#1 2016-01-23 07:08:01

Last winter was a novelty, this is a fucking nuisance. Power winks out again, I'll catch y'all on the flip side.

Fuel up your generator, Sailor.




#2 2016-01-23 08:30:18

Already filled, though the mains power has been pretty steady so far.  White powder is now up over a foot and still falling.  Lots of hot chocolate and a rather large snow blower are at the ready.



#3 2016-01-23 17:37:11

So, would it be indelicate of me to admit that I'm playing golf tomorrow morning, and worried it might be on the chilly side?



#4 2016-01-23 18:16:19

Baywolfe wrote:

So, would it be indelicate of me to admit that I'm playing golf tomorrow morning, and worried it might be on the chilly side?

Trolling for insults? I just noticed local tide forecasts and full moon coincide with this storm's peak and wonder whether I oughta pack before nodding off tonight.



#5 2016-01-23 19:00:46

Freeze, you northern fuckers.



#6 2016-01-23 19:34:13

You know how when you drop flour in the sifter it dusts the counter underneath it?

That's what we've got here in Central Mass.



#7 2016-01-23 21:13:31

choad wrote:

Baywolfe wrote:

So, would it be indelicate of me to admit that I'm playing golf tomorrow morning, and worried it might be on the chilly side?

Trolling for insults? I just noticed local tide forecasts and full moon coincide with this storm's peak and wonder whether I oughta pack before nodding off tonight.


Damn, it is going down to 39f tonight and the rains have stopped. More fuckers from California & New York with their nasty driving habits arriving by the hour.



#8 2016-01-23 21:29:14

Come on down!  Nights in the 40s and days in the 70s here in River City...though most of my nearest and dearest are in harm's way up on the East Coast.  So far, so good, and fingers crossed.



#9 2016-01-23 22:49:17

choad wrote:

Baywolfe wrote:

So, would it be indelicate of me to admit that I'm playing golf tomorrow morning, and worried it might be on the chilly side?

Trolling for insults? I just noticed local tide forecasts and full moon coincide with this storm's peak and wonder whether I oughta pack before nodding off tonight.

I believe it's called "Shame bragging".



#10 2016-01-23 23:36:45

Baywolfe wrote:

choad wrote:

Baywolfe wrote:

So, would it be indelicate of me to admit that I'm playing golf tomorrow morning, and worried it might be on the chilly side?

Trolling for insults? I just noticed local tide forecasts and full moon coincide with this storm's peak and wonder whether I oughta pack before nodding off tonight.

I believe it's called "Shame bragging".

Yep, both ways. Storm wimped out before we got 6" of wet sludge, only half our forecast. As a kid I thought this shit was fun. Now I'm ready to trek inland with an oar over my shoulder until someone wonders what it is.



#11 2016-01-24 07:41:53

choad wrote:

Yep, both ways. Storm wimped out before we got 6" of wet sludge, only half our forecast. As a kid I thought this shit was fun. Now I'm ready to trek inland with an oar over my shoulder until someone wonders what it is.

On thing I have noticed since I've moved here is the level of toughness the New Englanders whine with.  For fuck sake you'd think they'd have a bit of decorum what with Buffalo just a hop skip and a jump away (albeit buried under 10' of snow).  God forbid any of these folks ever winter over up on the Bakken or take a season on the high lonesome.

Ran into a woman here who's son married a girl from my home state and followed her home.  It seems she had promised him that the weather was basically the same...... now he wants to come home.  I guess he's just not into sub-zero.

I love the weather here, it's very pleasant.  Winter doesn't really settle in it's more like a long visit by the in-laws and summer is super nice.  Personally I'm much happier to be back in a land of four seasons, I have my bitches about this place (can you say "turnpike"?) but the weather ain't one of them.

and Choady, that old line only made sense to Johnny Appleseed - a certified nutter if there ever was one.



#12 2016-01-24 14:47:47

Emmeran wrote:

choad wrote:

Now I'm ready to trek inland with an oar over my shoulder until someone wonders what it is.

Choady, that old line only made sense to Johnny Appleseed - a certified nutter if there ever was one.

Ancient Greek, I think, recycled in the 50s by the down east Maine comedy duo of Bert and I. I have no problem with the cold or the snow. Our winters are comparatively mild and motorists here ARE uniformly asshole awful, arrogant and ignorant. Our municipal maintenance snow removal contractors are worse.

My complaint is with an aged and poorly maintained power grid liable to crash before the weather service posts small craft warnings. Also, I live 3 feet above sea level. One big blow will send shore dwellers like me packing for the rat lines.



#13 2016-01-24 15:02:56

Well we've always got a room and no power problems since I've been here (knock on wood).



#14 2016-01-24 16:11:45

Ill see that puny snow flurry and raise one tremor.



#15 2016-01-24 19:15:39

I guess I should weigh in, like the smug bastard, I are.

Norfolk, VA, within walking distance of the Norfolk International Airport; no snow.  A bit of ice, though.  Wife and I thought we'd walk to church today. When we go up to the highway and looked over at the church parking lot, it became apparent that the rest of the churchies were taking the day off.  It was a good day.



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