#101 2015-01-20 03:03:39
American Experience- Klansville U.S.A.
A fascinating study of how and why the KKK built itself up in North Carolina during the mid sixties.
I live in NC and had no idea this was going on around me. Being only about six years old at the time, I suppose I missed a lot though.
Seeing some of the Klan uniforms, especially that of the "preacher" George Dorsett, I wonder why they couldn't at the time realize that they were in fact the bad guys.
Reminds of a "That Mitchell and Webb Look" skit.
I sometimes think the same when I see the police dressed all in black.
Last edited by nfidelbastard (2015-01-20 03:15:07)
#102 2015-01-20 05:09:10
It's a nice place to visit (I was there in October) but I wouldn't want to live there.
#103 2015-01-20 16:36:10
North Carolina is a "Klan" state?
A little hard to believe given it is home to places like Asheville (arguably more liberal than San Francisco) and 100% northerner-infused RTP and Outer Banks.
Last edited by whosasailorthen (2015-01-20 16:37:37)
#104 2015-01-20 17:35:27
I can't claim to have lived in every one of the Southern states, but no state is a "Klan State" any more.*
I spent most of my life in NC. Whites there regard the KKK with varying amounts of pity and contempt. Plenty of NC whites are racist as fuck--but even those racists have no use for what's left of the Klan.
*Illinois, maybe.
#105 2015-01-20 23:06:35
whosasailorthen wrote:
North Carolina is a "Klan" state?
A little hard to believe given it is home to places like Asheville (arguably more liberal than San Francisco) and 100% northerner-infused RTP and Outer Banks.
Was a Klan state. And only during the short period the documentary covers. According to the film, after the leaders repeatedly invoked the 5th amendment while testifying to the House Unamerican Activities Committee, most of the rank and file left the group. They thought only commies would plead the 5th. One of the last scenes shows Klan members attaching their membership cards to a cross which they burn, with the narration stating that many members "channeled their racial anxiety into other political avenues" such as the Republican party and George Wallace's American Independent Party.
What I remember from this period was several family members, who in later years were never overtly political, but at this time enthusiastically supported George Wallace. Oh, and several cousins were taken out of public school and placed in private church schools so they didn't have to interact with black kids.
My son lives in Asheville. And I do describe it as little SF. I like to think that when I told my son that he should get an education and leave the 85% Republican County we lived in, that for once he listened. Asheville is really nice and very liberal but also really, really tiny.
#106 2015-01-20 23:09:33
George Orr wrote:
I spent most of my life in NC. Whites there regard the KKK with varying amounts of pity and contempt. Plenty of NC whites are racist as fuck--but even those racists have no use for what's left of the Klan.
That's a good description of my relatives.
#107 2015-01-20 23:21:31
nfidelbastard wrote:
George Orr wrote:
I spent most of my life in NC. Whites there regard the KKK with varying amounts of pity and contempt. Plenty of NC whites are racist as fuck--but even those racists have no use for what's left of the Klan.
That's a good description of my relatives.
I imagine that describes most of our relatives, wherever they are. I know it does mine.
#108 2015-01-28 10:01:17
Life, Liberty and Property. Never hurts to refresh your memory of Magna Carta's 39th clause, and how it got there in 1215.
"No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we proceed with force against him, or send others to do so, except by the lawful judgment of his equals or by the law of the land."
#109 2015-02-03 05:22:24
#110 2015-02-03 08:12:22
#111 2015-02-03 08:37:25
JetRx wrote:
Cool. And it's out there...
Borgman (2013)
A vagrant enters the lives of an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the process.
#112 2015-02-09 11:53:06
BBC - The Most Dangerous Man in Tudor England (2013)
The story of William Tyndale's early 1500s mission to translate the Bible into English; less a story about religion than a history of literacy, language and tyrants. Know what the words "congregation" and "presbuteros" really mean? Probably not. Narrated by Melvyn Bragg and available on mvgroup.org.
#113 2015-02-09 23:27:21
John Oliver: Marketing to Doctors
Vet your doc.
#115 2015-03-07 23:10:38
nfidelbastard wrote:
Paul Williams: Still Alive
An excellent documentary. And on Netflix now.
Thanks for this, very good.
#116 2015-03-09 11:52:50
Chuck Schick wrote:
nfidelbastard wrote:
Paul Williams: Still Alive
An excellent documentary. And on Netflix now.Thanks for this, very good.
You are welcome.
#117 2015-03-21 16:37:33
Wolf Hall, s01e01-s01e06; reasonably accurate and thoughtfully well acted, even the dubious but delightful plug it gives the method of loci.
It's focus is Thomas Cromwell and Henry VIII, providing a wider context to William Tyndale's mission to translate the Bible into English.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
Last edited by choad (2015-03-22 04:33:58)
#118 2015-03-28 03:06:43
#119 2015-05-20 00:27:00
Tried to watch my first ever episode of Mad Men tonight and keep my immune system alert, same way I occasionally challenge my gut microbiome to local fish & chip take-out.
That was 10 minutes of fast forward I'll never recover. Half my neighbors and kin inhabited that world and the idiocy I just watched bore no resemblance. At least I didn't get the shits.
#120 2015-05-20 08:41:17
Binge watching the X-Files. Hard to believe that shit started over 20 years ago.
#121 2015-05-20 10:41:41
XregnaR wrote:
Binge watching the X-Files. Hard to believe that shit started over 20 years ago.
And it's coming back. {there should be a link here but I'm too lazy to Google it}
#122 2015-05-20 11:25:42
XregnaR wrote:
Binge watching the X-Files. Hard to believe that shit started over 20 years ago.
I know it was all shot in Vancouver but have you reacquainted yourself yet to the West Tisbury references?
#123 2015-05-20 11:57:02
XregnaR wrote:
Binge watching the X-Files. Hard to believe that shit started over 20 years ago.
We missed it the first time (no real TV, 2 year old kid etc.) Watching it now. Some of it is pretty good.
#124 2015-05-22 20:32:45
For what it's worth, here were my favorites, the episodes I kept many creepy moons ago.
X-Files s01e00 Pilot
X-Files s01e01 Deep Throat
X-Files s03e04 Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose
X-Files s03e20 Jose Chung's from Outer Space
X-Files s03e22 Quagmire
X-Files s03e23 Wetwired
X-Files s03e24 Talitha Cumi
Last edited by choad (2015-05-22 20:44:53)
#125 2015-05-22 21:07:30
choad wrote:
For what it's worth, here were my favorites, the episodes I kept many creepy moons ago.
X-Files s01e00 Pilot
X-Files s01e01 Deep Throat
X-Files s03e04 Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose
X-Files s03e20 Jose Chung's from Outer Space
X-Files s03e22 Quagmire
X-Files s03e23 Wetwired
X-Files s03e24 Talitha Cumi
Great list! I have to add s01e21 Tooms to that list.
Jose Chung's From Outer Space may be the funniest, craziest, episode they ever did. I don't want to do a "spoiler" here but the Men In Black scene alone was epic.
Last edited by Baywolfe (2015-05-22 21:08:02)
#126 2015-05-26 03:26:33
I watched the greater part of an episode of Ghost Asylum today. It was a real mistake.
#127 2015-05-29 20:51:47
This is a trailer for a movie. I have never heard of this movie. I just watched this trailer and I want to know RIGHT NOW where the line is to get in to see it.
...OK, for some reason it doesn't seem to be working. Follow this link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IzC7fq … verified=1
Last edited by George Orr (2015-05-29 20:52:48)
#128 2015-05-29 21:20:48
Oh! And Hannibal comes back next Thursday night (6/4). Get caught up with Seasons 1 and 2 before then.
#129 2015-05-30 15:34:02
George Orr wrote:
This is a trailer for a movie. I have never heard of this movie. I just watched this trailer and I want to know RIGHT NOW where the line is to get in to see it.
...OK, for some reason it doesn't seem to be working. Follow this link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IzC7fq … verified=1
Everywhere August 21. Might be a sneak preview the week before if you have one of those kind of theaters in your town.
#130 2015-06-24 13:41:29
#131 2015-06-30 18:51:53
#132 2015-07-04 14:28:44
#133 2015-07-16 18:55:54
An old great... well to me it was.
I named my dog Chuck. RIP Chuck.
Last edited by Chuck Schick (2015-07-17 19:38:21)
#134 2015-08-07 19:24:57
So - just finished Deadwood (again) with Melons; best ending ever, very Murakami. Question across the board is who is the main protagonist? I espouse that it is Trixie.
#135 2015-08-07 22:00:03
Emmeran wrote:
So - just finished Deadwood (again) with Melons; best ending ever, very Murakami. Question across the board is who is the main protagonist? I espouse that it is Trixie.
And the protagonist of Gilligan's Island is Mary Ann. I guy I know tells me they often discuss it at his Get-A-Life Club meetings.
#136 2015-08-07 22:14:08
Tall Paul wrote:
And the protagonist of Gilligan's Island is Mary Ann. I guy I know tells me they often discuss it at his Get-A-Life Club meetings.
You and your contradictions, earlier you told me you discussed it at your "I like to get bent" club meetings.
**Thanks for the setup Bro; Home Run without even trying**
Last edited by Emmeran (2015-08-07 22:15:00)
#137 2015-08-08 02:14:46
Emmeran wrote:
Tall Paul wrote:
And the protagonist of Gilligan's Island is Mary Ann. I guy I know tells me they often discuss it at his Get-A-Life Club meetings.
You and your contradictions, earlier you told me you discussed it at your "I like to get bent" club meetings.
Thanks for telling me about those, being introduced by a founding member was a real honor.
**No, thank you for the setup Bro**
#138 2015-09-24 16:44:04
2015 - The Art of the Impossible
M.C. Escher and Me. (Sir Roger Penrose)
Available at MVGroup.org. While you're there check out these other titles.
BBC 2015 A Very British Map - The Ordnance Survey Story.
BBC 2015 Rudolph Diesel, One German's Engine Powers The Planet
ZED The End of Bank Secrecy
PBS The Mystery of Matter, Search for the Elements (1-3)
HC Battlefield Detectives WWII, The Battle of Britain
PBS War on the Eastern Front - Leningrad
BBC 2008 The Last Day of WWI (Michael Palin)
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#139 2015-09-24 17:52:59
Forgot about this thread. Marathoning Scrubs & X-Files at the moment, with a few A-Team and Dukes of Hazzard to keep things appropriately low brow.
#140 2015-09-24 19:02:30
Anybody who hasn't watched Mr. Robot, go watch Mr. Robot.
It was on USA Network. I would've sworn USA was completely worthless but I got curious after the Internet started creaming its jeans all over the place for this show.
It's been renewed for a second season. Next season may (likely will) fail to live up to Season 1, but regardless, we will always have Season 1. It is fantastic. Watch it.
#141 2015-09-24 19:49:14
XregnaR wrote:
Forgot about this thread.
Sorry, forgot to mention I listed this on the sidebar's Featured Threads list as 'What To Watch'.
#142 2015-09-28 21:27:30
BBC - Wheeler on America, 1996. Lyndon Johnson's War.
BBC - The Ladybird Books Story, 2013
Both available on MVGroup.
#143 2015-09-29 00:15:37
George Orr wrote:
Anybody who hasn't watched Mr. Robot, go watch Mr. Robot.
The writing and casting are uneven but it's a pleasure to see metro NY locations again, from a distance.
For view-it-more-than-once with joy, rewatch Better Call Saul. You won't find better plotting, pacing, dialog, research, rabid but mostly non violent cruelty, land of enchantment cinematography and terrific performances, even from minor characters. For a first season, it's outstanding. All writers steal and these guys are pilfering from the best.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
Last edited by choad (2015-09-29 01:47:54)
#144 2015-09-30 01:22:22
#145 2015-10-02 01:06:53
#146 2015-10-22 18:26:57
Terry Jones' 4-part series, Great Map of Mystery.
John Ogilby created the first roadmaps of Britain, measuring, describing and publishing them in the form of strip-map itineraries in 1675. Terry Jones investigates how and why he did it. First broadcast 13 May 2008.
Diverting and free.
http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/te … ery_part_1
#147 2015-10-23 13:16:12
A small group suburban parents, university professors, and community leaders broke into a small FBI field office in Media, PA on March 8, 1971, took all its files and shared them with members of Congress and news outlets. They were never caught and have now come forward.
Available on MVGroup.
#148 2015-12-29 20:50:01
#149 2015-12-30 11:39:24
#150 2016-01-21 04:30:35
The deluge of bootleg Oscar screeners began on cue around the first of the year and was for the most part a yawning disappointment. Only three, to my mind, are worthy of note, all "based" on real events.
The Big Short - 2015 is easily the best of the lot, with stellar acting, riveting writing, and honest reporting. Performances by Steve Carell, Christian Bale and Brad Pitt are the best of their respective careers. The production is visually lavish and must have cost a Wall Street worthy fortune.
Spotlight - 2015. I dunno what to say about this one, or my obvious bias. I started work for the Boston Globe in 1967 delivering papers every morning at 5am, I'm familiar with the newsroom and more than few of its editorial staff.
By the time the story behind this story first broke, it was old news. Mr. Mom Michael Keaton is entirely miscast. His news editor arrogance is real but the rest of it does not work. Liev Schreiber and Mark Ruffalo both give commendable performances. I'd remember if I'd ever encountered a reporter as hot as Rachel McAdams. Seedy lowlife is the norm. Spotlight mostly served to remind me what I loath about that city.
Bridge of Spies - 2015. One word sums this up. Spielberg. Most of the drama here is straight up, sappy fiction. Mark Rylance does give his usual commanding performance but, "Would it help?" Read Jame B. Donovan's, "Strangers on a Bridge", 1964, if you want the genuine article.