#1 2017-02-19 22:04:22
~ bbc ~
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#2 2017-02-20 01:08:35
One thing is for certain. The New York Times, NBC News, ABC, CBS, CNN (and a whole bunch of other fine organizations) are doing something right to be earning this kind of scorn. The most important thing at this point is that they be able to keep doing it.
This would be a great time to subscribe to your favorite media organization, to help make certain that they have the resources to continue to fend off Trump's attacks, and continue to expose his endless stream of falsehoods.
Who knows; the fate of the nation could hang in the balance. With someone like Trump, it's much better to over estimate the threat he poses, than to risk underestimating it.
#3 2017-02-20 06:36:59
Smudge wrote:
This would be a great time to subscribe to your favorite media organization, to help make certain that they have the resources to continue to fend off Trump's attacks, and continue to expose his endless stream of falsehoods.
You can do that, if you have disposable income but sad truth is "The FAKE NEWS media (failing New York Times, NBC News, ABC, CBS, CNN)" is every bit as complicit as Trump. Fix one problem while ignoring the other, we're still fucked.
#4 2017-02-20 08:17:15
False equivalence, worse reasoning.
#5 2017-02-20 13:13:22
Fled wrote:
False equivalence, worse reasoning.
Trump is self immolating before our eyes without any help from us.
#6 2017-02-20 18:02:13
Trump may simply be a product, and part and parcel of, a wing of the communications industry which seems to be viewed as journalism by some. He certainly uses it in his own lurching and bizarre way. (There are a number of outlets that you do not list that I regard as legitimate news organizations (including the Washington Post, several magazines, and maybe even the WSJ), but I see your point.) I just want the focus to remain on Trump as I think he is considerably worse than merely a loose cannon.
#7 2017-02-20 18:38:32
Fled wrote:
(There are a number of outlets that you do not list that I regard as legitimate news organizations (including the Washington Post, several magazines, and maybe even the WSJ), but I see your point.) I just want the focus to remain on Trump as I think he is considerably worse than merely a loose cannon.
That was Trump's list, not mine but say what you will, he's shined a bright light on rabid ignorance and systemic root rot.
#8 2017-02-21 09:21:37
If he did, it was with lies and confusion, not with accuracy. To me, this is deflection and defensiveness from him, and I am not joining the parade. I disagree with your approach on this, and am unconvinced by the "systemic root rot" argument. It is a bit nihilistic.
#9 2017-02-21 09:30:54
Fled wrote:
If he did, it was with lies and confusion, not with accuracy. To me, this is deflection and defensiveness from him, and I am not joining the parade. I disagree with your approach on this, and am unconvinced by the "systemic root rot" argument. It is a bit nihilistic.
I do not think that word means what you think it means.
#10 2017-02-21 10:22:39
I think it fits.
#11 2017-02-21 12:34:43
I'm with Fled on this one. People may have issues with the mainstream press (clearly Choad does, although he's not specific about what they are). But to equate those issues as being equally threatening to the nation as Trump's attacks on our democratic institutions is way off track. There is simply no comparison. The nation is not, in fact, in danger from the New York Times.
Trump is extremely dangerous, in my view, and taking the position that "he's in the process of self destructing" is exactly how we got where we are in the first place; initially with Trump becoming the Republican candidate, and then later as president. I will say it again; it's much wiser to overestimate the risk that Trump poses to the nation than to underestimate it. Thus far; everyone has consistently underestimated Trump's capacity to work the system to his advantage. And the stakes involved are huge.
Just because it's the argument of last refuge to claim that someone is acting a lot like Hitler, that doesn't mean it makes sense to ignore it when somebody actually DOES act like Hitler. It is not a stretch to imagine Trump precipitating the next world war. He's already having a massively destabilizing effect on the world.
Trump is so ridiculous that he's very much like the silly little Corporal from Austria, who people consistently underestimated until they couldn't underestimate him any longer. The time to limit Trump's ability to cause serious damage is now -- before he has turned government into an extension of his personal will.
#12 2017-02-21 13:43:56
I would also like to add, however, that I thought the two clips choad posted in this thread are superb. I stole them both and posted them elsewhere.
#13 2017-02-21 15:23:38
They are great clips. George Carlin is always appreciated.
#15 2017-02-24 16:21:23
The battle lines have been drawn; NYTimes and others prohibited entry to White House press briefing.
https://www.nytimes.com/2017/02/24/us/p … efing.html
This is not 'kinda like Fascism'. This IS Fascism in practice. The only questions is whether anyone is going to stand up to him.
#16 2017-02-24 16:49:59
Four years can be a very, very long time.
What I want to see is Fox standing up to him. Hell, they ALL should refuse to attend.
#17 2017-02-24 17:21:19
Fled wrote:
Four years can be a very, very long time.
What I want to see is Fox standing up to him. Hell, they ALL should refuse to attend.
I agree, Fled.
Surprisingly, the Wall Street Journal has said that they will not attend a future press event where major media players are excluded like was done today. This article gives a good overview, and there is definitely srong press resistance to Trump emerging and organizing. Personally, I'd like to see this result in lawsuits. I think the plan should be to keep Trump continuously in court, defending his various anti-democratic initiatives until at least the mid-terms when we have a chance of getting at least one House of Congress to act as a limiter on his ambitions.
Myself; I'm ready to start marching (for the first time in my life).
http://thehill.com/homenews/administrat … r-briefing
#18 2017-02-24 17:42:16
Smudge wrote:
Myself; I'm ready to start marching (for the first time in my life).
Ditto, I'll pick up Choad along the way.
#19 2017-02-24 17:50:40
Emmeran wrote:
Smudge wrote:
Myself; I'm ready to start marching (for the first time in my life).
Ditto, I'll pick up Choad along the way.
Good. Keep your boots and your mackintosh by the door. We might need them before this is over. I hope not, but it's not looking good right now...
#20 2017-02-24 17:53:41
Smudge wrote:
Good. Keep your boots and your mackintosh by the door. We might need them before this is over.
I doubt it, when fat old guys start getting upset things are going to change and change fast. Go ahead and let him fuck with my dividend checks a little more, hell Sailor will be driving the van pool if that shit happens.
Last edited by Emmeran (2017-02-24 17:54:49)
#21 2017-02-24 18:05:55
Fled wrote:
Four years can be a very, very long time.
What I want to see is Fox standing up to him. Hell, they ALL should refuse to attend.
You got your wish, Fled. It seems like Trump is waking everybody up now:
http://thehill.com/homenews/administrat … -fake-news
#22 2017-02-24 19:06:18
Gone baby gone, it's all gone. Short that shit like they were college roommates sheets (buy straddle puts). Bubble city blues.
Last edited by Emmeran (2017-02-24 19:07:48)
#23 2017-02-25 18:51:42
Fled wrote:
Four years can be a very, very long time.
What I want to see is Fox standing up to him. Hell, they ALL should refuse to attend.
Pare him back to one State of the Union speech on TV per year. They can try to prevent certain news media from reporting on his speeches, but they can't prevent them from reporting on his/their actions. Now, if they want to start shutting down the people that don't agree with them then we show them, and those illiterate rednecks that worship them, what the 2nd Amendment is really all about. The Tree of Liberty, and all that.
#25 2017-02-26 06:46:53
OK now this reality=fiction=reality shit has gone too far...am I actually just a bit player in some off-Broadway production?
#26 2017-02-26 14:29:44
The last President that couldn't make it was Ronald Regan because he was still recovering from getting shot.
It's still not too late for Donald.
#28 2017-02-27 13:29:13
This is the second John Wayne wanna be, big swinging dick, cowboy the GOP has voted in in a row. And it's not going to end any better this time than it did last time (very probably it will end much worse).
Giving this asshat more guns and bombs is like asking a junkie buddy to guard a boat load of heroine. It's just not wise.
(This way you can avoid CNNs endless spam and cookies)
#29 2017-02-27 13:41:50
I would love to see his current portfolio
#30 2017-02-27 13:57:59
Emmeran wrote:
I would love to see his current portfolio
My first thought as well. And here we all believed that profiting from your time in office was illegal, instead of just being immoral. Stupid, stupid us! Or are we to also believe that turning everything over to your Daughter and Son-In-Law, constitutes "divesting"?
#31 2017-02-27 14:05:57
Baywolfe wrote:
My first thought as well. And here we all believed that profiting from your time in office was illegal, instead of just being immoral. Stupid, stupid us! Or are we to also believe that turning everything over to your Daughter and Son-In-Law, constitutes "divesting"?
Actually just sent this to Choad - this is from my local area and a prime example of your typical political profiteering.
#32 2017-02-27 17:31:44
Trump is beyond that of a war profiteer reaping boons off of other people's misery. His entire career has included business transactions where he has manufactured the misery to profit from. Such as planning not to pay contacts and manipulate bankruptcies to get out of paying debts. Let's not even mention the selling of snake oil. He is not just immoral in profiteering with stakes in his business investments, he actively plans on getting away with shady dealings because it is too hard to make him accountable for his actions in the civil or criminal court systems.
Ems local example is not quite as craven as trump actually is. A better example would be the former sheriff of my town. During the housing loan crisis he got heavily involved with providing credit counseling on foreclosures. Advising local opiate addicts who still owned their homes on how to negotiate bank short sales to himself. Or else. And that else included jail time for opiates along with foreclosure. He was one of the only developers to start new construction during the recession. It was an odd sight to see him out there, when all other construction had stopped. Friends worked hard to put a new sheriff in town. But that was just politics. The shady and illegal dealings were never brought up, let alone prosecuted. The money changed hands nonetheless and he knew he had the pull to get away with it.
#33 2017-02-27 18:15:53
Let's be clear about Trump, from what I understand his "success" in business has resulted in a net LOSS to the family fortune he was handed. Our 1980's movie private school poster boy has obviously been good at creating he favorite playgrounds - golf courses.
#34 2017-02-27 21:26:45
Emmeran wrote:
Let's be clear about Trump, from what I understand his "success" in business has resulted in a net LOSS to the family fortune he was handed. Our 1980's movie private school poster boy has obviously been good at creating he favorite playgrounds - golf courses.
The guy is such a fucking snake we may never know how much for sure but, Mother Jones has his losses at somewhere between 1 and 6 Billion over his business career.
And not all those golf courses were money makers either.
#35 2017-02-28 10:15:34
#37 2017-03-04 15:50:21
Sure; anything to get the stories about the connections between Russia and Trump's administration off the front covers -- which of course just makes it all that much MORE certain that whatever he's covering up must be huge:
http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing- … picions-of
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#38 2017-03-04 17:01:18
Smudge wrote:
Sure; anything to get the stories about the connections between Russia and Trump's administration off the front covers -- which of course just makes it all that much MORE certain that whatever he's covering up must be huge:
http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing- … picions-of
This is like a shell game with two shufflers and nine shells - it's all a ruse but the goals of the long game continue to evade me. What's clear to me is that the collusion in this game is incredibly thick.
Fuck, where's Kathy when you need him?
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#39 2017-03-05 02:09:28
Fascinating link from the above article:
It was the fall of 1984, Trump Tower was new, and this was unusual territory for the 38-year-old real estate developer. He was three years away from his first semi-serious dalliance with presidential politics, more than 30 years before the beginning of his current campaign--but he had gotten the idea to bring this up, he said, from his attorney, his good friend and his closest adviser, Roy Cohn.
That Roy Cohn.
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#40 2017-03-05 07:19:06
[Roy Cohn] became Donald’s mentor, his constant adviser on every significant aspect of his business and personal life.”
And the Donny became Roy's insufferable bitch, NYC tabloid news not long before Cohn began 'dating' Barbara Wa-wa.
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#41 2017-03-05 12:31:14
I missed that when it came out (no point in reading stuff like this -- Trump was never gonna win), but I'm glad I caught it on the bounce. Not every billionaire narcissist gets Machiavelli as his personal tutor.
Last edited by Smudge (2017-03-05 12:39:05)
#42 2017-03-22 04:35:49