#501 2016-10-24 23:47:11
Here's something that will likely rock your boat no matter which side of the fence you're on:
#502 2016-10-25 04:32:20
The biggest obscenity of this election is the way the NYTimes, the Wall Street, all the marquee names in lamestream media, have abandoned any pretense of objectivity and shilled for Hillary without remorse. I've never seen that before, not in this country.
#503 2016-10-25 08:54:27
It does not matter who's President. The beast must be fed.
Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs
#504 2016-10-25 10:23:28
Trump is the sociopathic other side of the coin with Bernie Sanders. They're both out saying they'll do things that they can't do and Congress won't do.
#505 2016-10-25 13:08:31
Baywolfe wrote:
Trump is the sociopathic other side of the coin with Bernie Sanders. They're both out saying they'll do things that they can't do and Congress won't do.
So we're supposed to vote for Ms. TurnedWalMartintoKMart Clinton?
Tax laws will become less fair, equal pay is less likely, health care will get more expensive and our privacy & rights will become more a thing of the past.
Nah, I'll vote for none of the above.
#506 2016-10-25 13:12:47
Emmeran wrote:
Baywolfe wrote:
Trump is the sociopathic other side of the coin with Bernie Sanders. They're both out saying they'll do things that they can't do and Congress won't do.
So we're supposed to vote for Ms. TurnedWalMartintoKMart Clinton?
Tax laws will become less fair, equal pay is less likely, health care will get more expensive and our privacy & rights will become more a thing of the past.
Nah, I'll vote for none of the above.
You don't vote, you lose your right to bitch about the winner.
#507 2016-10-25 14:16:42
#508 2016-10-25 14:45:32
Baywolfe wrote:
Emmeran wrote:
Nah, I'll vote for none of the above.
You don't vote, you lose your right to bitch about the winner.
Oh I'll vote, but there are more than two candidates. (If you hadn't been paying attention.)
Now they want you to believe there are only two choices, but fuck them. Every vote for anyone but Trumillary is a vote against corruption and new royalty.
#509 2016-10-27 18:02:29
Emmeran wrote:
Baywolfe wrote:
Emmeran wrote:
Nah, I'll vote for none of the above.
You don't vote, you lose your right to bitch about the winner.
Oh I'll vote, but there are more than two candidates. (If you hadn't been paying attention.)
Now they want you to believe there are only two choices, but fuck them. Every vote for anyone but Trumillary is a vote against corruption and new royalty.
A vote for somebody with no chance of getting elected is no vote at all. except in the Primaries.
We're reduced to holding our noses and voting for the least offensive of the candidates. Well, one side of the two sided coin, anyway.
The television media refuses to acknowledge any party but the Remocrats and Depublicans. Without viable multiple parties the best you can do it vote against people by voting for the other one. This is even more important in Texas, where the Bible Belt GOP'ers won't stop wasting state money by passing laws that they end up getting struck down and then losing on appeal in court. I want them all out. I'll see what the other party brings.
#510 2016-10-27 18:55:47
Baywolfe wrote:
A vote for somebody with no chance of getting elected is no vote at all. except in the Primaries.
We're reduced to holding our noses and voting for the least offensive of the candidates. Well, one side of the two sided coin, anyway.
By doing that you perpetuate their rigged game, you are doing exactly what they want you to do.
What do you do this year when both sides of the coin stink equally just with a mildly different flavor of awful? Which do you prefer to be anally raped with the glass shard encrusted super dildo or the barbed wire wrapped super dildo?
#511 2016-10-28 09:34:45
Emmeran wrote:
Baywolfe wrote:
A vote for somebody with no chance of getting elected is no vote at all. except in the Primaries.
We're reduced to holding our noses and voting for the least offensive of the candidates. Well, one side of the two sided coin, anyway.By doing that you perpetuate their rigged game, you are doing exactly what they want you to do.
What do you do this year when both sides of the coin stink equally just with a mildly different flavor of awful? Which do you prefer to be anally raped with the glass shard encrusted super dildo or the barbed wire wrapped super dildo?
As I said, in Texas you continue to vote straight party Democrat in an attempt to get rid of all the religious right fuckheads who are ruining our state and to put Democrats in Congress. Getting a Democratic Congress with Drumpf as President would be horrific.
#512 2016-10-28 10:12:01
Emmeran wrote:
What do you do this year when both sides of the coin stink equally just with a mildly different flavor of awful?
Vote YES on Question 4 and have a drink. On me.
Massachusetts 2016 ballot measures
Question 1 Gambling Additional slots-only casino license
Question 2 Education Authorization of up to 12 new charter schools per year
Question 3 Animals Prohibit certain methods of farm animal containment
Question 4 Marijuana Legalize recreational marijuana for individuals at least 21 years old
#513 2016-10-28 10:17:01
choad wrote:
Emmeran wrote:
What do you do this year when both sides of the coin stink equally just with a mildly different flavor of awful?
Vote YES on Question 4 and have a drink. On me.
Massachusetts 2016 ballot measures
Question 1 Gambling Additional slots-only casino license
Question 2 Education Authorization of up to 12 new charter schools per year
Question 3 Animals Prohibit certain methods of farm animal containment
Question 4 Marijuana Legalize recreational marijuana for individuals at least 21 years old
#514 2016-10-28 14:16:26
#515 2016-10-28 20:40:31
My thoughts on today's news...
So... the key power players - Obama, the FBI, State Department and the rest of the administration - have decided Trump has a good shot at becoming president (I think he does too, as fucking scary as that might be)... so... to protect themselves they just today threw Hillary under the bus and have either made, or will attempt to make a deal with Trump to pardon them if they become implicated in the ensuing probe(s). If Hillary wins, there won't be a probe, so they're protected that way as well. Win-win for them by doing what they did today.
Sorry. Maybe too many hours watching House of Cards.
#516 2016-10-30 12:27:38
The fun part of this article is all the stuff about failure, pigheaded ego, and all the little rats scurrying off the SS Trump:
The scary part of this article is the plans to "re-shape" the GOP in Breitbart's image:
Campaign CEO Stephen Bannon, who is taking a leave of absence from his role as executive chairman of Breitbart News to work with the Trump team, has an even bigger ambition for all those voters: reshaping the GOP and future elections. “The main goal for Steve was dealing a devastating blow to the permanent political class,” Breitbart editor-in-chief Alex Marlow told me. “It’s pretty clear he’s upended the Republican Establishment, so it’s a huge win for Steve’s ideas and for Breitbart’s ideas.” If the Republican Party of the past was full of rich fiscal conservatives who benefited from free trade, low taxes, low regulation, and low-wage immigrant labor, Bannon envisions a new party...
#517 2016-10-30 14:52:50
I just watched Michael Moore's painful, almost hour long mash note to Hillary "in TrumpLand", so you won't have to, and maybe stiffen my own resolve to never trust a fat fuck. That's right, they're all fat fucks.
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#518 2016-11-03 10:53:05
choad wrote:
I just watched Michael Moore's painful, almost hour long mash note to Hillary "in TrumpLand", so you won't have to, and maybe stiffen my own resolve to never trust a fat fuck. That's right, they're all fat fucks.
Agreed. I also never trust people who send me flyers telling me to vote "NO" against a Proposition. Seven times, in two months.
I voted early today, pushed the Party button, reviewed the choices (some judges ran unopposed, what the fuck is up with that?) and voted "YES" to increase school taxes that will cost me about $20 per month. I have a granddaughter in the school system. It's good but it ain't great by a long shot. I was amazed to find out how much teachers have to pay out of their own pockets for supplies to get these kids through a school year.
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#519 2016-11-03 13:48:45
Baywolfe wrote:
voted "YES" to increase school taxes that will cost me about $20 per month. I have a granddaughter in the school system. It's good but it ain't great by a long shot. I was amazed to find out how much teachers have to pay out of their own pockets for supplies to get these kids through a school year.
I'm not sure why the tax percentage has to keep increasing, bottom line is that the tax percentage should remain stable if all other things are right in the world. I'm also confused as to why the teacher is paying for school supplies instead of the parent, I've always outfitted my kids with the proper kit; pencil, paper, gym shoes - I think we have it covered.
I'm not completely sure they need $10k smartboards when a white/chalk board managed to educate my generation. PowerPoint presentations are not a necessity in fact they should be a misdemeanor.
#520 2016-11-03 15:50:36
Emmeran wrote:
Baywolfe wrote:
voted "YES" to increase school taxes that will cost me about $20 per month. I have a granddaughter in the school system. It's good but it ain't great by a long shot. I was amazed to find out how much teachers have to pay out of their own pockets for supplies to get these kids through a school year.
I'm not sure why the tax percentage has to keep increasing, bottom line is that the tax percentage should remain stable if all other things are right in the world. I'm also confused as to why the teacher is paying for school supplies instead of the parent, I've always outfitted my kids with the proper kit; pencil, paper, gym shoes - I think we have it covered.
I'm not completely sure they need $10k smartboards when a white/chalk board managed to educate my generation. PowerPoint presentations are not a necessity in fact they should be a misdemeanor.
Simple answers to your simple questions.
Our school taxes are low and need to be raised. Property Assessments lag way behind actual property values. You want good teachers to stay, you have to pay them or you lose them to more affluent suburbs. Also moving to a completely electronic system within 5 years. No heavy books to lug around.
All parents are supposed to bring school supplies at the beginning of the year. Most do. Some can't afford to. The teachers end up covering for those parents who can't because they know the parents would bitch if they were asked to help out.
Pencil, paper, gym shoes. What one-room schoolhouse do they attend out there on the Little Prairie?
#521 2016-11-03 16:23:29
Emmeran wrote:
Baywolfe wrote:
voted "YES" to increase school taxes that will cost me about $20 per month. I have a granddaughter in the school system. It's good but it ain't great by a long shot. I was amazed to find out how much teachers have to pay out of their own pockets for supplies to get these kids through a school year.
I'm not sure why the tax percentage has to keep increasing, bottom line is that the tax percentage should remain stable if all other things are right in the world. I'm also confused as to why the teacher is paying for school supplies instead of the parent, I've always outfitted my kids with the proper kit; pencil, paper, gym shoes - I think we have it covered.
I'm not completely sure they need $10k smartboards when a white/chalk board managed to educate my generation. PowerPoint presentations are not a necessity in fact they should be a misdemeanor.
The problem is that people keep having kids. By raw count there are nearly always more kids per year. Hopefully there are also more houses and revenue base, but unless you are in an area that is getting more affluent per year, in real dollars, as long as the birth+immigration rate is higher than 1.05 / citizen, then taxes have to go up.
And any teacher worth sending your kids to is going to be putting their own money on the line. My wife teaches 6th grade science at a charter school (100% public funding) and we probably invest between $2000 and $4000 into her classroom every year. Unless you want little Johnny doing workbooks all day, you gotta buy supplies. My wife's school gives her a budget of $300 a year. You can't ask the parents to provide science kits, they wouldn't have a clue. She asked for $10 a head to help defer our costs, about $1000 total, but that doesn't even touch the real costs and at least a dozen parents flat out refuse to pay. Luckily I make enough to subsidize it, because her $36k a year (with 8 years experience) sure doesn't leave much gravy.
And every bit of electronics in her classroom, and many of the supplies, were begged for from local business and DonorsChoose.org. If she didn't do cyber-begging my contribution would probably be more like $6-8k a year. That's only $60-80 per student, but it pays for the consumables.
That said, more money certainly doesn't equal better education. It's almost the opposite. I would say that if most school districts just cut their discretionary spending in half, gave that money to the teachers as a budget and let them spend it, quality would go up across the board. But every time they get more money they dump it into digital whiteboards, diversity coordinators, hiring fancy trainers of the latest whiz-bang educational theories or increasing free food budgets. None of that ever helps the bottom line.
#522 2016-11-03 16:29:43
#523 2016-11-03 16:40:48
There is a problem with referendums as a whole as the average citizen is unwilling to read or understand most of the legal jargon which leads to smoke and mirrors type amendments. I'm not sure of an answer other than changing referendums to a requirement that the government pass a set of laws within a certain time frame. That shit is out of control in Cali and getting there across the rest of the land.
#524 2016-11-03 18:02:54
#525 2016-11-05 20:22:19
#526 2016-11-06 12:02:56
This has been all over my feeds; but in case you haven't seen it, it is well worth the time:
#527 2016-11-06 13:01:40
Clinton's charity confirms Qatar's $1 million gift while she was at State Dept
Hillary is too corrupt to be in office. Wal-Mart Board, Carpet Bagger and now confirmed(and admits it) to be on the take from foreign governments.
Both of these shitters need to go away and leave us the fuck alone.
#528 2016-11-06 15:40:16
Can you even remember one president's administration (and the President too) that was not on the take with foreign interest? Money speaks one language. We live in a globally entwined economy, it been normalized to buy american influence for a generation now. The candidates past, present and future are all more similar in this regard than different in any substantive way.
This will not change no matter who is running now or in the next election.
Last edited by Johnny_Rotten (2016-11-06 15:41:23)
#529 2016-11-06 16:21:36
I mainly agree with you but these two are both special cases in my mind. Neither one has an ounce of credibility and neither has any sort of experience or credentials for this role. Trump is 10lbs of shit in an 8lbs bag and Clinton is corruption personified.
Maybe I should take the New Zealand out.
#530 2016-11-06 20:14:30
Johnny_Rotten wrote:
This will not change no matter who is running now or in the next election.
I shudder to imagine the self loathing you'll feel, assuming you vote for either candidate, the next time this shitweasle peddles down the wharf.
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Last edited by choad (2016-11-07 06:01:03)
#531 2016-11-07 09:15:58
Emmeran wrote:
I mainly agree with you but these two are both special cases in my mind. Neither one has an ounce of credibility and neither has any sort of experience or credentials for this role. Trump is 10lbs of shit in an 8lbs bag and Clinton is corruption personified.
Maybe I should take the New Zealand out.
What makes you think they'd want you?
#532 2016-11-07 09:44:39
Baywolfe wrote:
What makes you think they'd want you?
1. I hate the Hobbit/Lord of the Rings
2. I love Rugby and Beer
3. I'm a member of High-Street.org
4. They are greedy also
#533 2016-11-07 19:51:12
Hahah, I am staying with some Kiwis right now and we were talking about that article today. They generally like Americans but do not want you coming and raising their property values. Hard enough to afford a home there now.
#534 2016-11-08 08:44:17
The Secret World of the US Election. Julian Assange pieces together the Clinton/Podesta emails Wikileaks released recently anticipating the amped up Clinton wars without end ahead. Available on MVGroup.
Last edited by choad (2016-11-08 10:30:00)
#535 2016-11-08 16:52:05
Election night drinking game!!!
Every time Clinton wins a state drink a juice glass of Thunderbird wine (Bitter Prune flavored if you can find it)
Every time Trump wins a state drink a juice glass of MadDog 20/20 (Coco Loco if you can find it)
Puke for an hour when either of them is awarded the victory...
**edited for quantities, I don't want to kill any of you guys.
Last edited by Emmeran (2016-11-08 17:03:01)
#536 2016-11-08 17:03:23
#537 2016-11-08 17:09:13
George Orr wrote:
From the You Can't Make This Shit Up Department
Trolls trolling Trolls trolling Trolls... it's fucking 4chan
Make America Obey Again
(wait - that's Hillary's slogan isn't it?)
#538 2016-11-08 17:13:05
I'll go on record as well, I voted:
Strictly Anti-incumbant
No to Casinos
No to Charter schools carve outs
Yes to minimum livestock cage sizes
Yes to Pot (even though I don't indulge)
#539 2016-11-09 04:09:44
Are you tired of winning yet?
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#540 2016-11-09 04:26:48
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#541 2016-11-09 04:30:06
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#542 2016-11-09 10:59:44
Well, we got nearly everything I hoped for, a president elect that:
1) Is a businessman, not a career politician.
2) As close to a party outsider as you could hope for.
3) Says what he is thinking (for better or worse).
4) Won both the popular vote and the electoral college, so no bitching.
Just let this be a lesson to be careful what you wish for.