#1 2014-03-31 10:07:24
Decided liven things up with a heart attack - free valium!!
#2 2014-03-31 10:18:20
Well Jeeze... don't do it again. Build a ship in a bottle or something instead.
#3 2014-03-31 10:26:57
These guys were pretty good, 48 hour turn around.
#4 2014-03-31 12:13:14
Nice. Glad you lived to tell about it, Em. I've attended more than enough who didn't.
#5 2014-03-31 12:44:13
Emmeran wrote:
Decided liven things up with a heart attack - free valium!!
Are you really my cousin Larry? Actually, I doubt it. Larry had a heart attack over the weekend also. But, he didn't get the short turn around. He got the chest crack and bypass. I can't believe they just turned you loose. Did they stint you?
#6 2014-03-31 13:00:28
Take care of yourself, you are a bit young for this kind of mess.
#7 2014-03-31 14:37:56
Hope it was as mild as it sounds, Em. I got a cardiac work up not long ago, right after a snake bite (copperhead). They tell me I had a mild heart attack some time ago. I never knew it happened. I didn't even get any valium.
#8 2014-03-31 14:40:35
Rotor rooter via wrist and stint.
Does anyone else see the hilarity of telling a High-Street denizen to take better care of themselves...
#9 2014-03-31 16:26:17
Emmeran wrote:
Rotor rooter via wrist and stint.
Does anyone else see the hilarity of telling a High-Street denizen to take better care of themselves...
Now that I know you are going to live, can I go ahead and claim some responsibility for raising your blood pressure?
#10 2014-03-31 16:39:10
Emmeran wrote:
Does anyone else see the hilarity of telling a High-Street denizen to take better care of themselves...
I'm certainly not going to tell you to "straighten up and fly right", but I will make a few suggestions that may put off the Big One that does you in. Take krill oil capsules to increase your HDL. Take Slo-Niacin; it will increase your HDL, reduce the amount of LDL produced by your liver, and also lower your blood pressure by dilating your blood vessels. All of us enjoy messing with your head and want to enjoy this pleasure for as long as possible!
Last edited by fnord (2014-03-31 16:39:49)
#11 2014-03-31 17:16:35
fnord wrote:
Emmeran wrote:
Does anyone else see the hilarity of telling a High-Street denizen to take better care of themselves...
I'm certainly not going to tell you to "straighten up and fly right", but I will make a few suggestions that may put off the Big One that does you in. Take krill oil capsules to increase your HDL. Take Slo-Niacin; it will increase your HDL, reduce the amount of LDL produced by your liver, and also lower your blood pressure by dilating your blood vessels. All of us enjoy messing with your head and want to enjoy this pleasure for as long as possible!
And, please, eliminate sugar from your diet. Sugar kills.
#12 2014-03-31 19:25:37
phreddy wrote:
fnord wrote:
Emmeran wrote:
Does anyone else see the hilarity of telling a High-Street denizen to take better care of themselves...
I'm certainly not going to tell you to "straighten up and fly right", but I will make a few suggestions that may put off the Big One that does you in. Take krill oil capsules to increase your HDL. Take Slo-Niacin; it will increase your HDL, reduce the amount of LDL produced by your liver, and also lower your blood pressure by dilating your blood vessels. All of us enjoy messing with your head and want to enjoy this pleasure for as long as possible!
And, please, eliminate sugar from your diet. Sugar kills.
When Phed, fnord and I agree on advice, you had damn well better listen!
#13 2014-03-31 19:54:21
Hell, I'll pitch in.
Don't eat anything white ever again. White rice, white pasta, white bread, white sugar. None of it. Over processed food is possibly one of the worst things we have done to ourselves as a species.
Put kale in every food you eat. One, that shit is insanely healthy - I challenge anyone to prove otherwise. Two, it tastes just shitty enough to make you eat less food (hence put it in EVERYTHING) but not shitty enough to make you give up and go back to Mickey Dee's. Seriously, I can't say enough about how much better I feel since this fucking flowerbed ornamental entered my dietary lexicon, and I seriously hate the stuff.
Now here's where I go all tin foil Dodin Bouffant. If you seriously want to turn your overall well being around, then give this some thought. Eat only food you recognize. What I mean by this is that when you buy it, you should be able to easily recognize the plant it came from or that it is a recognizable portion of animal flesh. What you do with it after than is your concern, although obviously monitor your salt intake. So flour is pretty much out unless you want to mill that shit - sugar too, and unless you do the grind yourself, hamburger. You follow me on this? It takes some adjusting, the hardest part for me being the reduction in sodium. I love salty food.
And I'll be honest, I cheat on this at least once a week. But I don't feel guilty at all...
I used to be of the mindset that it was stupid to try and extend my life through healthy living if I was miserable missing out on all that great food. My kids finally convinced me, mainly by running my ass ragged doing everyday shit. After I started moderating my diet, I realized that I actually felt younger. So now I feel better than I did 5 years ago, and I still occasionally eat chips & cheese while drinking margaritas.
Oh yeah, hope you're feeling better...
#14 2014-03-31 20:40:41
XregnaR wrote:
Hell, I'll pitch in.
Don't eat anything white ever again. White rice, white pasta, white bread, white sugar. None of it. Over processed food is possibly one of the worst things we have done to ourselves as a species.
Put kale in every food you eat.
That shit don't kill you, you'll wish it did. The rest, I'm surprised I agree 100%. I mill my own flour.
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#15 2014-03-31 22:26:35
Hey, I like Kale, and fuck you Em, I want you around you asshole, got it?
#16 2014-03-31 23:13:36
XregnaR wrote:
Eat only food you recognize. What I mean by this is that when you buy it, you should be able to easily recognize the plant it came from or that it is a recognizable portion of animal flesh.
No dark chocolate then?
Sorry. No sale on that one. I loves me cocoa.
#17 2014-04-01 00:05:36
Don't forget to have your chakra re-aligned on a regular basis, and always make sure to check your horoscope before leaving the house.
#18 2014-04-01 05:17:35
On the food front I do pretty well these days. I can't directly recall the last time I ate at a fast food restaurant, we make all of our own bread, pasta, etc. and salad is my favorite dish. I do cheat on the sugar when I have the occasional coffee - cuz you know I like my coffee like I like my women: Hot, sweet and half drunk.
Now I can't account for all of those years in the corps...
#19 2014-04-01 17:00:30
I do want to add that the oddest symptom of all was that the evening before the attack I was experiencing extreme euphoria, nothing could make me stop smiling. I seem to recall having read about that before, enough so that I mentioned it to Melons, anyone else heard of that?
#20 2014-04-01 19:09:34
Emmeran wrote:
I do want to add that the oddest symptom of all was that the evening before the attack I was experiencing extreme euphoria, nothing could make me stop smiling. I seem to recall having read about that before, enough so that I mentioned it to Melons, anyone else heard of that?
Probably oxygen deprivation..
#21 2014-04-02 09:21:47
Make sure someone knows to come here and tell us if none of this shit works.
Hey, someone had to be that guy.
#22 2014-04-02 10:48:18
I'm sure Melons would let you know, I've got a notify list and you guys are logically above many of my relatives...
#23 2014-04-02 11:45:37
whosasailorthen wrote:
XregnaR wrote:
Eat only food you recognize. What I mean by this is that when you buy it, you should be able to easily recognize the plant it came from or that it is a recognizable portion of animal flesh.
No dark chocolate then?
Sorry. No sale on that one. I loves me cocoa.
As do I. To para-quote my favorite founding-fat-guy "Everything in moderation, including moderation".
#24 2014-04-02 14:20:16
phreddy wrote:
Emmeran wrote:
I do want to add that the oddest symptom of all was that the evening before the attack I was experiencing extreme euphoria, nothing could make me stop smiling. I seem to recall having read about that before, enough so that I mentioned it to Melons, anyone else heard of that?
Probably oxygen deprivation..
Rapture of the deep.
#25 2014-04-02 18:56:43
You're very lucky. The first warning sign of a heart attack is usually death.
#27 2014-04-02 19:41:27
I guess it's a matter of the type and the place you go. I had one completely blocked artery, not sure which one as the morphine was kicking my ass when they showed me. That was Sunday morning and today (Wednesday) I was out chopping wood. Technology is moving fast.
#28 2014-04-04 09:30:28
I had a heart attack almost three years ago. According to my doctors, having had MRSA ten years ago was a contributing factor as well as job stress. I no longer work as a chef due to the incredibly long hours and the stress of daily dealing with deadlines and soon-to-be brides who, understandably, want everything perfect for their wedding. I have always eaten a very healthy diet, but other factors are not so controllable. I have also learned to live for today and see what tomorrow brings when I get there.
#29 2015-01-21 21:40:23
Back at it again. Not an outright attack this go round but discovered damage, they want to go in and look around as they think they might be able to reverse this new problem.
I baled out of the hospital and came home to see my family before I go into surgery this time, can't just go disappearing on them.
#30 2015-01-21 23:27:00
Stay healthy, we've lost enough 'people' from the Street as it is.
Oh, and fuck you.
#31 2015-01-22 13:32:40
Good luck to ya, Em!
#32 2015-01-22 15:10:48
I posted yesterday, but jeez it didn't take.
You need to see to your health for yourself, Miss Melons & the kids. I want you back here to aggravate me. You are like a pimple on the body politic.
Just Sayin'
#33 2015-01-22 22:38:45
Break a leg, Em.
Good luck!
#34 2015-01-23 11:42:11
Don't give up the ship just yet. Stay in the boat untill there is no choice is the first rule of advice.
Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2015-01-23 11:42:48)
#35 2015-01-23 15:04:29
You will have to share a seat.
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#36 2015-01-23 15:15:40
Good luck, Em. Post something offensive from recovery.