian cynical libertines that we are. We make fun of Jesus, Mohammed, Xenu and Sharpton. We call each other jews, niggers, rednecks, chinks, papists and wetbacks (see Jesus, but pronounced differently). We make fun of the stupid, ugly, fat, and retarded. We eviscerate the clueless, hang the tactless and burn the truely sexually deviant at the social stake.
HS is not middle America. We don't care where you stick your dick unless it's on youtube and we can make fun of you.
*** No goats have been harmed in the production of this post. Yet.
HS.org now has a Mission Statement, it seems.
Last edited by jesusluvspegging (2007-12-17 07:35:01)
#18 2007-12-17 09:08:05
jesusluvspegging wrote:
opsec wrote:
[We're] libertarian, rascist, bleeding heart, nazi, abortionist, darwinian, cynical libertines... We make fun of Jesus, Mohammed, Xenu and Sharpton... call each other jews, niggers, rednecks, chinks, papists and wetbacks... make fun of the stupid, ugly, fat, and retarded... eviscerate the clueless, hang the tactless and burn the truly sexually deviant at the social stake.
HS is not middle America. We don't care where you stick your dick unless it's on youtube and we can make fun of you.HS.org now has a Mission Statement, it seems.
That's true. Opsec earlier described, "This place is like a continuing education course in pejoratives."
Light Skinned Hoes Get In Free
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#19 2007-12-17 09:11:23
jesusluvspegging wrote:
HS.org now has a Mission Statement, it seems.
One for the pALEPHx situation at any rate.
#20 2007-12-19 23:35:36
That just begged to be turned into a banner, opsec.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#21 2007-12-20 02:41:41
square wrote:
That just begged to be turned into a banner
Yes. It described everything perfectly. I'm so glad for banners.
Even tho my tranquilizer-darted left nut could produce a better one than you.
Go ahead, prove me wrong. That's what I was waiting for...
#22 2007-12-20 07:07:28
now, shut the fuckup already...
#23 2007-12-20 11:29:16
Yup. Curing gheyness through lots of man hugging. Next up, bombing for peace and fucking for chastity.
#24 2007-12-20 18:43:51
GooberMcNutly wrote:
Yup. Curing gheyness through lots of man hugging. Next up, bombing for peace and fucking for chastity.
Yeah, when will the righteous ever learn? Locking 'em up in jails with a bunch of other guys didn't work so well, either.
#25 2007-12-20 23:29:32
Montecore wrote:
GooberMcNutly wrote:
Yup. Curing gheyness through lots of man hugging. Next up, bombing for peace and fucking for chastity.
Yeah, when will the righteous ever learn? Locking 'em up in jails with a bunch of other guys didn't work so well, either.
Nor did joining the Navy make real men out of them.
Last edited by Johnny Rotten (2007-12-20 23:32:19)
#26 2007-12-21 02:51:20
Ops wrote:
OK, it's pretty much a given that homosexual behavior exists in most social mammal populations, but that doesn't mean we have to like it!
That being said: Dogs fucking cats? Hilarious!
TimeOutOfMind wrote:
I like turtles.
So, does any-body want to "give up" our "sock-puppet" here (All that a-side, good to e-see you again); Or, would you all prefer to continue the dance?
Ops wrote:
You have a talent for expressing yourself, and I appreciate that . . .
Translation: You're a go-no-where wordy, Fuck; And, whilst I'm adversed to self-restraint in most forms, in your case, it is highly advised.
pENIx wrote:
Even tho my tranquilizer-darted left nut could produce a better one than you.
Dear Sperm-Breath,
Getting a bit "cocky" these days, are you? From my view-point, Ops' and Square's little collaborative effort here is pure art. Now, I under-stand full well that you "Faye" little, pseudo-intellectual, bitches, consider Campbell's soup cans to be the height of artistic expression; How-Ever, I've damned near a cup-board full at the moment, and - A bit of elation any-time that I see the word "Minestrone" a-side - the fascination is rather lost on me. Please, feel free to choke up-on massive "nigger-dick," and die.
"Andy Warhol - Silver screen; Can't tell them a-part at all."
#27 2007-12-21 21:22:53
"The Bible is the inerrant ... word of the living God. It is absolutely infallible,without error in all matters pertaining to faith and practice, as well as in areas such as geography, science, history, etc."
-- Jerry Falwell
"We who are atheists are also a-fairyists, a-teapotists, and a-unicornists, but we don't have to bother saying so."
- Richard Dawkins, Free Inquiry, Summer, 2002
"Christians Suck"