#1 2016-01-28 15:39:50

I really am surprised we did not have a thread going on this.  It sure got nasty in some vicinities web-wise.
http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk … tands-down



#2 2016-01-28 16:00:39

I think nobody outside of a 25 mile radius of Malheur really gave a shit.



#3 2016-01-28 17:54:39

Baywolfe wrote:

I think nobody outside of a 25 mile radius of Malheur really gave a shit.

Not what I noticed...



#4 2016-01-28 22:15:56

I meant real people, not web people.



#5 2016-01-28 22:44:10

Baywolfe wrote:

I meant real people, not web people.

Well, here in Oregon it is a thing, and across the west.  We have so many of these idiots out here.



#6 2016-01-29 02:07:49

Dmtdust wrote:

Baywolfe wrote:

I meant real people, not web people.

Well, here in Oregon it is a thing, and across the west.  We have so many of these idiots out here.

So you like to stigmatize Mormons on the interwebz?  Not to alarm...it may be time to start  checking ur six.

Last edited by JetRx (2016-01-29 02:10:04)



#7 2016-01-29 04:08:42

JetRx wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Baywolfe wrote:

I meant real people, not web people.

Well, here in Oregon it is a thing, and across the west.  We have so many of these idiots out here.

So you like to stigmatize Mormons on the interwebz?  Not to alarm...it may be time to start  checking ur six.

Those whom drink most deeply of the Flavor-Aide when turned partake of the Kool-aide with even greater fervor.



#8 2016-01-29 14:59:44

JetRx wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Baywolfe wrote:

I meant real people, not web people.

Well, here in Oregon it is a thing, and across the west.  We have so many of these idiots out here.

So you like to stigmatize Mormons on the interwebz?  Not to alarm...it may be time to start  checking ur six.

Fuck that, you know what I meant. Some of them are Mormons yes. Militia, Land Grabbers financed by the Koch Brothers etc. Entitlement Vampires, all.

Last edited by Dmtdust (2016-01-29 15:01:19)



#9 2016-01-29 16:04:11

First thing you notice is fnordville; Oregon is 86.6% white and 1.6% black.

I spent a month in Portland 45 years ago and did not see a single black person, not one.



#10 2016-01-29 16:22:35

Dmtdust wrote:

JetRx wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

Well, here in Oregon it is a thing, and across the west.  We have so many of these idiots out here.

So you like to stigmatize Mormons on the interwebz?  Not to alarm...it may be time to start  checking ur six.

Fuck that, you know what I meant. Some of them are Mormons yes. Militia, Land Grabbers financed by the Koch Brothers etc. Entitlement Vampires, all.

I knew what you were saying. With some of that cadre introducing themselves, to reporters, as "Captain Moroni" I just couldn't resist poking fun. 

BLM Lands (particularly grazing/water rights) have been enjoyed (exploited) for a pittance, by a scant few,  over the past century.  It is time to throttle back on livestock and restore these areas.  I'm pretty sure we have the same reverence for wildlife habitat, though our perspective likely diverges on hunting & fishing.

Oregonian, eh.  Lots of great memories of trips past:  Cowboy Hot Springs...viewing those giant Sturgeon at Bonneville Dam...kite surfing in the Gorge (too out of shape for that now)...Mary Hill Museum...Stonehenge...skiing the "corn" on Mt Hood...USS Blueback (SS-581)...totally shit-faced playing the McMenamins par three...watching "What the Bleep Do We Know!?"-for the first time-in the Baghdad Theater!!!!...fun times indeed!

Last edited by JetRx (2016-01-29 16:24:32)



#11 2016-01-29 16:59:57

JetRx wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

JetRx wrote:

So you like to stigmatize Mormons on the interwebz?  Not to alarm...it may be time to start  checking ur six.

Fuck that, you know what I meant. Some of them are Mormons yes. Militia, Land Grabbers financed by the Koch Brothers etc. Entitlement Vampires, all.

I knew what you were saying. With some of that cadre introducing themselves, to reporters, as "Captain Moroni" I just couldn't resist poking fun. 

BLM Lands (particularly grazing/water rights) have been enjoyed (exploited) for a pittance, by a scant few,  over the past century.  It is time to throttle back on livestock and restore these areas.  I'm pretty sure we have the same reverence for wildlife habitat, though our perspective likely diverges on hunting & fishing.

Oregonian, eh.  Lots of great memories of trips past:  Cowboy Hot Springs...viewing those giant Sturgeon at Bonneville Dam...kite surfing in the Gorge (too out of shape for that now)...Mary Hill Museum...Stonehenge...skiing the "corn" on Mt Hood...USS Blueback (SS-581)...totally shit-faced playing the McMenamins par three...watching "What the Bleep Do We Know!?"-for the first time-in the Baghdad Theater!!!!...fun times indeed!

I enjoyed hunting when I did, and I still love fishing though it has been awhile.  Nothing better than venison for Thanksgiving. I am a bit archaic around hunting; I think the use of a scope shows a lack of engagement with the process, and allows people who should never be out there to seriously screw the pooch for everyone else. Knowing you are upwind, or downwind seems to be a forgotten art, and baiting with scent is a sin in my book.  I feel that if you use the whole animal, then good on you.  I detest trophy hunters, and people who don't dress their own meat.

Last edited by Dmtdust (2016-01-29 17:20:18)



#12 2016-01-29 18:25:30

Dmtdust wrote:

I detest... ...people who don't dress their own meat.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#13 2016-01-29 20:14:47

Emmeran wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

I detest... ...people who don't dress their own meat.


So you play "Where's Waldo?" when you unzip?

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#14 2016-01-30 06:04:30

Dmtdust wrote:

So you play "Where's Waldo?" when you unzip?

Hey, as the years go by you learn to enjoy every little thrill.



#15 2016-01-30 12:36:28

Emmeran wrote:

Dmtdust wrote:

So you play "Where's Waldo?" when you unzip?

Hey, as the years go by you learn to enjoy every little thrill.

Well played MR. Em. well played!



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