#2 2014-12-16 10:56:04
I'm on the COP's side on this one. I've always been offended by the little technicalities, like misspelling a person's name on a warrant, that allows people to skate. Our black and brown brethren are very used to being pulled over on a regular basis for "weaving slightly", so police don't really need to have a good excuse anyway.
My wife was stopped for, allegedly, running a red light. Only two problems with this: 1) The light was green and 2) She was making a right turn at an intersection that allows right turn on red, so it was a moot point. No ticket was issued, cop was a young kid, so who knows what the real reason he pulled her over was.
#3 2014-12-16 14:07:20
Never agree to a search and as a Passenger always avoid answering questions.
#4 2014-12-17 11:04:06
The logical way to handle misconduct by police is not to release the criminal, but to prosecute the offending policeman. Releasing the criminal on a technicality has little or no affect on the cop who fucked up. I say continue with the criminal prosecution, but hold the cop to account for the violation. This doesn't mean so-called violations perceived or manufactured by race baiters, but real misconduct by the officer.
#5 2014-12-17 11:33:24
Innocent until proven Irish, remember? The burden of proof is on the state, a state we expect to abide by the same laws it enforces. Douche weasel walks, they nail him next time. You get more compliance from a citizenry who believe the process is fair, rather than fucked... and locks away more than any other place on the planet.
Because we don't even make a pretense of it anymore.
#6 2014-12-18 00:07:44
So their basic premise is that the people we hire to enforce the law no longer need to be cognizant of it? "Arrest them all and let the DA sort it out" now?
#8 2014-12-18 19:04:38
Thanks for this. I had no idea.
#9 2014-12-19 09:35:50
I had never heard of it either. I think it's the most ironic song I have ever heard though.
#10 2014-12-19 20:19:58
Any shitstain that thinks citizens protections and proper police procedures are just "technicalities" should probably get to find out what it's like to have your babys face and chest torn open to the bone by a flash-bang grenade just because some rat-fink informer did a meth deal at the end of your driveway a few weeks before. We live now in a country that murders grown men, old men, grannies and women and babies alike in their beds, then they shoot the dogs if they didn't get them coming in. At some later point they might consider whether they are at the right address or doing the right thing, after which they might decide if they want to plant some evidence, tough out the fallout from their "mistake" or just hurry up and quit or retire like the creeps described in the first link below. In any event they are protected in fact, in pact and now in law. Either way, it's one thing to decide we aren't worth saving; it's a whole 'nother level of shitstain to decide an incompetent murderous police state is The Way Things Should Be. Fuck You, by the way.
This story doesn't mention that the drug deal took place at the end of the driveway, but that's the way I first heard the story when it happened.
http://abcnews.go.com/US/family-toddler … d=27671521
http://www.alternet.org/story/51151/doc … _drug_raid
http://www.alternet.org/drugs/10-shocki … -war-drugs
"Every nation gets the government it deserves." - Joseph de Maistre, 1811