#1 2013-08-14 19:17:58



#2 2013-08-15 14:06:23

Fascinating.  Ecologists need a crash course from this guy.  He offers a potent argument for raising animals on the land, but it won't sit well with the vegans and others who blame everything on domestic livestock.



#3 2013-08-15 16:21:55

The environment is much more complicated than people generally realize; cutting your lawn to golfing green length hurts the environment.  He's very correct in that mimicking nature is our only way back but getting big money to understand and buy into that will be very difficult.  On the other hand this doesn't detract from the need to get away from burning petroleum based fuels to power our lives.  We need to do both.

Besides, I like meat and this means I get more of it.

**Disclaimer:  I cut my grass on the highest mower setting as Melons likes it to be cushy and it keeps the lawn cool.  I mulch every thing within reason.  I also drive and enjoy a fast car and love a good steak.



#4 2013-08-15 23:47:10

My "lawn" is no lawn at all. I planted my entire yard in perennials, fruit trees and vegetables which require far less water and maintanance (the perennials require no extra watering), and they give me fresh, organic produce throughout the growing season here, besides being far more beautiful than a boring lawn. No spraying of chemicals or fertilizers needed. I believe many more people would benefit from this type of planting, but many locations do not allow it.



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