#1251 2017-06-02 20:02:09



#1252 2017-06-03 05:58:11

OK, so I was utterly fascinated by that damned hobby horse vid*.  So I checked out to see if this is for real, and found out it's WAY too fucking real...

*(OK, so.... yeah, mostly by the red-haired babe. Sue me.)

Last edited by whosasailorthen (2017-06-03 06:00:58)



#1253 2017-06-06 16:10:45

whosasailorthen wrote:

OK, so I was utterly fascinated by that damned hobby horse vid*.  So I checked out to see if this is for real, and found out it's WAY too fucking real...

*(OK, so.... yeah, mostly by the red-haired babe. Sue me.)

I concur; very odd, but very watchable too. Go figure:


I'm fifteen minutes into this and still watching. The guy is so well informed that he's quite fascinating and easy to listen to. Some of you will enjoy this:



#1254 2017-06-06 16:43:35

I saw Kurzweil at a developer conference about 20 years ago.  If you like him, you should also check out Alvin Toffler to get the cultural impact of the technology boom.



#1255 2017-06-06 17:08:29

Baywolfe wrote:

I saw Kurzweil at a developer conference about 20 years ago.  If you like him, you should also check out Alvin Toffler to get the cultural impact of the technology boom.


It would be hard not to like him, even if you disagreed with him; he's marvelously well informed, and so fundamentally positive. I know of Toffler by reputation, of course, but I'll use your recommendation to poke around in his ideas and see if it takes me anywhere.

Did you find Kurzweil to be impressive when you heard him speak? Futurists are not necessarily treated kindly by their audiences. They can't be too far ahead, or they simply generate hostility, or get written off. Did you think he was on the right track at the time?

"The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn," ~ Alvin Toffler

Last edited by Smudge (2017-06-06 17:12:18)



#1256 2017-06-06 17:25:58

Oh yeah, I was already seeing Moore's law in motion and I knew who Kurzweil was, even back then.  It's funny in hindsight, I bought into his future way more than I bought into the guy who demonstrated moving data from server to server via the internet.  I now work for a software company that sells a product that does just that via HTTP through Electronic Data Integration.

Obligatory on-topic video.



#1257 2017-06-08 17:37:53

Maybe don't watch this one right after eating. It made me a bit nauseas:



#1258 2017-06-10 16:56:30

Last edited by choad (2017-06-10 16:57:40)



#1259 2017-06-12 22:10:28



#1260 2017-06-14 02:21:08



#1261 2017-06-14 14:05:17

Cage Does Cage: 2012-04-29
Posted by lechero

Auto-edited on 2020-08-02 to update URLs



#1262 2017-06-20 00:34:53

The techno-geek in me loved this one. The balloons featured a surprisingly sophisticated electro-chemo-mechanical computer which controlled a variety of functions. Local lore has it that several of the balloons, in fact, started fires, although without having much impact on the war:



#1263 2017-06-20 09:50:31

That was fun. I suspect some old Army codger in Japan was an expert at balloon flight, wanted to help the Emperor, and wheedeled enough budget to have some fun. They obviously spent a lot of engineering thought on the regulation system.



#1264 2017-06-22 17:08:50

The guy in the rolled vehicle was injured, but no fatalities. Cops are looking for the motorcyclist. The driver of car that tried to hit the motorcyclist should be charged with attempted murder in my view.



#1265 2017-06-22 18:14:11

Smudge wrote:

The guy in the rolled vehicle was injured, but no fatalities. Cops are looking for the motorcyclist. The driver of car that tried to hit the motorcyclist should be charged with attempted murder in my view.

The driver of the car that tried to hit the motorcyclist should be charged with incompetence in my view.  I don't normally want anybody dead but, if I wanted him dead, I would have sacrificed the car by squashing the dude between my car and the barrier.



#1266 2017-06-22 20:09:43

GooberMcNutly wrote:

That was fun. I suspect some old Army codger in Japan was an expert at balloon flight, wanted to help the Emperor, and wheedeled enough budget to have some fun. They obviously spent a lot of engineering thought on the regulation system.

It's a fascinating story and far better told elsewhere. I've got it here but lemme see if I can find it online. The nutshell version is this: Japanese researcher discovers the jet stream in the early 20th century, publishes his findings in Esperanto, which no one reads, and it takes the US Army flying at altitude over Tokyo and completely missing its targets before they reinvent the wheel.

edit: http://docuwiki.net/index.php?title=The … eam_and_Us

Last edited by choad (2017-06-22 20:36:36)



#1267 2017-06-23 10:05:49

Baywolfe wrote:

Smudge wrote:

The guy in the rolled vehicle was injured, but no fatalities. Cops are looking for the motorcyclist. The driver of car that tried to hit the motorcyclist should be charged with attempted murder in my view.

The driver of the car that tried to hit the motorcyclist should be charged with incompetence in my view.  I don't normally want anybody dead but, if I wanted him dead, I would have sacrificed the car by squashing the dude between my car and the barrier.

I'm a 5k+ a year rider and in this case I think the rider should be held to account. Whatever happened before the video starts can't be determined, but the rider was the first to intentionally strike out at the other car. Anyone who thinks his foot, on a 700lb bike on the freeway is going to do anything to a car is stupid and kicking him from between the car and the jersey barrier is asinine. They should both lose all driving privileges for a very long time.



#1268 2017-06-23 10:09:33

GooberMcNutly wrote:

I'm a 5k+ a year rider and in this case I think the rider should be held to account. Whatever happened before the video starts can't be determined, but the rider was the first to intentionally strike out at the other car. Anyone who thinks his foot, on a 700lb bike on the freeway is going to do anything to a car is stupid and kicking him from between the car and the jersey barrier is asinine. They should both lose all driving privileges for a very long time.

Let's haul them in front of the judge together.  However without any previous footage or previous incidents the car driver can claim to only have over-reacted in surprise.



#1270 2017-07-02 11:18:46



#1271 2017-07-04 09:11:24

Get your blood pumping:  Rendevous

The famous Ferrari in Paris film short from days gone by, an early morning run through the streets of Paris, big RPM downshifts and all.



#1272 2017-07-04 10:35:00

Emmeran wrote:

The famous Ferrari in Paris film short from days gone by, an early morning run through the streets of Paris, big RPM downshifts and all.

The famous Mercedes in Paris, with dubbed in Ferrari soundtrack film.



#1273 2017-07-04 12:36:05

Have you got a link, or some other backup for that, hedgewizard?

I don't doubt you, but I've got a friend who's a Mercedes nut I'd like to forward that to.

Edit: I researched it on my own, and found the story here. Yup; it was a Mercedes, with the sounds of a Ferrari laid on top:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%27%C3%A … endez-vous

Last edited by Smudge (2017-07-04 15:21:04)



#1274 2017-07-04 13:34:15

hedgewizard wrote:

Emmeran wrote:

The famous Ferrari in Paris film short from days gone by, an early morning run through the streets of Paris, big RPM downshifts and all.

The famous Mercedes in Paris, with dubbed in Ferrari soundtrack film.

Bite me...



#1275 2017-07-04 20:08:21

Emmeran wrote:

Bite me...

Love the film.  I just hate piped in engine noise, and added tire squeal.  In real life using the stereo to add engine noise because the car doesn't sound good is bad. In video tires squealing on dirt roads is the worst.  Any time the noise doesn't match what's happening I dislike it.



#1276 2017-07-04 21:04:00

hedgewizard wrote:

Any time the noise doesn't match what's happening I dislike it.

Oddly, tire's squeal on wood bridges...



#1277 2017-07-07 14:10:15



#1278 2017-07-07 18:05:15



#1279 2017-07-08 03:27:11

Emmeran wrote:

Get your blood pumping:  Rendevous

The famous Ferrari in Paris film short from days gone by, an early morning run through the streets of Paris, big RPM downshifts and all.

That was bad-ass-mesmerizing!

Kept waiting for a critter/drunk pedestrian to stumble out.

Having grinded a few gears myself, the shifts don't jibe.
Would have enjoyed hearing the actual...

Last edited by JetRx (2017-07-08 03:32:49)



#1280 2017-07-10 00:11:39



#1282 2017-07-13 21:05:34

Smudge wrote:

Just received a bar......$9 ea. was best deal I could find on the inter-webs!  Pretty sure apartheid-israhell-jooverlords make things difficult as possible for folks like Mr. Ahmed Hasan Al Shakaa  to conduct business. 

Usually steam/sauna the funk/grime away-in lieu of soap/shampoo. However, after watching vid, had to give this a shot. 

Note:  Part of the label reads:  "Keep away from Moisture".



#1283 2017-07-13 23:22:47

(^^^^...Very cool, JetRx, I can hear the strains of "It's a Small World After All" wafting through my head.)

Apparently, left to its own devices, AI will recreate Richard Simmons.



#1284 2017-07-18 20:20:20



#1285 2017-07-22 01:13:38



#1286 2017-07-25 23:06:47



#1287 2017-07-26 14:35:20

So...how many of Trump's lies are we going to have to listen to before we're done with all this?



#1288 2017-07-27 09:51:50



#1289 2017-07-27 12:57:33

Smudge wrote:

Very enlightening.



#1290 2017-07-27 14:14:07

Baywolfe wrote:

Very enlightening.

I thought so too. You probably know this piece too. I think they are using the same effect, only here they are using the rising and the falling sound effect together at the same time!



#1291 2017-07-27 17:10:28

Thanks, Smudge.  Very interesting.



#1292 2017-07-29 14:33:42

(When you catch the light just right you can see Epstein's lobotomy scars. But don't let that influence you.)



#1293 2017-07-31 01:37:13

Just a fun little story...



#1294 2017-08-03 01:09:23



#1295 2017-08-25 15:10:20

I bought a case of Doritos, and ordered a 12 pack of Mountain Dew 40s; I'm going to binge watch this this weekend:

(Edit: When I posted this originally I thought it was a parody. That is, I thought the teaser itself was a parody of a show that would never be produced. It turns out the joke is at least partially on me; this is a real series, and it will begin broadcast in September. I think the teaser would have been enough; I mean; once you get the joke, there's really nowhere else to go with it. Parody, generally, makes for weak theater, and I think it will get boring pretty quickly. But that's me. Also, I have to acknowledge that Netflix has pulled off some amazing feats, so I'm not inclined to bet against them.)


Last edited by Smudge (2017-08-25 17:06:10)



#1296 2017-08-25 17:22:14

This is wild...



#1297 2017-08-30 17:20:54

This is even wilder:



#1298 2017-08-31 11:31:23

It sure looks like Quantum Theory is Science developing its own religion.  It also sounds a lot like the things that genius and well-known acid head Robert Anton Wilson used to talk about.  I'd love to watch the two hour discussion referenced in the video but I just can't sit that long for something.  Maybe in small doses over this Labor Day weekend.



#1299 2017-08-31 11:40:17

Baywolfe wrote:

It sure looks like Quantum Theory is Science developing its own religion.

That's exactly the way I look at it too. In fact, I thought their description of the simulation (and presumably, the author of the simulation) sounded a lot like Genesis.

"And on the seventh day, he stopped coding..."

Last edited by Smudge (2017-08-31 11:40:58)



#1300 2017-08-31 14:18:13

LOL.  "And went to buy more Mountain Dew and Doritos."



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