#1 2017-06-01 10:31:21

Planting a temporary forest to hide your identity during your gathering

an army of landscapers have been busy planting fir trees around the perimeter, to protect coy billionaires and bashful bank bosses from any prying lenses.



#2 2017-06-01 13:53:15

More likely to hide the proles from the elite. Nobody wants to see the great unwashed...



#3 2017-06-01 14:54:10

How come so many of these "secret" societies are listed in the phone book?



#4 2017-06-02 02:39:39

Hope he wears a wire and posts EVERYTHING these globalist one-percent fucks say after a third Double Umbilical-Infused Bloody Mary

Of course, only after the tribe's vetting & approval.

Last edited by JetRx (2017-06-02 02:46:06)



#5 2017-06-02 08:53:06

The only problem is that so little of what these people have to say is even worth hearing. I know a family that is the richest in a certain close trading partner of ours. They are big in finance and surely send reps to make their voice heard at such conferences. The scale of what they get up to is absurd, what they have to say is banal.

I did watch them plant a forest at one of their estates down the street from my home. In one year they landscaped 40 acres like it was a mature forest and planted orchard. They had bought the land next to a very public ocean access and wanted to screen the view while only subtly changing the land contours, without changing the dunes at all. they scraped down a bit behind the dunes, bad enough for sure because the back dune area is just as dynamic and supports  the primary dune field.  Thousand upon thousands of deciduous trees were trucked in. it was only practical with that many to use 4 to 6 " trunks about 30 feet high. To create a mature forest look they planted them too close together.  Like really un-naturally close together. They will thin and replace them as they grow.

I was particularly amazed that they transplanted entire fields of fully mature berries and fruit trees that were in flower and  produced the finest fruit that summer just a few months after transplanting. I did not know that was even possible. My favorite part was to get around state laws on surrounding swimming pools with fencing, they created a  1.5 acres  pond as a swimming pool. Complete with giant filtration systems and reed beds to keep the water clear. How they keep the plants alive and the water clear I do not know. This thing is so big, it has sailboats, boathouse guesthouses on stilts in the middle, gentle grassy reed beds you can snorkel through on the way to pluck impossible blueberries from mature overhanging bushes.

Right away they had a problem, the local ospreys would commute over it on their way to actual ponds with fish. The osprey eyed it up as the clearest pond on the island to fish in, they need clear water to find fish. But it was an illusion, it has no fish, it's a swimming pool. Still they flew over and on their way back  after grabbing a fish to feed their nesting young they would occasionally drop one, still withering into the new pool. This would send the staff into a panic as they rushed to find and extract the lone fish from the acre and a half pond. Even the owner got into the act and would rush out shouting at the osprey and waving for someone to find the fish.

In a side note, one of the children was the actual target of the bust that scooped up Tommy Chong and sent him to prison.  He just got all the press. On the week they busted Chong for bongs, they also actually busted into this billionaire heir's home. Which though a sideline, was the largest paraphernalia company in the world and had made large investment in factories in the USA. Needlessly to say these people never saw the inside of a jail. And moved both their factories and all the American jobs, even the workers high and low, to a favored trading partner.



#6 2017-06-03 03:58:23

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

The only problem is that so little of what these people have to say is even worth hearing. I know a family that is the richest in a certain close trading partner of ours. They are big in finance and surely send reps to make their voice heard at such conferences. The scale of what they get up to is absurd, what they have to say is banal.

I did watch them plant a forest at one of their estates down the street from my home. In one year they landscaped 40 acres like it was a mature forest and planted orchard. They had bought the land next to a very public ocean access and wanted to screen the view while only subtly changing the land contours, without changing the dunes at all. they scraped down a bit behind the dunes, bad enough for sure because the back dune area is just as dynamic and supports  the primary dune field.  Thousand upon thousands of deciduous trees were trucked in. it was only practical with that many to use 4 to 6 " trunks about 30 feet high. To create a mature forest look they planted them too close together.  Like really un-naturally close together. They will thin and replace them as they grow.

I was particularly amazed that they transplanted entire fields of fully mature berries and fruit trees that were in flower and  produced the finest fruit that summer just a few months after transplanting. I did not know that was even possible. My favorite part was to get around state laws on surrounding swimming pools with fencing, they created a  1.5 acres  pond as a swimming pool. Complete with giant filtration systems and reed beds to keep the water clear. How they keep the plants alive and the water clear I do not know. This thing is so big, it has sailboats, boathouse guesthouses on stilts in the middle, gentle grassy reed beds you can snorkel through on the way to pluck impossible blueberries from mature overhanging bushes.

Right away they had a problem, the local ospreys would commute over it on their way to actual ponds with fish. The osprey eyed it up as the clearest pond on the island to fish in, they need clear water to find fish. But it was an illusion, it has no fish, it's a swimming pool. Still they flew over and on their way back  after grabbing a fish to feed their nesting young they would occasionally drop one, still withering into the new pool. This would send the staff into a panic as they rushed to find and extract the lone fish from the acre and a half pond. Even the owner got into the act and would rush out shouting at the osprey and waving for someone to find the fish.

In a side note, one of the children was the actual target of the bust that scooped up Tommy Chong and sent him to prison.  He just got all the press. On the week they busted Chong for bongs, they also actually busted into this billionaire heir's home. Which though a sideline, was the largest paraphernalia company in the world and had made large investment in factories in the USA. Needlessly to say these people never saw the inside of a jail. And moved both their factories and all the American jobs, even the workers high and low, to a favored trading partner.

That read was head-fucking unbelievable.  I swear to god, (aside from the full-on-neva-gonna-eva-happen revo) should this pitiful blue-collar tax cow ever find himself on the "way out", with some "term-limiting" malady, I'd make a nest in one of those dunes (.338 RUM w/ VXIII in hand) and take out as much of that bloodline as possible.  ("Wilson" @ 500 yds. pretty much a sure thing...unless he's tweaking...even so, 4:1 he'll still be "deflated").

Time to strike the root and eat the rich.  Seriously.

Last edited by JetRx (2017-06-03 04:02:47)



#8 2017-06-03 08:21:46

Johnny_Rotten wrote:

In a side note, one of the children was the actual target of the bust that scooped up Tommy Chong and sent him to prison... Needlessly to say these people never saw the inside of a jail. And moved both their factories and all the American jobs, even the workers high and low, to a favored trading partner.

From our archives, here's a 2008 take on the same shitshow.

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



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