#2 2014-09-30 00:48:43

Isn't that special. For the record, I'm an abortion criminal. During my high school years I drove a friend to a clinic so she could abort the bastard that was the result of ongoing abuse from her father. I wish I could say that my friend lived happily ever after. Instead, she regretted "killing one of God's children" and became an anti-choice activist. She went from being a sweet and pretty girl to a fat, ugly, in your face, angry, dykey looking monster who harassed visitors to Planned Parenthood. She never married (being a good Evangelical she felt this was essential for any woman who wanted to get laid), forgave her father, and her god eventually decided to kill her via cancer. Her sisters were also raped by this man and came to sad ends. One of her sisters actually gave birth to an incest bastard which then was foisted off on an adoptive family.



#3 2014-09-30 01:58:01

Inserting religion opens up all kinds of idiocy.



#5 2014-09-30 14:47:00

In other news, Kevin Williamson would like to suck the dick of every corporate officer at Enron.  Even the dead ones.

I believe the original quote is, "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers."  I say let's kill all the corporations and individuals raping our country and destroying the middle class.  I was astounded to find that I don't even own the mineral rights on my own property. 

Once we get rid of all the greedy fuckers, then we can have a discourse over whether there is a god and if said god is really against abortion.



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