#102 2015-12-13 17:37:25

George Orr wrote:


I've said that from the start.  Before he entered the race, the person he went to for advice was none other that Bill Clinton.  You watch him talk and it doesn't seem like he believes any of the bullshit he spews.  It's like he's mocking the Tea Baggers.



#103 2015-12-27 14:53:06

Our country is so fucked, I don't even care anymore.  Just 158 Families have provided almost 50% of the Presidential Campaign funds.



#106 2016-01-14 19:25:41

Oh, and we haven't heard from Mike Huckabee in a while.



#107 2016-01-14 19:31:05

George Orr wrote:

Oh, and we haven't heard from Mike Huckabee in a while.

Maybe there is a God after all.



#108 2016-01-14 21:07:47

matty.the.damned wrote:




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Last edited by sigmoid freud (2016-01-14 22:24:36)



#109 2016-01-15 02:01:28

Jorge Orr,

That Clinton munching popcorn pic was most telling.  Repugnicans duking-it-out as the "anointed one" and her minions go on with their "business" of race baiting and class warfare.  Watching slobber-lipped Chris Matthews ejaculating all over himself tonight (with his guilt-ridden-white-lib-post-debate "spinalysis') I couldn't help but think Repugnican debates benefit the country far more than under-the-rock Hitlery Kabuki Theater


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#110 2016-01-15 05:30:46

JetRx wrote:

Jorge Orr,

That Clinton munching popcorn pic was most telling.  Repugnicans duking-it-out as the "anointed one" and her minions go on with their "business" of race baiting and class warfare.  Watching slobber-lipped Chris Matthews ejaculating all over himself tonight (with his guilt-ridden-white-lib-post-debate "spinalysis') I couldn't help but think Repugnican debates benefit the country far more than under-the-rock Hitlery Kabuki Theater

https://cruelery.com/uploads/thumbs/307 … ch_kid.jpg

Take a chill dude, nobody has been anointed since GWB and everyone hates HRC.  There is no way on earth that I'd vote for that bitch.

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#111 2016-01-15 06:05:14

No worries Em.  I'm chillin'.  Sometimes the Russian potato vodka gets the best of me, War Dawg.  Years of lurking at cruel & HS...not so difficult identifying  trust funded/rent seeking/money for nothing world view. At times, this place seems to be channeling HuffPo for chrissakes!



#112 2016-01-15 06:07:41

Well if the Republicans would quit with the circus act we might have some room for hope on the conservative side.  As it is they've been mailing it in for the last couple of elections almost like a deal was struck over the GWB/SCOTUS thing.



#113 2016-01-16 23:37:36



#114 2016-01-17 00:46:41

Junior Sluts for Trump. Freedom!



#115 2016-01-17 12:59:38

matty.the.damned wrote:

Junior Sluts for Trump. Freedom!

This song, I swear, this has got to be the kind of thing they make you listen to in hell.
P.S.  This is an AAAAAAASSHAT.



#116 2016-01-17 16:21:46


~ click ~

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#117 2016-01-17 16:47:00

Emmeran wrote:

JetRx wrote:

Jorge Orr,

That Clinton munching popcorn pic was most telling.

Take a chill dude, nobody has been anointed since GWB and everyone hates HRC.  There is no way on earth that I'd vote for that bitch.

There is nothing whatever redeeming about HRC but the key to understanding her noxious personality is Wellesley College, indoctrinating generations of single focus women in the same way Parris Island did for our first-in-last-out Marines.

Here's hoping Melons was spared learning that first hand.



#118 2016-01-17 18:33:10

choad wrote:

There is nothing whatever redeeming about HRC but the key to understanding her noxious personality is Wellesley College, indoctrinating generations of single focus women in the same way Parris Island did for our first-in-last-out Marines.

Here's hoping Melons was spared learning that first hand.

That too.  Part of it also rests with my extreme resent towards attempts to build an "American Royalty", the Roosevelt's and Kennedy's were annoying but the Bush/Clinton thing is out and out insulting.



#119 2016-01-18 23:48:30

Emmeran wrote:

"American Royalty...Kennedy...Roosevelt..."

Royalty. 2/3 of the Kennedy's were assassinated. Nobody named "Roosevelt" has exercised political power at the national level for generations. No matter how hard you whomp on it, that dead horse is going nowhere. Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Clintons. Shit fire, yes, no hope there, but unlike Brother Jeb (see below) I don't see Chelsea as a dynasty candidate.

In any case, we have always had royalty here. The sacred "Founding Fathers" were a bunch of rich white guys, and they wanted a republic, not a democracy, and money has always talked, and you hand down that money and power to your kids...can you say Koch brothers? 

Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism.

(emphasis added)

http://journals.cambridge.org/action/di … id=9354310

In any case, you want "Royalty"? If George Fucking W Bush hadn't been born in a wealthy family with a politically influential patriarch, he would never been POTUS. Manager of a franchise tire store in Houston would have been about his speed.

Royalty. Fuck a wild man.

Last edited by sigmoid freud (2016-01-19 00:04:56)



#120 2016-01-19 05:22:35

George Orr wrote:

matty.the.damned wrote:

Junior Sluts for Trump. Freedom!

This song, I swear, this has got to be the kind of thing they make you listen to in hell.
P.S.  This is an AAAAAAASSHAT.

Where once it was a crown of shame . . . .



#121 2016-01-19 07:17:00

matty.the.damned wrote:

George Orr wrote:

matty.the.damned wrote:

Junior Sluts for Trump. Freedom!

This song, I swear, this has got to be the kind of thing they make you listen to in hell.
P.S.  This is an AAAAAAASSHAT.

Where once it was a crown of shame . . . .


Last edited by Tall Paul (2016-01-19 23:56:58)



#122 2016-01-19 23:54:33

Tall Paul wrote:


Typos for FREEDOM



#123 2016-01-19 23:57:30

sigmoid freud wrote:

Tall Paul wrote:


Typos for FREEDOM

It's the Murican way.



#124 2016-01-20 04:43:39

Just when you thought the show was over you discover it was merely intermission; behold Act 2 in the Theater of the Absurd!



#125 2016-01-20 10:28:20

Trump/Palin parody porn in 3...2...



#126 2016-01-20 14:35:50

Was she wearing a porcupine?


Last edited by Fled (2016-01-20 14:37:16)



#127 2016-01-20 15:29:55

She has let herself go over the last couple of years.



#129 2016-01-21 11:30:34

Goddamn, is Carly Fiorina actually a witch?

"Carly Fiorina has been accused of 'ambushing' a group of children, after she ushered pre-schoolers...into an anti-abortion rally." 
One parent who was contacted "said he was not asked if Fiorina could interact with the children, or whether she could take them into her rally. He said the first he knew of it was when his childcare provider told him the children had encountered the candidate at the botanical garden."



#130 2016-01-21 12:56:47

George Orr wrote:

Goddamn, is Carly Fiorina actually still running?



#131 2016-01-21 23:39:55




#132 2016-01-23 10:22:45




#134 2016-01-23 14:16:03

I apologize in advance.



#135 2016-01-23 16:51:25

nfidelbastard wrote:

I apologize in advance.

Made my day!



#136 2016-01-23 23:29:08

I hope this isn't too stale for y'all--it's from Wednesday, apparently--but I just saw it and his impersonation is just genius.



#137 2016-01-25 16:43:59


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#138 2016-01-25 21:41:12




#139 2016-01-27 03:54:41

Well natch.

those cunts at CBS wrote:

Arizona's Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio on Tuesday endorsed Donald Trump for president, according to a release provided by his campaign.

"Donald Trump is a leader. He produces results and is ready to get tough in order to protect American jobs and families. I have fought on the front lines to prevent illegal immigration. I know Donald Trump will stand with me and countless Americans to secure our border. I am proud to support him as the best candidate for President of the United States of America," Arpaio said in a statement provided by Trump's campaign.




#140 2016-01-27 06:49:01

I could swear I've seen this movie before...

http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-e … EC1RL7E6JS

...is this a remake of the '91 election?



#141 2016-01-30 11:38:41


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#142 2016-01-31 13:39:07


Click that bitch

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#144 2016-02-01 22:14:54


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#145 2016-02-01 22:24:33

It would appear that Ted and Hilary have won this first...round?  Test run?  Whatever-the-fuck it is.

Teddy Boy makes my skin crawl (he appears to make his OWN skin crawl) and his numbers are not that much better than Trump's, so there'll be more Trump in the near future.  And Hills must be crying tears of blood right now over how close Bernie is snapping at her heels.  I don't think anyone expected such a good showing for Sanders (myself included).



#146 2016-02-02 06:27:44

George Orr wrote:

It would appear that Ted and Hilary have won this first...round?  Test run?  Whatever-the-fuck it is.

Teddy Boy makes my skin crawl (he appears to make his OWN skin crawl) and his numbers are not that much better than Trump's, so there'll be more Trump in the near future.  And Hills must be crying tears of blood right now over how close Bernie is snapping at her heels.  I don't think anyone expected such a good showing for Sanders (myself included).

If you were to allow a third non-denominational choice called "Anyone but Hillary" it would win with 90% of the vote.  I firmly believe that Trump's antics are only there to make Hillary appear palatable.



#147 2016-02-02 08:21:12

Emmeran wrote:

George Orr wrote:

It would appear that Ted and Hilary have won this first...round?  Test run?  Whatever-the-fuck it is.

Teddy Boy makes my skin crawl (he appears to make his OWN skin crawl) and his numbers are not that much better than Trump's, so there'll be more Trump in the near future.  And Hills must be crying tears of blood right now over how close Bernie is snapping at her heels.  I don't think anyone expected such a good showing for Sanders (myself included).

If you were to allow a third non-denominational choice called "Anyone but Hillary" it would win with 90% of the vote.  I firmly believe that Trump's antics are only there to make Hillary appear palatable.

Teddy-baby isn't enough for you? He makes Nixon look palatable. Hell, I'd vote for W before I'd vote for him.



#148 2016-02-02 12:48:59

Tall Paul wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

George Orr wrote:

It would appear that Ted and Hilary have won this first...round?  Test run?  Whatever-the-fuck it is.

Teddy Boy makes my skin crawl (he appears to make his OWN skin crawl) and his numbers are not that much better than Trump's, so there'll be more Trump in the near future.  And Hills must be crying tears of blood right now over how close Bernie is snapping at her heels.  I don't think anyone expected such a good showing for Sanders (myself included).

If you were to allow a third non-denominational choice called "Anyone but Hillary" it would win with 90% of the vote.  I firmly believe that Trump's antics are only there to make Hillary appear palatable.

Teddy-baby isn't enough for you? He makes Nixon look palatable. Hell, I'd vote for W before I'd vote for him.

He is a bull loon, and not in mode the phrase was intended for.



#149 2016-02-02 13:23:10

"People don't like to be ruled by their superiors. They'll settle for their equals, but prefer their inferiors. They like to feel they are too smart to be deceived by a politician." Gary Wills [Harpers, 1975/12]

I've recycled this quote every 4 years since Jimmy whooped Gerry, but officially stopped giving a flying fuck since reporting NH's last hand counted primary ballot. '88, I think.

The steaming pantload of the moment is a regular feature of our miserable existence.



#150 2016-02-02 15:00:24

Clinton wins 6 of 6 coin flips.



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