#1 2017-04-08 00:00:32

...but loves a warmonger.


Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs

Last edited by JetRx (2017-04-09 21:55:22)



#2 2017-04-10 17:40:30

Donald Trump is the candidate of the Feds(the FBI and DEA).
Media is a tool of the Feds. Trump stole the President seat, part help was from media.

Now they are playing a soap opera of "fight between media and Trump" to fool people. At the purpose to distract your attention from the main issue - Trump to cut budget from civilian's living for arm and war. And the real threat to US economy - huge debt. 3/15 is the date US reaches debt ceiling - that means US government has no money to spend. Yet few words you hear from politicians and media. They cover up a big crisis.



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