#1 2016-02-06 01:20:10


New Hampshire Is A Fraud. Henry Allen, 1988-02-11. Washington Post.

(Note: This piece is multiples of wonderful.)

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#2 2016-02-06 05:28:06

That was fun.



#3 2016-02-06 19:06:01

Emmeran wrote:

That was fun.

Liberals wisecrack that it is a nice place to visit, but you wouldn’t want to have a handicapped child there — adding that the license plates reading “Live Free or Die” should read “Live Free and Die” instead. Taxes in New Hampshire were 8.23 percent of personal income in 1986, compared with a national average of 11.37, thanks to the fact that there is neither sales nor income tax. Teachers’ salaries are lower than in 45 other states. New Hampshire ranks last in its distribution of food stamps.

At the time this was published in 1988, I was lead reporter for New Hampshire's largest weekly and earned less than rent on a one bedroom in Manchester's worst slum, before I paid food, fuel, phone and utilities.  Damn right I was collecting food stamps. With "The Primary" over, my newspaper chain decided to publish twice a week - twice the work, same pay - and I quit.

Last edited by choad (2016-02-06 19:28:47)



#5 2016-03-01 19:53:50

I hate to side with the Sheep Lovers of America but farmers are going to take issue with any bill that isn't cleanly worded, the Sheep Huggers of America will do anything to prevent animal sex including passing bills that ban consensual sex between Ram and Ewe.

In other words if you give the Animal Rights Extremists even an inch of slack they will sue you out of business so fast you won't have time to say goodbye to Dolly.



#6 2016-03-04 16:47:46

Swamp Yankees.



#7 2016-03-07 09:55:42

Monday that New Hampshire is one of only a few states that still legally permits the practice

I'm getting really tired of people with the mental attitude that just because some specific act is not legally prohibited that it is de-facto permitted. Of course, in their minds, the only solution to the "problem" is to just make every.single.thing. in the universe illegal.

So, 20% of the states don't feel the need to specifically prohibit something that they realize that they have essentially zero chance of enforcing. Good on them.



#8 2016-03-07 10:16:11



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