#1 2016-11-10 11:22:48

Sorry I haven't been chiming in to poke holes in Hillary's plans for the White House.  Too busy out there stumping for my man Donald.  Well, actually not true. I never was a big fan of his, but I have never seen anything redeeming in her.  I am not here to gloat, but rather to offer a ray of hope.  I hope the silence here doesn't mean that all the liberals have jumped off buildings.  Think about it, this could have been much worse.
1.  Donald is not a religious fanatic.  He is going to govern according to the Constitution, not the bible.
2.  He really is not a misogynist.  He just jokes about women the way all men do when they get together.  Honest.
3.  He is closer to Bernie when it comes to jobs and opportunities for the working poor, minorities, and middle class than Hillery ever was. So long at they are legal residents, that is. 
4.  He actually has an economic plan which can work.  You cannot have prosperity without jobs.  You cannot have jobs without healthy businesses.  You cannot have healthy businesses which are buried in taxes, punitive regulations, and competition from unfair trade policy.
5.  He is not beholding to Wall Street, big Pharma, insurance companies, international banking, and especially foreign governments who buy off our politicians.  No oil sheiks have funded his campaign in order to suppress our energy independence.  You don't really think these guys donated hundreds of millions to the Clinton Foundation to help the poor in Africa, do you?

There is more, but I just wanted to bring back a little cheer and bring you back from the ledge.



#2 2016-11-10 13:48:20

Phreddy, phreddy, phreddy . . .

Always so close and yet so far.

1.  We have absolutely no idea who this guy is, he's been an intentional side show his entire life.  It should be an interesting ride.
2.  He's a Jerk, we get it.  Seriously, most of us never talk that way but the Donald loves attention enough to wear that hair so there you go.
3.  We have a problem here as it's pretty well established that he's selfish and has also never actually held a job.  But he's been a CEO w/o responsibility forever and may well be able to pick and run good underlings.
4.  The main problem with Capitalism is that capitalists are so damned greedy, we sadly do need strong regulations and strong enforcement to keep an unfortunate number of these assholes in line.  That includes cleaning up after themselves. Have you visited the unregulated third world lately?
5.  His ass is very much on the line with Wall St and he proves that every time he jumps on an earnings call for one of his portfolio companies.  But he is enough of a wildcard to make things interesting.

6.  He's still slightly less despicable than Clinton, which isn't saying very much at all.
7.  Not a god damned thing he said during the election was actually a truth in his mind and he still has threesomes with the Clintons to this day.

Welcome home, I voted for Jill

Last edited by Emmeran (2016-11-10 13:51:03)



#3 2016-11-10 13:55:43

phreddy wrote:

There is more, but I just wanted to bring back a little cheer and bring you back from the ledge.

Trump is a trainwreck and if he believes anything, it's immaterial. The only joy in mudville now is derision and laughter, because there's no other choice. Sounds Soviet, doesn't it?

We'll run out of toilet paper soon enough. Clench your fundament, it's only four years.

For the record, our only disagreement is your faith in the steaming pantloads who claim to represent us.



#4 2016-11-10 14:11:24

choad wrote:

For the record, our only disagreement is your faith in the steaming pantloads who claim to represent us.




#5 2016-11-10 14:21:12

choad wrote:

phreddy wrote:

There is more, but I just wanted to bring back a little cheer and bring you back from the ledge.

Trump is a trainwreck and if he believes anything, it's immaterial. The only joy in mudville now is derision and laughter, because there's no other choice. Sounds Soviet, doesn't it?

We'll run out of toilet paper soon enough. Clench your fundament, it's only four years.

For the record, our only disagreement is your faith in the steaming pantloads who claim to represent us.

Seriously Choad, I truly believe all will be well in Mudville.  Trump is no free swinging Casey.  He is much smarter and skillful than his depiction in the liberal press.  Yes, he is bombastic, but you cannot run for president unless your ego is boundless.  He also seems to have unlimited energy, which is important in that job.  Also,  to my disappointment,  he never really has been a conservative. 

You and other Clinton supporters were led down a rosy path by a collaboration of her campaign, fudging pollsters, and the media.  They all ignored the vast anger bubbling in flyover country at Washington's elites who have done nothing but bullshit the public from one election cycle to the next.  The result is a revolt and Trump is the perfect klaxon, loud and clear.



#6 2016-11-10 14:31:24

Many of us are wondering what item of clothing or sign we should give so we recognize each other at the Cruel/High Street reunion in the camps. As an old fag I'm pretty sure I'll be sent directly to the showers instead of being used for medical experiments.



#7 2016-11-10 14:55:06

phreddy wrote:

They all ignored the vast anger bubbling in flyover country at Washington's elites who have done nothing but bullshit the public from one election cycle to the next.  The result is a revolt and Trump is the perfect klaxon, loud and clear.

The problem is that the average fly over American doesn't want to see anyone in the world living in shit, that's why the $1.77 p/month to save a child thing works so well.  NAFTA and other trade policies slowly fix that but with a price of pain that wasn't fully explained and was naturally hugely corrupt.  But hey, we fixed Japan, S. Korea, Taiwan and Mexico (well almost on Mexico).

Trump won't change any of that shit though, but he will make much more satisfying noises while fucking us than anyone since Ronnie Ray-gun.



#8 2016-11-10 15:23:07

phreddy wrote:

You and other Clinton supporters were led down a rosy path by a collaboration of her campaign, fudging pollsters, and the media.

I have never voted for or supported a Clinton.



#9 2016-11-10 15:28:39

fnord wrote:

Many of us are wondering what item of clothing or sign we should give so we recognize each other at the Cruel/High Street reunion in the camps. As an old fag I'm pretty sure I'll be sent directly to the showers instead of being used for medical experiments.

Bonsai Kitty teeshirts.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#11 2016-11-10 16:14:58

fnord wrote:

I'll be sent directly to the showers

Don't pretend you wouldn't enjoy that, at least for a little while.

Hello, he's an outcast and hated nearly as much by his own party. So don't expect them to roll out the red carpet down Pennsylvania Ave. He won't be able to get so much as an appointment, no matter get a bill passed.

The people that should be quaking are all the soft-hearted old Limousine Liberals currently clogging up the appointee positions all over Executive departments. I'm sure there will be a few Executive Orders that will come out that will cause them to eat shit sandwiches, quit or get fired. I wouldn't be surprised to see quite a few changes around Justice, Interior, Treasury and State, cutting down at least 2 layers. One thing Trump has been known for is hiring underlings who know how to toe the fucking line. After all, this is a guy who has been enjoying his side gig of firing people for LOLs. Might be a few McMansions on the market in Great Falls soon. And the worst part is that I can't say that I'm not looking forward to a bit of a shakeup.



#12 2016-11-10 16:26:19

That he wasn't a Clinton and that's enough for me.

Wrote in Ron Paul...the coming decade will have rest of the country wishing they had as well. 

Obama Team at the White House during "the meeting".


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by JetRx (2016-11-10 16:35:19)



#13 2016-11-10 17:09:31

choad wrote:

phreddy wrote:

You and other Clinton supporters were led down a rosy path by a collaboration of her campaign, fudging pollsters, and the media.

I have never voted for or supported a Clinton.

My mistake.  When I mentioned disillusioned and angry voters I should have included those on the left who feel the same.



#14 2016-11-10 17:42:41

phreddy wrote:

My mistake.  When I mentioned disillusioned and angry voters I should have included those on the left who feel the same.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Least we won't have to watch this again.


Care to bet Trump not only refuses to pardon the guy who bought him the office...


...but jugs him next to Chelsea Manning?

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#15 2016-11-10 17:52:20

choad wrote:

Care to bet Trump not only refuses to pardon the guy who bought him the office...


...but jugs him next to Chelsea Manning?

Sorry but as much as I love Wiki-leaks (enough to donate) I still feel Assange is a slime ball. 

I also want him kept away from Manning as the last thing Manning needs is a rapist as a cell-mate.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#16 2016-11-10 19:08:55

phreddy wrote:

Sorry I haven't been chiming in to poke holes in Hillary's plans for the White House.  Too busy out there stumping for my man Donald.  Well, actually not true. I never was a big fan of his, but I have never seen anything redeeming in her.  I am not here to gloat, but rather to offer a ray of hope.  I hope the silence here doesn't mean that all the liberals have jumped off buildings.  Think about it, this could have been much worse.
1.  Donald is not a religious fanatic.  He is going to govern according to the Constitution, not the bible.
2.  He really is not a misogynist.  He just jokes about women the way all men do when they get together.  Honest.
3.  He is closer to Bernie when it comes to jobs and opportunities for the working poor, minorities, and middle class than Hillery ever was. So long at they are legal residents, that is. 
4.  He actually has an economic plan which can work.  You cannot have prosperity without jobs.  You cannot have jobs without healthy businesses.  You cannot have healthy businesses which are buried in taxes, punitive regulations, and competition from unfair trade policy.
5.  He is not beholding to Wall Street, big Pharma, insurance companies, international banking, and especially foreign governments who buy off our politicians.  No oil sheiks have funded his campaign in order to suppress our energy independence.  You don't really think these guys donated hundreds of millions to the Clinton Foundation to help the poor in Africa, do you?

There is more, but I just wanted to bring back a little cheer and bring you back from the ledge.

Pretty much disagree with everything you listed.

Here's what's going to happen, he will cut taxes on the rich and spend like crazy on defense. That is what republicans do- they spend and cut taxes.

Maybe a war in the middle east that's on the credit card. I don't think he is smart enough to do all this on his own, his handlers will take care of it for him.

The new scam won't be as good as the last where every dumb ass making minimum wage could borrow on their home equity and be "rich", so America won't be that great again.

There will be no wall, no trade wars, no race wars and no civil war. The gun manufacturers will continue to fleece the poorly educated by playing on their fears.

The country will not return to whatever greatness you have in your member berry mind.

He is not like you and he could care less about you. Be sure to check back in when you realize this.



#17 2016-11-10 19:12:00


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#18 2016-11-10 20:28:10


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#19 2016-11-11 05:57:12

I've got the feeling Trump will bring this place back to life...



#20 2016-11-11 09:41:44

JetRx wrote:

That he wasn't a Clinton and that's enough for me.

Wrote in Ron Paul...the coming decade will have rest of the country wishing they had as well. 

Obama Team at the White House during "the meeting".


And the other Hillary supporters...


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#21 2016-11-11 10:00:54

Stinkhammer wrote:

JetRx wrote:

That he wasn't a Clinton and that's enough for me.

Wrote in Ron Paul...the coming decade will have rest of the country wishing they had as well. 

Obama Team at the White House during "the meeting".


And the other Hillary supporters...

https://cruelery.com/uploads/thumbs/318 … on-sjw.jpg

Yeah, the hard-core Hillary "fans" were as bad as the Trump "fans".  I'm tired of being called a libtard by actual retards because I don't like their candidate, and called a misogynist by cunts because I don't like theirs either.

Now I understand they're saying that Michelle Obama should run in four years.  On what fucking experience?  Is she a Professor of Economics and they've just never bothered to post that?  And then when her two terms are over (oh, how they wish) then I suppose they'll run a Transgender with even less credentials, just because they're on the LGBT list.

I enjoyed the Obama Presidency because my taxes dropped and stayed there for eight years.  I fully expect them to go up again so we can pay for Trump's plan to cut taxes on the wealthy.  You know, because being rich, free, and alive all at the same time just isn't worth paying for anymore.

As an upper middle class white man with good health insurance, most of what the Republicans do for the next four or even eight years won't affect me on a National level.  Depending on what happens here in Texas, however, might make me consider moving to Nevada.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#22 2016-11-11 12:08:26

Hello Fuckers.

Well, it went about as well as I thought it would.  I called it for Trump back in the primaries when the DNC gave Bernie the shaft for the "anointed" one.

Nice to see Phreddski back btw.

Spent time with my brother down in Bat Country trying to clean up the family estate after it had been fleeced by their church immediately after their deaths.  He is to the right of Phreddski, and we both called the election to our shared glee.

Time to settle in to the couch with a bag of popcorn, a cannister of nitrous, a pound of the green stuff, a bottle of absinthe, an opiate of choice, and various chems to watch the games over the next 4 years.

Best of luck,



#23 2016-11-11 15:39:35

I personally believe the big losers is this election are the oil sheiks, hedge funders, foreign businesses and countries who lined up to invest millions in the Clinton Foundation.  Bill has been hitting them up hard with promises that all their dreams will come true for a couple of million or more, depending on how much of America's tax money or influence will be required.

Bill may want to lay low for a while in case these guys decide to send some of Tony Soprano's boys to collect their money or enough skin to repay the debt.



#24 2016-11-11 15:55:18

Good luck to all of them now that we've reached peak oil demand.

Game over, nobody loves you anymore and that twit Elon Musk is really cool (have you seen those new shingles???).



#25 2016-11-11 16:11:19

Emmeran wrote:

Good luck to all of them now that we've reached peak oil demand.

Game over, nobody loves you anymore and that twit Elon Musk is really cool (have you seen those new shingles???).

I just priced the shingles, but they are still too expensive and not as efficient as regular solar panels.  I am installing solar panels right now, but only because my utility and the federal govt is going to give me money to make it work economically.  They still have to build a power plant to match every kilowatt produced by solar because the sun doesn't shine at night, batteries are not yet cost effective, and most people still want that backup wire running into their homes.

However, America has the ability to be completely energy self sufficient now we no longer have someone in the oval office who is willing to stifle domestic energy development.



#26 2016-11-11 16:16:42

They are at 98% of standard solar panels per square foot.  You can cover more of your roof with them than you can panels.

As for cost...



#27 2016-11-11 16:55:51

phreddy wrote:

However, America has the ability to be completely energy self sufficient now we no longer have someone in the oval office who is willing to stifle domestic energy development.

Except that more oil was pumped in America under Oilbama than any other president, a fact which you should be making fun of rather than ignoring.  You are still getting it wrong Phreddy.




#28 2016-11-11 16:59:12

XregnaR wrote:

They are at 98% of standard solar panels per square foot.  You can cover more of your roof with them than you can panels.

As for cost...

And that doesn't matter, it's the "Fad" factor of the cars, the shingles and the batteries.

Just like the iPhone/iPad were never actually better they were the fad and took over the market.

The sticker shock will be the grid charges we will start getting hit with to be allowed to connect to the grid.  Phred is right in that we still need the grid.



#29 2016-11-11 22:31:05

phreddy wrote:

I personally believe the big losers is this election are the oil sheiks, hedge funders, foreign businesses and countries who lined up to invest millions in the Clinton Foundation.  Bill has been hitting them up hard with promises that all their dreams will come true for a couple of million or more, depending on how much of America's tax money or influence will be required.

Bill may want to lay low for a while in case these guys decide to send some of Tony Soprano's boys to collect their money or enough skin to repay the debt.

Try not to drool so much when you take a hit.

Last edited by Chuck Schick (2016-11-11 22:36:13)



#30 2016-11-12 00:11:42

phreddy wrote:

Sorry I haven't been chiming in to poke holes in Hillary's plans for the White House.  Too busy out there stumping for my man Donald.  Well, actually not true. I never was a big fan of his, but I have never seen anything redeeming in her.  I am not here to gloat, but rather to offer a ray of hope.  I hope the silence here doesn't mean that all the liberals have jumped off buildings.  Think about it, this could have been much worse.
1.  Donald is not a religious fanatic.  He is going to govern according to the Constitution, not the bible.
2.  He really is not a misogynist.  He just jokes about women the way all men do when they get together.  Honest.
3.  He is closer to Bernie when it comes to jobs and opportunities for the working poor, minorities, and middle class than Hillery ever was. So long at they are legal residents, that is. 
4.  He actually has an economic plan which can work.  You cannot have prosperity without jobs.  You cannot have jobs without healthy businesses.  You cannot have healthy businesses which are buried in taxes, punitive regulations, and competition from unfair trade policy.
5.  He is not beholding to Wall Street, big Pharma, insurance companies, international banking, and especially foreign governments who buy off our politicians.  No oil sheiks have funded his campaign in order to suppress our energy independence.  You don't really think these guys donated hundreds of millions to the Clinton Foundation to help the poor in Africa, do you?

There is more, but I just wanted to bring back a little cheer and bring you back from the ledge.

Normally, I would agree with you, but he's gonna let that knuckle-dragging, theocratic clown Mike Pence set his domestic policy.

If The Donald of old was running on the ticket by himself, I would've eagerly voted for him, but Pence scared me 10x more than Trump.



#31 2016-11-12 15:14:42


Just. Fucking. THIS.



#32 2016-11-12 16:08:33

Emmeran wrote:

phreddy wrote:

However, America has the ability to be completely energy self sufficient now we no longer have someone in the oval office who is willing to stifle domestic energy development.

Except that more oil was pumped in America under Oilbama than any other president, a fact which you should be making fun of rather than ignoring.  You are still getting it wrong Phreddy.

http://i2.cdn.turner.com/money/dam/asse … 80x439.gif

Yes Em, we pumped 9.4 million barrels per day under Obama, but we consumed 19.4 million barrels per day.  Obama has shut down off shore and other domestic drilling.  He has also stifled development of natural gas electric generation, which is clean and offers an almost limitless supply.  At some point in the future we may come up with a good alternative energy source like fusion, but in the meantime we need inexpensive energy to remain a first world country.



#33 2016-11-12 17:39:13

Perhaps you missed the part where we became an energy exporter and as a matter of fact gas is $2 p/gallon; it was bouncing off $5 under Bush. But that wasn't Bush or Obama, the world has continued to move forward.  The reality is Trump won't change a thing, market forces mandate the energy we use.  The only thing we can try to do is prevent scruple-less corporations from making a mess and forcing the taxpayer to clean it up. 

So peak oil demand, yeah we've passed that by before we ever hit absolute peak oil supply - which is very lucky for us.  Trump changing the energy market?  What a fucking joke.  Hell he's already said he's not going to change Obamacare and the "Wall" is dead before it even got started.  Rolling back environmental regulations?  Have you ever seen a regulation or tax rolled back?



#34 2016-11-12 17:47:41

Emmeran wrote:

Rolling back environmental regulations?  Have you ever seen a regulation or tax rolled back?

The name James Watt ring any bells?



#35 2016-11-12 22:10:26

choad wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

Rolling back environmental regulations?  Have you ever seen a regulation or tax rolled back?

The name James Watt ring any bells?

It's simply a matter of opportunity and resolve.  Trump certainly has the opportunity.  We will soon see if he has the resolve.  Considering that he doesn't owe any of the puppet masters and isn't looking for a career in politics, I'm betting he will stir up plenty of shit.  Regardless of the final outcome, it will be fun to watch.



#36 2016-11-12 22:12:07

phreddy wrote:

choad wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

Rolling back environmental regulations?  Have you ever seen a regulation or tax rolled back?

The name James Watt ring any bells?

It's simply a matter of opportunity and resolve.  Trump certainly has the opportunity.  We will soon see if he has the resolve.  Considering that he doesn't owe any of the puppet masters and isn't looking for a career in politics, I'm betting he will stir up plenty of shit.  Regardless of the final outcome, it will be fun to watch.

I suppose I'd like to see that... but no... I think he'll do what's easy... tow the line... keep the status quo and just tweak it a bit.



#37 2016-11-12 22:25:17

XregnaR wrote:

They are at 98% of standard solar panels per square foot.  You can cover more of your roof with them than you can panels.

As for cost...

There is another factor we have not discussed.  At some point the utilities will not be able to afford to maintain the grid with subscribers opting out.  It will require major government subsidies or it will go the way of Obamacare where the remaining users are paying so much it simply collapses.  I live in an area which is especially suited to solar power.  Although our numbers are still fairly small, the local utility sees the writing on the wall and just tried to impose a special use fee for solar subscribers.  It didn't pass this time, but something will have to give in the future.  I am hoping we get grandfathered in.



#38 2016-11-13 07:53:46

phreddy wrote:

It's simply a matter of opportunity and resolve.  Trump certainly has the opportunity.  We will soon see if he has the resolve.  Considering that he doesn't owe any of the puppet masters and isn't looking for a career in politics, I'm betting he will stir up plenty of shit.  Regardless of the final outcome, it will be fun to watch.

Uh Oh

That did not last long. Make me sad really.

In his campaign, Mr. Trump promised to take steps to close the so-called revolving door, through which government officials leave their posts and then personally profit by helping private companies reap rewards from policies or programs they had recently managed.

In October, declaring that “it’s time to drain the swamp in Washington,” he promised to institute a five-year ban in which all executive branch officials would be prevented from lobbying the government after they left. He has also promised to expand the definition of a lobbyist, so it includes corporate consultants who do not register as lobbyists but still often act like one.

Bruce F. Freed, the president of a nonprofit group called the Center for Political Accountability, which is pressing major corporations to be more transparent about their political spending, said Mr. Trump’s transition team had sent an unfortunate signal to his followers.

“This is one of the reasons you had such anger among voters — people rigging the system, gaming the system,” Mr. Freed said. “This represents more of the same.”...

...“This whole idea that he was an outsider and going to destroy the political establishment and drain the swamp were the lines of a con man, and guess what — he is being exposed as just that,” said Peter Wehner, who served in the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George Bush before becoming a speechwriter for George W. Bush. “He is failing the first test, and he should be held accountable for it.”



#39 2016-11-13 08:17:47

phreddy wrote:

XregnaR wrote:

They are at 98% of standard solar panels per square foot.  You can cover more of your roof with them than you can panels.

As for cost...

There is another factor we have not discussed.  At some point the utilities will not be able to afford to maintain the grid with subscribers opting out.  It will require major government subsidies or it will go the way of Obamacare where the remaining users are paying so much it simply collapses.  I live in an area which is especially suited to solar power.  Although our numbers are still fairly small, the local utility sees the writing on the wall and just tried to impose a special use fee for solar subscribers.  It didn't pass this time, but something will have to give in the future.  I am hoping we get grandfathered in.

hmmm, wonder if we have so much distributed power we will need less expenditures on generation? I would imagine the investment in the grid still has to happen to modernize its architecture and upkeep.

Or maybe we could expect the power industry to get its fiscal house in order and stop shafting us with its boondoggles, and profiteering via lobbying by putting its thumb on the scales of government, A very traditional conservative and as a bonus, a trump populist view too, don't you think?

I have homes in 3 states. In each I am still paying off 2 to 4 billion in cost overruns on nuclear power fiascos which the energy industry successfully got the government to require the taxpayer to foot the bill for. At least in one state they actually removed the core and barged it to Hanford. The only complete cleanup of a site yet.  Not that they know what to do with it from there. Where the containment building once sat is a nice state park campground. Sleep well, just think before you drink the well water and eat that 3 eyed fish you caught.

And then there is Enron, which for a decade or two I have been paying for the manipulated, artificially high  cost of electric power from the swindled power contracts to the state mandated buying program. Thanks Mr Lobbyist and Big Business leader.

I will shed a tear for the energy industry and its pleas for protection from market forces when it demonstrates sound management of our public utilities. Till then it's time to drain the swamp.



#40 2016-11-13 20:40:25

To your point about Trump and his transition team, I offer the following.  Remember the adage about it taking a thief to catch a thief?  If he is truly planning to blow the place up and drain the swamp, he really does need some trusted insiders to help him plant the bombs in the correct sanctuaries. 

I have no love for utilities.  They have the stacked the public utility commissions and they lobby with the best of them.  But politicians, especially liberal environmentalists, believe they can save the planet by limiting or banning fossil fuel.  The investor owned utilities  simply lobby to keep their profits, and the municipals lobby for staff and budgets.  To hell with the public.  Pacific Gas & Electric Co in California currently charges $.20/kW at night and $.25/kW from noon to 6 PM.  On particularly hot days, of which their are 10 - 15 per year, the rates go up to $85/kW during peak.  But hey! We are going to save the warming planet all by ourselves.

Last edited by phreddy (2016-11-13 20:44:25)



#41 2016-11-13 20:53:32

Past time to icepick 'drain the swamp'.

The metaphor's expression I've heard most often is, "It's hard to drain the swamp when you're up to your ass in alligators."



#43 2016-11-14 12:09:42

Sure, you can tell yourself that Reince Priebus and Mitch McConnel will help him plant bombs and/or drain the swamp.  I don't doubt that he will seek retribution against those he feels have offended him.  That's about as far as it will go.

Last edited by Fled (2016-11-14 12:13:02)



#45 2016-11-16 06:48:46

The bull market had to end eventually but Trump is going to get the blame.



#46 2016-11-16 08:37:36

Emmeran wrote:

The bull market had to end eventually but Trump is going to get the blame.

You can ratchet up the clicks by attaching his name to any news article, no matter how ludicrous the association.  Hey, if he truly is a Republican then he believes in market forces, so he needs to own that shit.



#47 2016-11-16 10:20:51

Emmeran wrote:

The bull market had to end eventually but Trump is going to get the blame.

You know, during the election results on Tuesday night, once it became pretty obvious that the "race to 270" was going to be won by the Hair instead of the Tortoiseshell Glasses, the talking heads had to break in with astounding news that the projected Dow opening was dropping like a rock (in after-hours trading). The glee in their voices was evident.

http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016 … er-sot.cnn

Then the markets opened on Wednesday and


"Thanks Obama" will soon become "Thanks Trump". That's why only narcissists want to be president, it's the most thankless job in the world.

And didn't we all know that getting super cheap stuff from China in exchange for favorable interest rates on the trade deficit we ran up getting super cheap stuff from China was going to come to and end at some point? Better to balance the finances than stick our heads in the sand.

Last edited by GooberMcNutly (2016-11-16 10:23:17)



#48 2016-11-16 19:51:49

Emmeran wrote:

The bull market had to end eventually but Trump is going to get the blame.

No surprise here.  The tech companies are some of the worst offenders for offshoring jobs.  The big stockholders live the high life in Silicon Valley and elsewhere while little brown and yellow people work for pennies to assemble products which sell for hundreds of dollars in the U.S.  Now, faced with the choice of having to pay American workers a reasonable wage to do the work or a tariff to level the playing field, they are shitting themselves.  Meanwhile American companies are enjoying record prices for their stock.



#49 2016-11-17 13:27:50

Well, what do you know.  The Trump doctrine of America first is already working.  Apple is suddenly looking at assembling iPhones in the U.S.



#50 2016-11-17 13:56:02

phreddy wrote:

Well, what do you know.  The Trump doctrine of America first is already working.  Apple is suddenly looking at assembling iPhones in the U.S.

They don't mention it in that article, but I seem to recall this being recalled before the primaries even got underway.



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